This blog is for those that are victims of official, police, attorney, prosecutorial, and judicial misconduct. This forum is also for the furthering of rights of non-custodial parents and their children. We will lobby legislators, propose laws, and inform the public. Feel free to post your story, comment, or email your video in.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Corrupt Judge Sentenced To 28 Years In Prison For Selling Convictions so Corporate Prison could be filled
Dinesh D'Souza was targeted for prison for exposing what the Obama administration is doing to corner the market of health care, insurance, energy, banking etc. Dinesh D'Souza made documentaries extremely embarrassing to Barack Obama. Why aren't the real criminals in the US punished?
York’s court-controlled system of attorney discipline cannot survive an
evidentiary presentation, ” declared Center for Judicial Accountability
Director Elena Sassower. In powerful testimony at the August 11,
2015 public hearing of New York’s Commission on Statewide Attorney
Discipline, Sassower offered up boxes and folders filled with evidence
that New York’s attorney disciplinary system is "dysfunctional,
politicized, and corrupt". Will the Commission confront this and other
evidence? – consistent with its mission of a “top-to-bottom”,
“comprehensive” review? Based on this footage, what do you think?
And what do you think about the documented evidence presented by
Sassower and others? You can examine it, for yourself, from the Center
for Judicial Accountability’s website,, accessible
via the prominent homepage link “Confronting the Front: The Commission
on Statewide Attorney Discipline” or via this direct link: You be the judge – and share your comments below. And you can watch Sassower's post-hearing interview here:
* * * *
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* * * *
This blogger's email:
My video favorites and uploads can be [found here].
Why isn't Hillary Clinton prosecuted for Obstruction of Justice
Why isn't Hillary Clinton prosecuted for Obstruction of Justice and for destroying evidence?
The Rosenbergs convicted because of a forged FBI evidence of a hotel receipt that allegedly was used to prove that the Rosenbergs could have been in the vicinity of Russian operatives. One hotel receipt was enough to prosecute and then execute the Rosenbergs for treason. [Wikipedia entry about Julius and Ethel Rosenberg]
Hillary has 1000's of counts of treason allegedly documented in the emails she deleted on her private server.
Is Hillary Clinton above the law?
This blogger's video uploads and favorites [found here].
What does basic government and elections look like in the US?
From the town hall up, it seems like a Mafia runs everything. I just happened on the below video, [found here on youtube]. It just sums up everything ...
Election fraud is rampant.
Elected officials have sold us out to international bankers and corporate organized crime and corporations have been deemed people ...
If a corporation or bank is not involved in every aspect, event, and transaction in your life, you should be arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and or killed according to our corporate owners. I post videos that I like and upload myself [here].
Text with below video:
Published on Nov 6, 2013
Dorsey asks members of the Richmond Electoral Board about on going
voting irregularities in precinct 606. During the last election
precincts 410, 606, 705, 908, and 910 were missing 8 days after the
election. This year 606 is having similar issues. All Elections
officials have been questioned about this issue they are fully aware
and covering up violations of election law. Electoral Board President
Cecelia Dabney goes psycho when shown this information. If this were
not a serious issue it would be hilarious! Here is the invitation to
the meeting in the video.Please be advised that the City of Richmond
Electoral Board's canvass has revealed an uncertainty in the number of
votes cast on paper ballots for candidates in precinct 606. As such, it
has requested authorization from the State Board of Elections to open
the #3 Counted Paper Ballot envelope to verify the results reported on
the Statement of Results. The meeting to examine the counted paper
ballots is set for today, Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 6 PM in room
105 of City Hall, 900 East Broad Street.
Please call us at (804) 646-5950 if you have any questions.
J. Kirk Showalter
General Registrar
City of Richmond
Rep. Alan Grayson: ‘88 seconds to Debate the TPP’?
Check out the scrolling list of crimes that these officials only get a slap on the wrist for. Blatant criminals still get their fat pensions.
I, Steven G. Erickson, went to Republican State Senator Anthony "Tony" Guglielmo about police refusing to protect and serve. One had told me that since he, Officer Fat Frank Prochaska, is Polish, and my wife is Lithuania, he should be with her, not me, because of my ethnicity.Should police behavior like this be tolerated? Shouldn't elected officials represent us, not criminals on international union who have criminal anti-American agendas?
Prochaska stalked me, assaulted me, threatened me, and had witnesses change their statements after I had dialed 911 when incredible hulk, the cocaine dealer punched me in the face and bit into my ears because I had a problem with his criminal behavior, racism, and cocaine trafficking that allegedly was aided by his funneling some of the drug money to town and Connecticut State Police for their cut. So, complaining about one officer, means all officers will then retaliate. Proposing legislation that police don't like, means all police will be obligated by their union to retaliate. Someone who pisses off the police union representatives like Stephen Spellman, and end up beaten up, murdered, railroaded to prison, and/or kicked out of the State. [My story].
stevengerickson at yahoo dot com
Steven G. Erickson video uploads and favorites are [found here].
Connecticut State Senator Tony Guglielmo (website)
100 Stafford St, Stafford Springs, CT 06076
(860) 684-4878
US Senator Richard Blumenthal & Chris Murphy, end universally bold malfeasance & corruption.
Text with video:
Published on Oct 26, 2014
Connecticut Style - Collusion within State agencies is accepted,
expected, universally bold and common. We need to break this corrupt,
mafia - like, system within Connecticut Politics. An epidemic of
corruption, malfeasance & discrimination toward women & girls
needs to be broken to improve our " Quality of Life." Catherine
Serino, main culprit from "The Department of Arbitration & Mediation
& Ernest Lowe from "The Department of Labor" work in COLLUSION, he
writes fraudulent briefs, Arbitration Awards, ignores Police Officers
testimony, ignores factual evidence clearing State employees accused of
wrongdoing & then Catherine Serino comes in AIDING & ABETTING
"ERNEST LOWE" by blocking arbitration awards from going to Court to
avoid a MOTION TO VACATE , Arbitrators deliberately & intentionally
violate State & Federal LAWS because there are no consequences for
an arbitrator. Meaning, no checks & balances. An arbitrator can
break the Law & it's up to you to file a motion to vacate. The Union
& the State have become savvy to this loop hole and manipulate
arbitrators. This is why so many men get away with commiting egregious
crimes & return to work. A proposal to amend arbitration was handed
to Senator Cathy Osten, Senator Beth Bye & Senator Eric Coleman to
hold arbitrators accountable, yet it was ignored. The good old boys
system is still in place. If an arbitrator, knowingly, violates State
& Federal Laws he/she should be held accountable. This is why so
many complaints are filed against arbitrators who have intentionally
violated State & Federal laws. The Department of Correction
commits "Fraud on the Court" regularly, because they have no fear of the
law, no statute of limitations for this violation of the law, and
AFSCME Service Rep/Berlin State Representative Joe Aresimowicz is in
Collusion with the above State agencies and AFSCME. His 2 jobs are in
direct conflict of Public interest and he cannot serve the People of
Connecticut with integrity because he has NONE. Joe Aresimowicz sells
out union members by bartering with State agencies on which employees to
keep out of a job and which to keep employed and he does not hide it.
What they document and what they say & do are two completely
separate actions. This is criminal behavior. This information has been
reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
begins at the top, Governor Malloy has pushed changes that could place
an even bigger cloak over potential government corruption. He stripped
Connecticut’s Freedom of Information Commission of some of its power
last year, and wants to consolidate it and the state’s other independent
“watchdog agencies” under one department whose director would report to
the governor so he could maintain absolute power & control. How
can the State represent the State & protect the people of
Connecticut when they all derive their paycheck from the same boss -
Dannel Malloy?
The Connecticut Public Corruption Task Force was
created for Politicians like Joe Aresimowicz, Catherine Serino from
Arbitration & Mediation and Ernest Lowe from the Department of Labor
who deliberately & intentionally violates State Statutes and is
then protected by Catherine Serino. These people ( State agencies )
believe they are above the LAW, yet they are not above the FEDERAL
Call Patti at 860-404-2433 if you are interested in
supporting writing Federal Laws to protect our daughters from abuse
& discrimination. Thank you & best regards.
is the willful and intentional action by a public official that injures a
party. This is a serious crime, yet try and find a State or Federal law
which puts a politician in prison for deliberately and intentionally
violating the civil rights of a citizen of the United States.
Politicians write the LAWS, so they protect themselves from long term
prison terms.
To manage corruption & abuse of power in each
State you must follow "our tax dollars" and long term Politicians. The
State Comptroller is the key to slowing down corruption, in addition,
term limits need to be set because our tax dollars & control of laws
are the reasons Politicians stay in office for 30 plus years. The
longer Politicians stay in office the more brazen they become with
abusing our tax dollars. They have absolute power because they are the
ones writing the laws, thus, creating clauses to protect themselves from
Federal Law Enforcement Authorities Announce Formation of Task Force to Fight Public Corruption
Citizens Urged to Call 1-800-CALL-FBI to Report Corrupt Officials, Misuse of Public Funds
U.S. Attorney’s Office
February 04, 2015
District of Connecticut
(203) 821-3700
States Attorney Deirdre M. Daly and representatives from five federal
law enforcement agencies today announced the formation of the
Connecticut Public Corruption Task Force to investigate corrupt public
officials, the misuse of public funds and related criminal activity.
US Senator Richard Blumenthal & Chris Murphy, end universally bold malfeasance & corruption.
Connecticut Style - Collusion within State agencies is accepted,
expected, universally bold and common. We need to break this corrupt,
mafia - like, system within Connecticut Politics. An epidemic of
corruption, malfeasance & discrimination toward women & girls
needs to be broken to improve our " Quality of Life." Catherine
Serino, main culprit from "Arbitration & Mediation" and Ernest Lowe
from "The Department of Labor" work in COLLUSION, he writes fraudulent
briefs & Arbitration Awards, ignores Police Officers testimony,
ignores factual evidence clearing State employees accused of wrongdoing,
then Catherine Serino comes in AIDING & ABETTING "ERNEST LOWE" by
blocking arbitration awards from going to Court to avoid a MOTION TO
VACATE ,The Union & the State have become savvy to this loop hole
and manipulate arbitrators. This is why so many men get away with
commiting egregious crimes & return to work. A proposal to amend
arbitration was handed to Senator Cathy Osten, Senator Beth Bye &
Senator Eric Coleman to hold arbitrators accountable, yet it was
ignored. The good old boys system is still in place. If an arbitrator,
knowingly, violates State & Federal Laws he/she should be held
accountable. This is why so many complaints are filed against
arbitrators who violate State & Federal laws. If an arbitrator is
not held accountable it is up to you to file a motion to vacate. The
Department of Correction commits "Fraud on the Court" regularly, because
they have no fear of the law, no statute of limitations for this
violation of the law, and AFSCME Service Rep/Berlin State Representative
Joe Aresimowicz is in Collusion with the above State agencies and
AFSCME. His 2 jobs are in direct conflict of Public interest and he
cannot serve the People of Connecticut with integrity because he has
NONE. Joe Aresimowicz sells out union members by bartering with State
agencies on which employees to keep out of a job and which to keep
employed and he does not hide it. What they document and what they say
& do are two completely separate actions. This is criminal behavior.
This information has been reported to the Federal Bureau of
Corruption begins at the top, Governor Malloy has
pushed changes that could place an even bigger cloak over potential
government corruption. He stripped Connecticut’s Freedom of Information
Commission of some of its power last year, and wants to consolidate it
and the state’s other independent “watchdog agencies” under one
department whose director would report to the governor so he could
maintain absolute power & control. How can the State represent the
State & protect the people of Connecticut when they all derive
their paycheck from the same boss - Dannel Malloy?
Connecticut Public Corruption Task Force was created for Politicians
like Joe Aresimowicz, Catherine Serino from Arbitration & Mediation
and Ernest Lowe from the Department of Labor who deliberately &
intentionally violates State Statutes and is then protected by Catherine
Serino. These people ( State agencies ) believe they are above the
LAW, yet they are not above the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.
Call Patti
at 860-404-2433 if you are interested in supporting writing Federal Laws
to protect our daughters from abuse & discrimination. Thank you
& best regards.
Malfeasance is the willful and intentional
action by a public official that injures a party. This is a serious
crime, yet try and find a State or Federal law which puts a politician
in prison for deliberately and intentionally violating the civil rights
of a citizen of the United States. Politicians write the LAWS, so they
protect themselves from long term prison terms.
To manage
corruption & abuse of power in each State you must follow "our tax
dollars" and long term Politicians. The State Comptroller is the key to
slowing down corruption, in addition, term limits need to be set because
our tax dollars & control of laws are the reasons Politicians stay
in office for 30 plus years. The longer Politicians stay in office the
more brazen they become with abusing our tax dollars. They have absolute
power because they are the ones writing the laws, thus, creating
clauses to protect themselves from prosecution.
Federal Law Enforcement Authorities Announce Formation of Task Force to Fight Public Corruption Citizens Urged to Call 1-800-CALL-FBI to Report Corrupt Officials, Misuse of Public Funds U.S. Attorney’s Office
February 04, 2015
District of Connecticut
(203) 821-3700
States Attorney Deirdre M. Daly and representatives from five federal
law enforcement agencies today announced the formation of the
Connecticut Public Corruption Task Force to investigate corrupt public
officials, the misuse of public funds and related criminal activity.
Is Obama's Patriot Act 2.0, CISA, making citizenship "licensenceable"?
Is Obama's Patriot Act 2.0, CISA, making citizenship "licensenceable"?
Do Americans care about rights? Do Americans care about the international corporations creeping on them? Do Americans care more about a hot teenager girl's 4" long tongue more? [Pictures, video, and text] found on the Stark Raving Viking blog.
If you very soon, will need the internet to have a job, date, get an apartment, get paid, do banking, get medical care, and arrange transportation, are the new laws designed so that the US DHS Department of Homeland Security and TSA license US citizenship? Are international corporations, bankers, and billionaires doing this to average people worldwide?
Text with embedded video:
Published on May 5, 2015The
U.S. government is on the verge of passing a surveillance bill that
some are calling the Patriot Act 2.0. The Cybersecurity Information
Sharing Act, aka CISA, will double down on all the bulk data the
government has already been collecting on you. Plus now it'll allow
businesses to share your personal info with the government and with
each other – if they deem what you're doing a threat. But we all know
that's open to interpretation.
us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions
help us reach millions more. we all want liberty. Find the free live
feed at
State Rep Fights Gov't Theft
Steven G. Erickson's liveleak video uploads and favorites are [found here].
Should lawyers be banned from serving on Judiciary Committees?
Is it a conflict of interest for lawyers who make their money in the Judicial Branch, legislate as "elected officials" on a Judiciary Committee. These "legislators" who are lawyers vote to give more power to lawyers, DCF, police, the government, and take more and more from we the people. Who do these lawyer legislator liars really represent. These lawyers should recuse themselves from nominating judges, confirming judges, or to do with anything with law or the courts ... they are lawyers!
Citizens are fleeing states with predatory policing, rigged courts,
bands of DCF workers lying to officially kidnap children, and where they
are taxed to no end while police, lawyers, judges, elected officials,
and their organized crime cronies and families plot to take your home,
job, bank accounts, children, wreck your marriage, your future, and
dismantle the US Constitution.
Rarely is there such an outcry to
remove a state's Chief Supreme Court Justice, such as in the State of
Connecticut. There have been widely circulated petitions to remove Chase
T. Rogers. Citizens wrote, called, and emailed legislators on the
Judiciary Committee. Citizens took time off work and their daily lives
to testify and protest Chase T. Rogers. Billboards popped up all over
asking that Rogers be removed.
Yet, the elected officials,
mostly lawyers, on the Judiciary Committee, voted Chase T. Rogers in for
another 8 year term. Who do these "elected" officials really represent?
Citizens are being ripped off, officials, lawyers, and their friends
get rich.
There is growing discontent nationwide. Predatory
policing, judges and lawyers rigging courts, and a government pandering
to international bankers, corporate organized crime, and billionaires is
not fostering faith in the system.
Judge, Lawyer, and Prosecutor Profiteering, Judicial Farce
Scroll down in post for video. Click on top banner of almost any blog to go to newest posts.
An expensive, taxpayer paid survey of lawyers who who use the court system was instituted back in December 2007, The Connecticut Public Service and Trust Commission. How Orwellian is that?
The general public should have been surveyed. This is just one example of a skewed system run by insiders who are breaking up the American Family, ending property ownership, self-employment, self-sufficiency and a general belief that courts are fair and government serves the people, not themselves.
Lawyers are "customers" of the courts best served? WTF
About 2/3 of the elected officials on the Judiciary Committee in Connecticut are attorneys, that is a conflict of interest. These lawyers should recuse themselves on every vote to nominate a judge or decide anything that will continue to enrich lawyers, riggers of courts, their organized criminal friends, or the state where official thieves and their criminal and corporate friends divvy up the money stolen from all of us, we the people. The GAL system is an example of the graft and corruption. Kickbacks for those who get 6 figure paychecks who work few hours, but are devastating humanity, the intact family.
Judges, lawyers, and prosecutors are criminals of the highest order and swear allegiance to each other, not the US Constitution. This infection of the nation needs to be dealt with.
Connecticut Supreme Court Justice Chase T. Rogers should not be re-nominated as Judge in the State of Connecticut. The abuse must stop. [story]
Here are the scammers who claim to be for justice, it is beyond disgusting, and two members of the public showed up to witness the farce, me Steven G. Erickson, and Chris Kennedy. Chris Kennedy, and I, have a problem with the abusiveness, and life altering psychopath behavior, and rulings of Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan aka Judge Satan. [story]
12-11-07 CT Public Service and Trust Committee meeting #3 of the Judicial Branch in Connecticut was held at the Rocky Hill Marriot. The 12-6 meeting was held at the Bridgeport Superior Court:
* Honorable Alexandra DiPentima, Chair
* Sandra Sosnoff Baird, Family Support Magistrate
* Honorable Robert E. Beach Jr., Appellate Court Judge
* Honorable John D. Boland, Superior Court Judge
* Joseph F. Camilleri, Information Technology Division
* William H. Carbone, Court Support Services Division
* Honorable Patrick L. Carroll, III, Superior Court Judge
* Honorable Thomas J. Corradino, Superior Court Judge
* Attorney Joseph D. D'Alesio, Superior Court Operations Division
* Honorable Nina F. Elgo, Superior Court Judge
* Attorney Melissa A. Farley, Division of External Affairs
* Honorable Roland D. Fasano, Superior Court Judge
* Honorable James T. Graham, Superior Court Judge
* Ms. Lisa Holden, Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence
* Attorney Norman K. Janes, Statewide Legal Services of CT, Inc.
* Honorable Clarance J. Jones, Superior Court Judge
* Attorney Kevin T. Kane, Chief State's Attorney
* Justice Joette Katz, Supreme Court Justice
* Ms. Caren Kittredge, Public Member
* Honorable Sandra Vilardi Leheny, Superior Court Judge
* Honorable Douglas C. Mintz, Superior Court Judge
* Attorney Joseph Mirrione, Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association
* Attorney William H. Prout Jr., Connecticut Bar Association
* Honorable Barbara M. Quinn, Deputy Chief Court Administrator
* Honorable Kevin A. Randolph, Superior Court Judge
* Honorable Antonio C. Robaina, Superior Court Judge
* Attorney Kenneth B. Rubin, Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
* Honorable William B. Rush, Superior Court Judge
* Attorney Michael T. Ryan, Connecticut Defense Lawyers Association
* Attorney Mary Sommer Sandak, Attorney at Law
* Honorable Dan Shaban, Superior Court Judge
* Honorable Joseph Shortall, Superior Court Judge
* Thomas A. Siconolfi, Administrative Services Division
* Carolyn Signorelli, Chief Child Protection Attorney
* Attorney Toni M. Smith-Rosario, Connecticut Hispanic Bar Association
* Attorney Robert Stillman, Representative of the Connecticut Business and Industry Council
* Attorney Susan O. Storey, Chief Public Defender
* Honorable Hillary B. Strackbein, Superior Court Judge
* Attorney Frederic S. Ury, Attorney at Law
* Attorney Dawne G. Westbrook, NAACP
* Alex Wood, Journal Inquirer
* Attorney Jennifer Zito, Criminal Defense Association
By James Corbett
Bill Clinton, exactly like Bill Cosby, is a multiply-accused rapist with allegations
stretching back decades. And exactly like Cosby, Clinton has settled a
sexual harassment lawsuit out of court. But unlike Cosby, Clinton
continues to enjoy the adoration of the public and the benefits of his
personal fortune. Why? Because we haven't made it an issue yet. Let's
start: Google "Bill Clinton rape."
My beef with the "Queen of Mean", State of Connecticut Supreme Court Justice Chase T. Rogers and the Predatory Police and the Rip Off of the Nation she seems to support. [Beefs found here]
Chemical Corps too Dirty for Clean Vaccines, adding Aluminum, Mercury, Embalming Fluid, and MSG to Poison Cocktail?
Chemical Companies like Union Carbide, factories, and packaging
facilities so dirty, having so many bio-hazards, that they feel they
need to mix the poisonous cocktail, vaccines, with Aluminum, Mercury
Embalming Fluid, and MSG?
Human embryos, monkey and/or chicken
brains, muscles, organs and/or other parts may be used in vaccines.
Anti-biotics, toxins, detergents, cleaners, plastics, pesticides, PCBs,
and harmful industrial chemicals may also be used. In 1980 there were
1/3 less vaccinations. So babies, kids, and adults get triple the
aluminum, mercury, embalming fluid, and other poisons.
Are 7
children who got sick at Disney Land with Measles, because of vaccines
going to be the excuse for mandatory vaccines nationwide when kids with
HIV, Hepatitis C, etc are allowed in schools, but vaccinated kids are
not. There is no risk of babies getting Hepatitis C all the way up to
sexually activity or illegal drug use with needles, so babies don't need
this vaccine. Chemical and Pharmaceutical companies make 100's of
billions of dollars on vaccines, they have huge lobbying power and own
Why are doctors not liable for giving vaccines,
but are for malpractice? Why are vaccine makers almost immune from civil
lawsuits and criminal prosecution? Why are YOUR tax dollars being used to force you to get vaccinated, even against your will?
Please check out more of my videos on this channel. I embedded most one of the most disturbing vaccine videos I have seen, here.
Text with video:
Published on Jan 14, 2013
A collection of many documentaries such as: Shots in the Dark- Silence on Vaccines. The Greater Good. Vaccination -The Hidden Truth. Vaccine and Overdose babies. and... many many more.
The meaning of Fornaclintonification:
noun. the act of disregarding the law, catering to billionaires,
international bankers, corporate organized crime while screwing we the
people, elite sexual predation, deviant backroom behavior, lying under
oath to Congress
a cop wrecked my marriage he wanted to set me up for a DUI. I didn't
drive down to the bar. A blond with large breast said she like to go
back to my place to sleep with me. She wanted me to drive her SUV, State
Cops were waiting for me in front of my house. I was tipped didn't
drink and drive.
Then the State Police got this absolutely
smoking hot police informant. Again, I was tipped by a minority officer.
The woman would give me whatever sex I wanted, except regular
intercourse. She then said she would sleep with me if I gave her money
for crack and that I could have a hit if I wanted. I said no, so I was
not felony busted.
The police then sent police informant thugs
to attack me at each of my rental properties. The minority officer said
that if I got attacked on my property, State Police would be there to
arrest me and I would get prison. I got prison for pepper spraying a
mugger. I broke no laws and was targeted first because of a police
officer wanting to sleep with my wife. But police target concealed carry
pistol permit holders, the self-employed, and the outspoken.
My daughter has had nothing to do with me for 12 years. I lost my
contracting business, home, rental properties, everything. I broke no
laws. I got prison. More than 1/2 my family won't talk to me because I
was in prison. I have no retirement and am crippled with a bogus criminal record.
DOJ announces formation of 5 agency public corruption task force to
investigate court corruption following writers two-year coverage of
corruption by Communities Digital News
to a press release sent out by U.S. Attorney Deirdre M. Daly, the
Connecticut Public Corruption Task Force is a joint initiative which
includes representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
United States Postal Inspection Service, Internal Revenue Service
Criminal Investigation Division, and the Inspector General’s Offices of
the United States Department of Health and Human Services and the United
States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
announcement comes on the heals of several recent State legislative
hearings, during which hundreds of Connecticut families claimed to have
been victimized by corrupt public officials working within the State’s
courts and the Department of Children and Families.
a recent hearing before the Connecticut State Legislature’s Judicial
Committee, State Representative Minnie Gonzalez (D-Hartford) and
17 other State legislators cited dishonesty and corruption as a reason
why they opposed Judge Stephen Frazzini’s reappointment to the State
Court bench.
I, [Steven G. Erickson], clicked on Anne's above link, and cut and pasted the below from the link:
Conn., February 5, 2015 — The U.S. Department of Justice and
representatives of five federal law enforcement agencies announced this
week the establishment of a public corruption task force in the State of
Connecticut. The task force will investigate corrupt public officials,
the misuse of public funds and related criminal activity. DOJ Feb 4 – Task Force Announcement
Some state officials have suggested that the task force’s first order
of business should be to address problems with fraud and corruption in
the State’s family courts. According to the Connecticut Judicial Review
Council’s website, the 25 member committee has fielded tens of thousands
of complaints filed by consumers against Connecticut judges, however,
fewer than than 11 judges have been subject to public disciplinary
hearings since the 1980’s.
“Public servants are entrusted by all of us to act in the best
interests of the public they serve. It is important for the United
States to bring to justice those who betray that trust,” said FBI
Special Agent in Charge Patricia M. Ferrick. “Public corruption at all
levels of local, state, and federal government must not be tolerated,
and this task force will leverage the best assets of the task force
partner agencies to address the threat posed by corrupt public
According to a press release sent out by U.S. Attorney Deirdre M.
Daly, the Connecticut Public Corruption Task Force is a joint initiative
which includes representatives from the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, United States Postal Inspection Service, Internal Revenue
Service Criminal Investigation Division, and the Inspector General’s
Offices of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and
the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The announcement comes on the heals of several recent State
legislative hearings, during which hundreds of Connecticut families
claimed to have been victimized by corrupt public officials working
within the State’s courts and the Department of Children and Families.
During a recent hearing before the Connecticut State Legislature’s
Judicial Committee, State Representative Minnie Gonzalez (D-Hartford)
and 17 other State legislators cited dishonesty and corruption as a
reason why they opposed Judge Stephen Frazzini’s reappointment to the
State Court bench.
On January 23, Rep. Gonzalez questioned Judge Frazzini about his
membership in the state chapter of the Association of Family and
Conciliation Court. The controversial trade association and vendor to
the judicial branch was founded by Connecticut family court
administrators, judges, and the professionals who appear before them in
Specifically, Rep. Gonzalez asked Frazzini whether he should have
recused himself from hearing a controversial case during which he issued
a gag order against the Connecticut Law Tribune. He did this at the
request of the mother’s attorney, AFCC member Stephen Dembo, and at the
recommendation of CT AFCC founding board member Susan Cousineau, the
guardian ad litem assigned to the case.
Days later, Frazzini issued an order sua esponte, effectively
reversing his own decision after the Connecticut Supreme Court agreed to
hear the Tribune’s appeal as to whether the ban was a violation of the
publication’s First Amendment rights.
In response to Gonzalez’s question, Frazzini testified that he was
not a member of the CT AFCC, that he has never attended a meeting, that
he doesn’t know the chapter’s membership, and that he did not
even know
whether a local chapter had “gotten off the ground.”
Yet according to documentation filed with the Secretary of State’s
Office in 2013, founding board members of the CT AFCC include some of
Frazzini’s close colleagues, including former Chief Family Court
Administrative Judges Lynda Munro and Judge Gerard Adelman,
and Frazzini’s coworkers Judge Holly Abery-Wetstone, Court Support
Services Division (CSSD) Regional Managers Debra Kulak and Phyllis
Cummings-Texeira, and Court Operations Manager Marilou Giovannucci.
Less than a week later, Frazzini issued a letter to the legislature
recanting this testimony and admitting that he had made a payment to
his co-worker’s corporation in 2012, but since then has paid dues only
to the national AFCC organization.
“I placed a call to the national AFCC in
Chicago this morning and was advised that my payment of dues to the
national organization has also included membership dues for the
Connecticut chapter of the AFCC.”
Connecticut taxpayer Michael Nowacki, who opposed Frazzini’s reappointment to the bench says Frazzini is not telling the truth.
What is amazing is that Frazzini lies again in the letter when he
said he contacted the national organization in Chicago,” says Nowacki.
“The AFCC headquarters are in Madison, Wisconsin.”
Nowacki also points out that the CT AFCC did not receive a tax
identification number from the IRS until 2014, nearly two years after
Frazzini started sending money to his coworker’s company. More
importantly, Nowacki wonders whether the DOJ’s new task force will be
able to discover who else has paid the CT AFCC, how the judge’s company
has spent their money, and whether the company’s proprietors have
complied with the law.
Last year, Nowacki was one of nearly 100 parents with open family
court cases who courageously testified before the legislature that they
were victimized by predatory court professionals, many of whom were AFCC
affiliates allegedly engaged in case rigging, healthcare scams, false
billing scams, mortgage fraud, extortion, and other types of misconduct
through the State’s publicly funded programs and services.
For now, U.S. Attorney Daly is crediting “dogged journalists,” as
well as courageous politicians and members of the public for coming
forward with valuable information about the corruption in the state, and
has encouraged citizens to report corrupt activity by calling into a
hotline that was recently established by the agency for this purpose.
We cannot overstate the importance of citizen participation in our
fight against corruption, and we urge all citizens to assist us in this
Communities Digital News investigative reporter Anne Stevenson has
lead that “dogged media” effort, reporting on this issue in more than 30
articles on corruption in the courts for Communities Digital News since early 2013.
“Anne Stevenson’s efforts to shine a light on the corruption in the
court system should be applauded,” says Jacquie Kubin, President of
Communities Digital News. “Her work has brought many chilling and
unacceptable situations that have harmed American families under the
bright light of independent media.”
The DOJ was asked for a comment on Stevenson’s article, but they
let their reference to “dogged media” stand. Stevenson’s body of work
stands to show that she has “barking rights” to exposing the mistruths
and mis-justices being perpetuated by the Connecticut courts.
“I have been moved by the individual stories of the families and the
harm they have suffered at the hands of the courts,” Stevenson says.
“The stories of greed and miscarriages of justice, many that have
gravely harmed children and parents, are heartbreaking.”
* * * *
I emailed the below text to over 100 judicial reform advocates mostly in the State of Connecticut:
A lot of you will recognize names in the below post. I posted an email I got from Anne and what is in the link she sent me.
When I was married, owned a home, raising a daughter a Stafford Springs, Connecticut, police officer "Fat Frank" Prochaska was somehow listening to my phone calls, trolling my internet, and listening to my wife and I's private bedroom conversations, pre-9/11. Fat Frank would comment on our sexual activity and even what we had for dinner, threatening me with arrest for having fed my wife macaroni and cheese because it contains butter and is fattening. Because I complained about Prochaska I was to be a target of police harassment, abuse, and malicious prosecution.
Fat Frank was listening to see if my wife and I argued where he could bust into my home and arrest me for a domestic dispute to then bar me from my own home. Fat Frank and other police were trying to set me up for a DUI using a police informant decoy, tried to get me to lend a very attractive money for her to buy drugs after police had ruined my marriage to pop me for a drug charge when I don't use drugs. I was harassed by the sewer dept, health department, building inspector, had to pay for multiple towns for the same vehicles getting screwed out of thousands of dollars to keep my driver's license and vehicles CT plated. Officers tried to get women who were on probation to say I sexually assaulted them. Police sent informants to attack me on each of my rental properties. When I called 911 after being attacked in a crowded restaurant, police responded 2 and 1/2 hours later when all witnesses were no longer there.
I got a $160,000 tax bill from Connecticut Revenue Services for the collection of 6% sales taxes. I was painting rooms, and would have had to make millions in 3 months working as a meager painter with my own hands. It was across the board retaliation after Legislative Liaison Police Union Rep. Stephen Spellman said to legislators that I would wish I was never born for having proposed Civilian Oversight of Police to State Senator Tony Guglielmo.
My daughter has had nothing to do with me for 12 years after I was railroaded to prison for having been attacked on my Connecticut rental properties. I was trying to remove [Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan] for bias in Small Claims cases involving the self- employed for years before he sentenced me to a year in prison for ending the knife wielding felon, Brian C. Caldwell attack on me with pepper spray. Prosecutor Keith Courier would offer me no deals as he told me after prostitute Lana Thompson told me she performed oral sex on Courier that if I evicted her I would be arrested and go to prison. I called Courier and he told me I would go to prison if I proceeded with any legal proceedings against the prostitute. I evicted Lana Thompson. State Troopers told me if I complained about officers I would take my last ride in handcuffs in a cruiser trunk with my teeth kicked out. I complained about officers.
The abuse continues. I can't even talk to my own father, and he thinks he is supposed to report me to State Police for having a girlfriend, a job, and/or a place to live. He feels he is supposed to report names, vehicle descriptions, plate numbers of any friend, co-work, or romantic partner I have. I have broken no laws and have lost absolutely everything. LT of the Prison Guards, John Desso, Storrs, CT, prison, told me I was kicked out of Connecticut upon my release from prison. I was told if I stayed in Connecticut that I would spent the rest of my life in a Connecticut prison.
[Attorney Michael H. Agranoff] told me he owed a favor to the judge and was not allowed to defend me and acted as a 2nd prosecutor in my case for his over $17,000 fee.
* * * *
If anyone hears about the date and time of the Connecticut Judiciary Hearing to reappoint Connecticut Chief Justice Chase T. Rogers? Please email me as much in advance as you can to stevengerickson AT yahoo dot com This is my problem with her, she covers up for public corruption, judicial misconduct, and police brutality in the State of Connecticut when it is brought to her attention:
Why was Obama issued a "Peace" prize? How many trillions has the Pentagon, Obama, and the international banker and corporate organized crime cartel that has us under stealth occupation stolen from us?
Former State of Connecticut US Senator Chris Dodd took bribes from bankers while on the US Senate Banking Committee. If Dodd hadn't taken bribes would the US economy be currently tanking? Why wasn't Dodd arrested and prosecuted? Why do we allow our fellow citizens to be ripped off to the tune of all we will ever make?
Why do you allow all of your hopes and dreams to be stolen as well?
Text with video:
Published on Jan 29, 2015
Barack Obama’s administration has submitted a record shattering budget
request to Congress, asking legislators to approve $534 billion in
Pentagon spending for 2016. Although defense spending perennially
increases, this year’s amount is the largest ever, and does not even
include the billions needed to fund the ongoing wars in Afghanistan,
Iraq and Syria. Stephen Miles, advocacy director of Win Without War,
breaks down why the Nobel laureate is taking such an unprecedented step.
UN Agenda 21 supersedes the US Constitution, rigs court cases, eliminates rules for the rulers, and police are out to protect and serve international bankers and corporate organized crime, not us.
If you live in locals like Stamford, Connecticut, police may come to your door threatening your life if you ask about sustainable development, UN Agenda 21, climate action committee, vision 20/20, and/or if you fight any of the policies at town hall. Listen to below video and check out a caller, "George" from Stamford, Connecticut, in about 28 minutes into video.
Always looking to learn something new, new places to travel to, and contacts for business, import/export, traveling, and forwarding my screenwriting interests and projects.