Saturday, October 31, 2020

Judge Allegedly Constantly Molested Young Boys, Contact Tracing Used Against Me!

Videos to END the Lock Down of us all protected by Pedo Compromised Judges, scroll down in post. Demand that your rights as a human being restored NOW!

I spent years from early 1990s trying to remove Connecticut Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan for bias against self-employed, small business owners, and anyone who tries to out the corruption of the system, the pedophilia connection with possibly ALL JUDGES WORLDWIDE being compromised, writes stuff he doesn't like printed as letters to the editor printed in newspapers, makes complaints about the judicial system, officials, and/or alleges police misconduct.

All judges might be part of the worldwide problem of pedophilia as a Black Robed Mafia 666. 

I didn't know whether a rumor that Judge Kaplan had a leaking anus and pecker, smelled very bad, and could only get sexually aroused abusing young boys, demoralizing them, and having them orally take care of his anus and pecker, until after I was in prison. 

I can't imagine the hell the boys had to endure. My friend Rich Murzin, a retired Hartford Narcotics Detective told me he interviewed Kaplan's victims as adults. 

Kaplan is known to lawyers as "Judge Satan". Rockville Court GA #19 Connecticut has 3 6's in the zip code, 06066. 

Kaplan retaliated against me for my trying to expose him and having him removed. I got divorced, am permanently estranged from my only daughter, and would be retired a millionaire right now. My daughter got married, I wasn't invited, and probably will never meet my own grandchildren all due to Pedophile Judge Satan.

But Kaplan sentenced me to a year in prison, 3 years probation, and tried to have me committed to a mental institution for having pepper sprayed a felon druggie, Brian Caldwell who tried to stab me when he attacked me in my dark driveway for "over reacting" to being mugged and self-defense is not legal in Connecticut. 

I was threatened by then Connecticut State Police Sargent Sam Izzarelli with being brutally murdered if I alleged, or reported anything that I knew about Judge Kaplan, the Connecticut State Police and DCF officially kidnapping kids for adoption auctions, and to provide underage sex slaves to judges, other officials, and for international sale. Blackmail and selling influence revolved in engaging in pedophilia, or profiting from it. 

Izzarelli aslo told me I could end up with prison, and get a "hot shot". I would painfully die of "ass cancer", and if I said anything about Judge Kaplan and little boys, I would be mentally evaluated and die painfully in a mental hospital. To report pedophilia and public corruption meant the whistle blower is mentally ill ... 

Izzarelli had a liking for "training" hot 14 year old girls to perform oral sex and allegedly pimped out his students. Izzarelli likes pedophilia so much he allegedly became head of Cyber Sex Crime Unit to get unlimited viewing of child porn and to recruit fellow pedophiles as minions, allegedly such as Peter Coukos, of Stafford Springs, Connecticut. 

My father allegedly had a security clearance working for Monsanto, and could supply names of individuals who he didn't like, were a threat to Monsanto profits, were anti-war, and he especially hated the self-employed and small business owners who would be most active against him, and his cronies. Those names he turned in could never get service, or fairness in courts, only a barbecue. Police and the alphabet agencies would go after those who are blacklisted. 

Contact Tracing got ramped up with official creation of the TSA and US DHS Homeland Security. High ranking pedophiles and their network then had a goon squad to run interference to protect those involved in drug trafficking, child trafficking, money laundering, murder-for-hire, and in police creating and running youth gangs to always have a fresh crop of criminals to process through the system and act as minions, being cut-outs to perform clandestine terrorist acts against those who were considered threats to the system. 

So, corporations, bankers, mafia, the elite, and pedophiles control the judges which then controls everything else. The official invasion of privacy allows these criminals to operate with impunity. 

Rich Murzin, AJ Fontaine (sp?), and I were to have a live public access television show to air their evidence of how pedophilia ran the system of abuse to nullify the US Constitution for the Deep State to get even bigger profits. About 2 weeks before we were to meet in Connecticut to shoot the show, for wide distribution, both died suddenly of "natural causes" within hours of each other. 

The Clintons and the OKC Federal Building Bombing are key ingredients in getting the world into lockstep with UN Agenda 21 and 2030. The UN is run by communists. The Clintons from 1995 allegedly can rig all court cases and direct all alphabet agencies of who to target and who to allow to continue to operate. 

Contact Tracing is used to shut up whistle blowers like me. Their mistake is failing to kill me. Honorable police officers have tipped me each time I was to be murdered. I can only wear a feather in my cap so long before I receive my just dessert. 

If Biden gets installed, I believe I will soon be toast, and so will any semblance of normal life for the rest of the planet. 

Relevant links:

Erickson, PO Box 8 Seventy-Four, Brattleboro, VT 05302 USA. erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


Pretty much any Clerk of Courts can call another Clerk of Courts anywhere in the US, and pretty much any case, civil or criminal can be fixed. 

My then Monsanto Ludlow, Massachusetts, father woke me up by allegedly poisoning my cat in 1966 or 1967 when I was 2 or 3 because I was "hugging on it" and had a worry that if my mother, or anyone was nice to me, I would end up gay. I witnessed his treason talking to Chinese operatives that were colluding with Big Pharma to become the government of the US after the Constitution was repealed, and the UN, China, key corporations, and the World Bank would run the world, and there would be no more hunting, gun ownership, or private used of land. 

Average people were to be locked down permanently. I had a front row seat, and my father wanted to store me in the cellar, not even have friends from age 4, and punished me for any joy I displayed as being a child. So, I never believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. My father would attend religious services for Monsanto goon squad or compromised police to visit the priest, or religious leader, beat them where injuries couldn't be seen, and were threatened with death if they spoke out on anything Monsanto or Big Pharma didn't like and that was the 1960s!!!

My father was so high up in the Monsanto Chemical Company/Big Pharma he could decide the fate of just about anyone in civil and criminal court cases if they weren't major headline cases, and if the person he wanted barbecued had more political power than he did. 

Secular Humanism became the corporate CIA institution that my father belonged (belongs) to. They are the partial architects of all that is going on in the world right now. As My father wrote a Secular Humanism handbook called, "My Invisible Friends." [Website]

A suppressed memory that I fully believe that I had, is that my father claimed he already watched the first moon landing when I saw what was supposedly live in 1969 on a black and white television. If there was footage on a Stanley Kubrick 2001-like movie sound stage, it was to be backup footage to really show the Russians how far ahead we are if real footage couldn't be shot in high radiation, if the mission couldn't be completed, or if something happened on the mission. My father's alleged security clearance is that high. 

Fast forward to 1981 in Wilbraham, Massachusetts. I lived at home, my father didn't want me going to college, he didn't want to pay for it, and wanted an excuse to disown me. He would open my mail, read it, and he knew that my car insurance was going to be cancelled, a night I fell asleep on the couch. The first time ever, my father woke me up and for some random reason, he wanted me to move my car to the street. I told him I was no longer insured and told him "no". 

He was insistent if I didn't want to be kicked out of the house. I complied and blue lights came on as soon as I backed out of the driveway. I found out later the Wilbraham Police Officer was supposed to plant drugs, and alcohol on me, and driving without insurance could land someone in Mass, a year in prison. 

The officer asked me why my father would want me in prison. I said that I was born early, and my father married my mother in a high school gym when he left Fargo, North Dakota, in shame because of me, and never liked me from my birth in February 1964. I was then told to shut up about being helped by police, and if I said anything I would spend at least a year in prison for something whether I did anything, or not. 

My younger sister dated a "connected" Wilbraham boy who happened to be the son of the Clerk of Courts in the Palmer, Mass Superior Court. Drug traffickers, and anyone with "juice" could supply the Clerk of Courts with an extremely hot girlfriend, or wife, for oral, or other sex, and the case would then be botched, or dropped, allegedly. 

I knew that the Clerk of Courts had a 1969 Mercury Cougar with a 396 cci engine, was allegedly drunk and hit his next door neighbors' cow in the road. There was a trail of blood that ran down that mountain road to behind the Clerk of Courts' barn. E. Don R. was injured. The "crime" of hit and run on a cow was never solved by police. 

If anyone took me to small claims court thereafter for my painting business, the paperwork was lost, or the case was thrown out. I could get out of speeding tickets, could drive drunk, just like his sons, and face no arrest. E. Don could call any clerk of courts anywhere in the US and fix most cases if asked, or if he got some sort of benefit.

My father wanted me to get a year in prison for having a keg party at the family house 1982. He almost succeeded. I had an Ace in the Hole. 

My father allegedly called the Stafford Springs, Connecticut, town police, the Tolland Connecticut State Police Troop C barracks, and the Rockville Court prosecutor and told them he didn't want me married, to have a gun permit, a driver's license, a contracting business, owning a home, having my only daughter in my life, and he wanted me to spend the rest of my life in prison for not having respect for him, and official authority in 1994. 

LT Trapp told me this, and told me he would help me if I didn't rat police and the courts out for their UN sex trafficking of minors, drug trafficking, and their setting up for forced vaccinations and door to door gun confiscation shortly around, or after the OKC Federal Building Bombing. 

When Trapp had some sort of mental breakdown and retired, I no longer had protection. I believe he felt guilty setting up families to lose their house, bank accounts, and children fleeced by police after being set up. The courts are all rigged. Police from 1995, and probably before ran teen street gangs, and staged with operatives, riots, BLM/Antifa style. 

I was then constantly attacked by the teen gangs, my properties vandalized, and even had a felon on probation lodge himself in my garage door window breaking into my garage, Connecticut State Police were acting as lookouts for all of the above. A CT Trooper told the criminal that he should sue me for his injuries and didn't arrest him. A week later another member of the "Stafford Springs Diaper Gang" smashed all the windows on my house with Connecticut Troopers in their cruisers laughing. 

When I was attacked on my property, not much after that, 10-11-2001, I was displayed in handcuffs on the hood and propped up on the hood of the car for about an hour as a trophy with another cruiser's spotlight on me for about an hour. I was told that I had to piss my pants and would then be brought to jail. I had pepper sprayed felon on probation, Brian Caldwell when he attacked me with a knife trying to stab me in my dark driveway because I wouldn't give him a wallet. 

I got a year in prison for using pepper spray to end a mugging, and attempted murder on myself. [Story, and copy of letter that I sent to George W. Bush, that he actually read, 9-15-01, where I wanted to drop a dime on the UN for corrupting policing, the courts, to set up gun confiscation, forced vaccinations, and ending of all small business and self-employment in the world].

In late Fall 2016, I couldn't walk, was on crutches, and thought I was going to die of Chronic Lyme Disease. I was pretty much unable to get out of bed for 3 weeks, and wrote a letter to my father's wife calling her almost as bad a [C-Word snipped] as is Hillary Clinton. 

I was never notified of a hearing, but my father's wife got a permanent restraining order against me for writing the letter. Salem, New Hampshire, 3 police officer banged on the apartment door of one of the places I reside, saying that if I had absolutely any weapons, they would need to confiscate them. I was served papers that if I drive into Massachusetts, I have to call Massachusetts Police and ask permission. The orders came out of the Palmer Mass Superior Court. 

My father and his wife have made it clear with their constant calls to police that they don't want me to date, have a job, have a place to live, and want me dead, suffering, or in prison the rest of my life ... typical globalists ... 

The US Constitution has been suspended for you too. Judges, the court system and policing is crap with an international police union, just as teaching is crap with an international teachers union. 

In 2001, or back as early as 1999, Police Liaison, Steve Spellman told Rose Marie Mordasky (maiden name), Connecticut State Senators Tony Guglielmo and John Kissel that I wasn't allowed to talk to them, propose legislation, or to complain about a CIA, FBI, Police, and USDOJ covert program to eliminate the US Constitution, and Spellman had ordered police to pin anything they can on me, so I end up in a mental institution, prison for life, or dead. 

Stafford Springs Police Officer "Fat Frank" Prochaska told me, "You better hope no one gets murdered, we will pin it on you!"  




Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast (Official Video)

BLM Rioting Erupts As Security Officials Warn Of Election MASS UNREST, Cities Nationwide BOARDING .. [Direct Link to Tim Pool aka TimCast video}

Trump Has A Secret Weapon, It Will Be Used To Take Down The [DS]: Bitcoin Ben [X22Report]

BitChute UNDER ATTACK! - As Popularity GROWS, Big Tech CENSORS The Competition! (Censorship, the Hunter Biden Pedophilia laden laptop is bigger than Nixon's Watergate. The UN will censor the internet to hide their drug and child trafficking) [World Alternative News]

Hunter Biden Evidence DISAPPEARS As Tucker Carlson Attempts To EXPOSE The COVER UP! [Direct link to video] (The Pedos will intercept your mail, and the UN will censor your emails, texts, and calls in real time! Pass this video and this post onto others!)

The Left Using A Virus to Seize Control Shows No Limits to Dems' Greed for Power [Direct Link to Video] (Police and Military show up at doors to give forced vaccinations? Will masks, the lock down, and travel ban be forever? Is Martial Law on the Planet to be permanent? Only businesses that help the Deep State Spy on You left alone? Will Donald J. Trump re-instate the US Constitution or will Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have Trump brutally murdered, beyond the JFK Assassination, the Left wants to drag Trump through the streets naked were he is sodomized with something on video. Will the Left burn down the world so that Communism is the only system that will be built back up?)

After the Virus: The World of 2025 - #PropagandaWatch [Direct Link to Video] (Will the current lock down last until 2025? Will 2025 and on be HELL on EARTH? Will all travel be banned for average people forever. Will 9/10 of the population be wiped out by United Nations UNESCO and the Chinese Communists?)

Episode 387 – Your Guide to The Great Reset

After the Virus: A Discussion Looking Back on the Next 5 Years (video)

After the Virus (whitepaper)

Episode 383 – COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity

Filed in: Propaganda Watch
Tagged with:



The best site calling BS on the Lock Down (awesome blog roll, right side panel, as well):

The Great Reset Is Here, While I Had To Break Out Of Jail Again and Christmas is Cancelled [Direct link to the Dollar_Vigilante BitChute Video] (Jeff pees behind a Mexican Pharmacy, spends 15 hours in jail. Mexican Police wanted to give him a month. Canadian Officials were planning the COVID lockdown, forced vaccination, and FEMA-like Detention Camps 10 YEARS AGO!!!!)

[Click Here] for Excerpt:

Renting Air to Breathe from the Air Manufacturers, The United Nations?

If you collect rain water off your roof in most regions of the world, the United Nations can have you arrested and imprisoned for illegal use of a resource, water. The air, the solar energy, everything, including your reproduction, and every aspect of your life now might be under the direct control of the UN UNESCO. If you are silent, your silence signifies acceptance.





Friday, October 30, 2020

UN and Chinese Communists invade "Live Free or Die" New Hampshire?

I went to a diner with pictures of Elvis, Marylin Monroe, had the front of a '57 Chevy with headlights, and is typical Americana. New Hampshire has a population of about 1 and a half million. I understand that 3 individuals lost their lives in the state with COVID in nursing homes as that is the default reason to die. 30 people remain in the hospital with COVID symptoms. So drastic measures need to be taken so no one will catch what the governor called, "The Invisible Flu". 

Even if you do not have any symptoms,you may have had it sometime after 2015. Even if tests aren't accurate, and you can be diagnosed, if you have the "sniffles", you might kill someone in a nursing home. "The Invisible Disease" is that bad, and that dangerous.

If the the US Constitution needs to be suspended, so that not one more person than necessary, dies of the Flu, no holds are barred. 

The US Government will go full on Communist, have the UN takeover, and adopt Chinese Digital World Currency, and have the world go cashless for the best contract tracing to identify those who defy what is best for all, COMMUNISM. If you are in the military, or were in, or you know those who died for "Freedom", that has changed. You fight for UN Agenda 21 and 2030 [for the World to go Green]. 

Since diarrhea may kill millions of people a year, it is an actual problem, unlike COVID, or even worse, a regular Flu. 

So, if there is a real world problem, why not use COVID as a precedent for everything. Diarrhea could be inserted to prevent it. This might be even more important than wearing a mask to prevent the Flu. 

If everyone wore a dress, and no underwear, especially attractive children, since the Bidens have broken the seal on pedophilia being okay, we have to say lives, "Come on man ... !"

The butt plug could be further pushed up the anus with a broom handle used by police and/or the military to make sure no one dies of diarrhea. Proper insertion, just like proper wearing of a mask, needs to be the UN Communist mandatory.

 If there are suicides from sexual abuse, lack of a normal life, and PTSD, the proper, or over inserting of the butt plug could completely eliminate the deaths caused by diarrhea, most important. A billion deaths from the "cure" is better than anyone dying from the Flu or Diarrhea. 

Airplane crashes on domestic flights might be completely eliminated. The restrictions to fly on an airplane might be too stringent to fly. No deaths, no plane crashes, and everyone is safe, what more benefits can be achieved?

If there is absolutely no more human contact, no reproduction, and no one is allowed to have a conversation without a social media moderator electronically, and there is no person to person interaction, we all will be safest from diarrhea and the Flu, right?  

Breathing causes Carbon Dioxide. Even though trees breathe in Carbon Dioxide to produce Oxygen, Carbon is bad. You need not to have a Carbon Footprint. You need not breathe to best serve the planet.

You know what to do. 

[Videos in this post]


Monologue: Charlton Heston is Captured by Apes - SNL

Sammy Davis Jr. vs. Wilt Chamberlain | Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In | George Schlatter

Dave Chappelle Explains Why "Planet Of The Apes" Is Racist - "Late Night With Conan O'Brien"

Chappelle's Show - The Wayne Brady Show - Uncensored

Joe Biden Melts Down at Trump Supporters in Minnesota: "Ugly Folks" [Direct link to video]

The October Surprise? [Direct Link to video]

[DS] Readies Their Plan, (Sky) Fortress Engaged, NG Activated, Playbook Known - Episode 2316b [X22report]

Famous Rapper, Sports Legend, And NEWSPAPER All Endorse Trump For Reelection [Tim Pool aka TimCast]

My Interview With Dinesh D'Souza on "Trump Card" [Direct Link to Lionel video]

Thunderstruck by Steve'n'Seagulls (LIVE)

Deliverance • Dueling Banjos • Arthur Smith

"You Think I'm Funny?"

T-800 CSM 101 Arrival | Terminator 2: Judgment Day [Remastered]

James Gang - Walk Away (1971)

Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart, 1995 Remastered Version (Official Video)

China's Statue of Liberty Play (US Football Term) was necessary for their Survival?

Image above found [here].

In American Football, there is a play where you fake the other team out, to make a desperate play to win the game, [sports term explained]

Xi Ping, the leader of the Communist Chinese had a problem. It could have cost him his life. It could have landed the Communist Chinese out of power. 

There are possibly 100 million extra military men in China due to the one child policy. The main sources of protein in China, pigs and chickens, has almost wiped out their supply. Weather has destroyed crops. Fishing areas for China are depleted. Do nothing, and there is mass starvation. It was a recipe of pure disaster for the UN and globalists who want China as the model for world government. 

Forcing the world on the a Chinese Digital World Currency would put China in charge of all the world, all governments would be puppets. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein, the Clintons, the Bidens, the Obamas etc have already been part of the coup for up to decades colluding with the Communist run United Nations, UNESCO. 

80% of the US 100 dollar bills ever printed are being circulated all over the world. The US going cashless would crash the dollar for good, the Chinese World Currency, digital only, controlled by China is already to roll out beyond China's border. This currency means citizens must do all they are told. If no, they are killed in place. 

Chinese have already jacked all electronics, servers, cell towers, everything ... so they have made a list of who is the biggest threats, and after Biden is installed as US President things will not work out for us. I will soon be rounded up and tortured to my last breath. 

Donald J. Trump will be drug out of the White House by Antifa and BLM stripped naked, tortured, humiliated and the last thing Trump will feel when he is assassinated, is being raped by a bayonet, if the Left's and Hillary Clinton's ultimate wish list is fulfilled.

Chinese war gamers planned this all out for a very long time. Showing citizens walking down China streets, dropping dead as a Zombie Apocalypse, with citizens being welded in Death Hospitals and Apartments to starve and die to prevent billions of deaths was pure BS.

None of any of this was necessary. What are YOU going to do? 


If you are under 65, you have about a 99.9 percent chance of surviving the "virus", assuming you haven't already had it as far back as 2015, and are now immune. 

If this was a Chinese act of war on the world, putting the virus as contamination in "tests" that were mainly coming from China, they can put the virus on anything coming into anywhere in the world. Still the "cure" is way worse than if "the virus" was allowed just to peter out on its own. 

If you don't resist all over the world, there will be massive starvation, and the Communist takeover in Cambodia causing megadeath will be mere child's play, worldwide. 

China and the UN have infiltrated the USDOJ, all courts, the international police union, the international teachers union, and all government workers in all 3 branches answer to an international union, so the gate keepers are preventing you from being represented for your taxation no matter where in the world that you live. 

The circumstantial evidence of China planning everything that has now happened if you read in between the lines of a video uploaded in Fall of 2019:


Ted Cruz grills Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for 'censoring' Hunter Biden story

My email is: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com [My bitchute videos]



MANDATORY COVID CAMPS BEGIN [Direct link to Del Bigtree, the High Wire, BitChute Video upload]

Vandana Shiva Exposes Bill Gates. [Direct Link to RichieFromBoston BitChute video upload]

WE ARE THE LAST GENERATION OF "AMERICANS" [Direct link to RichieFromBoston video]

Monday, October 26, 2020

FBI Kidnaps Alex Jones to Prevent Trump from Winning? Will Jones get life in prison for helping Trump in 2016?

Hillary Clinton called Alex Jones and Infowars out by name for being the main reason she lost in 2016. 

Many in the Patriot Movement, or who are in Militias nationwide, consider Alex Jones the Canary in the Coal Mine. 

Alex Jones being completely taken off the internet, murdered, or put in prison for life, is something that can cause others to come out of hibernation, and act swiftly. The FBI who seem to be run by the Untied Nations/UNESCO, Communist Chinese, the World Bank, and for Corporate Organized Crime. 

The Clintons and the above named international criminals seem to have run policing, court outcomes, and all alphabet agencies since the OKC Federal Building Bombing in 1995, where the Clintons got their photo-op of blown up and burned children in a federal facility to get their Domestic Terrorism Bill passed. That legislation basically nullified the US Constitution and started the slow march to door to door gun confiscations and forced inoculations.  

Fire trucks from 1968 have been required to double as urban assault vehicles with positive air pressure cabs if fire trucks are being used to disperse biological agents, poisons, or quelling narcotics. Water cannons can be set up. Fire trucks are good ramming vehicles, can breach buildings with ladders, and can block major traffic routes in minutes. 

The UN and China have all sorts of tracking, tracing, and spying on you software, and hardware in anything they can get away putting it into. If you texted a Taiwan flag, Winnie the Pooh, mocking Xi Ping, Chinese Communism, the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Weinstein, or any of the Socialist Democrats who went into politics almost penniless who now are worth 100s of millions of dollars. 

You will be placed automatically on the "Enemies List", and you can get a special version of a vaccination, if the UN requires the world to all use Chinese World Digital Currency, to become cashless, neighbors can't transact, communicate, buy food, work, or live unless permission from the UN and the Chinese Communists is given. 

China will have combustion engine and fossil fuel power plants will be in China. If you are lucky in the rest of the world, you might be able to rent a self-driving electric car on a per-ride basis if your UN/Chinese World Currency card is in good standing. 

Alex Jones was allegedly kidnapped by the FBI earlier today, or yesterday. If so are key FBI traitors, part of a coup, and help finish off the US Sovereignty, the US Constitution, and profit by bringing in UN Agenda 21 and 2030. 

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris might already know that all US citizens will have their guns confiscated, be forced vaccinated, and will be track and traced and punished if they ever supported Trump. Mega Death, starvation, and Mass Retaliation may be the new normal. 

Alleged Pedophiles, like the Track and Tracing Czar, Bill Clinton, can easily locate children, swiftly officially kidnap the children, confine or cull the parents, and kids sold for sex, pedophilia, for adoption auctions, or satanic rituals will be cheaper and easier than ever before. Chelsea and Hillary have already tried a dry run of this in Haiti using cellphones to loot what little wealth Haiti had, and used phones to prevent opposition, and to target enemies with indefinite detention, torture, and death. 

If you know you are going to die anyway, you might want to consider taking out as many of the other side as possible just so they don't get it "for free".

"Takin' It To The Streets" - The Doobie Brothers 1982

You don't know me but I'm your brother
I was raised here in this living hell
You don't know my kind in your world
Fairly soon the time will tell
Telling me the things you're gonna do for me
I ain't blind and I don't like what I think I see
(takin' it to the streets)
Takin' it to the streets
(takin' it to the streets)
No more need for running
(takin' it to the streets)
Oh, na, na
Take this message to my brother
You will find him everywhere
Wherever people live together
Tied in poverty's despair
Oh, you
Telling me the things you're gonna do for me
I ain't blind and I don't like what I think I see
(takin' it to the streets)
Takin' it to the streets
(takin' it to the streets)
No more need for running
(takin' it to the streets)
Oh, yeah
(takin' it to the streets)
Takin' it takin' it
(takin' it to the streets)
No more need for hiding
(takin' it to the streets)
Oh, Lord
(takin' it to the streets)
Takin' it to the streets
(takin' it to the)
Oh, you
Telling me the things you're gonna do for me
Yeah, na
I ain't blind and I don't like what I think I see
(takin' it to the streets)
Takin' it to the streets
(takin' it to the streets)
No more need for running
(takin' it to the streets)
Oh, yeah
(takin' it to the streets)

MetalTrump - 5 Minutes Alone (Pantera)

Limp Bizkit - It'll Be Ok (The Joker Is Born)

The Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet with Butterfly Wings (Official Music Video)

The Offspring - Gone Away (Official Music Video)

Pantera - Walk (Official Music Video)

Symphony Of Destruction

Five Finger Death Punch - Wash It All Away (Explicit)

2+2=4, 2+2=5, and Dr. Mengele, the Philanthropist?

Dr. Joseph Mengele, "The Angel of Death" photo and Wikipedia post is [found here].

2+2=4, 2+2=5, and Dr. Mengele, the Philanthropist? [Direct link to below video] [My collection of video uploads on LiveLeak, click here]

I live in a small basement apartment. Electricity is made with fossil fuels. The backup generator uses fossil fuels. I am below the water table, so pumps keep me dry. So after Joe Biden is installed as US President by the UN and Communist Chinese the world other than China will have to go Green. That includes me. 

Sewage and water will come up up through the inch and a half concrete slab floor with pumps being off just a short time.

If the World is to all go on a Chinese World Digital Currency, there is no need to know math as there is no cash to make change for. Anyone caught by the UN run internet not saying 2 plus 2 equals 5 needs to be tracked down and have their digital currency card wiped.

Cashless means mandatory compliance for absolutely everything. 



$2.3 trillion missing and counting

Recall Donald Rumsfeld chose the date of September 10, 2001 to announce that a Pentagon audit, ordered by Undersecretary Dov Zakheim and conducted by a Halliburton subsidiary, had discovered that the Defense Department can no longer account for $2.3 trillion in past transactions. (Note: You are not hallucinating: two point three trillion dollars, or the equivalent of six annual Pentagon budgets.)

This matter was presented by CBS as a question of waste and incompetence, as though it were possible to lose $2.3 trillion under a couch somewhere. (It had earlier been covered on PBS in February 2001. Interestingly, the Bush Administration did not seek to place any blame on the Clinton administration for the missing assets, which should prompt questions about how much of the shortfall was invented in the course of the audit itself.)

One day after Rumsfeld’s admission of Sept. 10, this mother-of-all-scandals in the making disappeared from the corporate media’s vision. For good.

[more from source


Excerpt from post November 19, 2019:

WASHINGTON — For the second year in a row, the Pentagon has officially failed its audit. And for the second year in a row, that result was expected.

Elaine McCusker, the Pentagon’s acting comptroller, told reporters ahead of the formal audit release — which occurred late on a busy Friday night in Washington — that “as expected,” the department would be receiving what is known as an “overall disclaimer,” a technical term that means the results of the audit did not come back clean.

Still, McCusker said she sees real progress being made. “I think the department has been pretty open with the fact that it’s got material weaknesses, it’s got things that need [to be] fixed,” she said. "But, you know, our ability to really demonstrate solid progress, I think is the headline.

[More from source


Click on top banner, or blog icon, of most blogs to go to newest posts. Click on White Envelope below to share this post by email. Copy any videos or blog posts, maybe even making physical copies of blogs you like as the UN UNESCO can pull the plug on anyone, any website, or any idea over any electronic medium. My email is thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com 


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Renting Air to Breathe from the Air Manufacturers, The United Nations?

If you collect rain water off your roof in most regions of the world, the United Nations can have you arrested and imprisoned for illegal use of a resource, water. The air, the solar energy, everything, including your reproduction, and every aspect of your life now might be under the direct control of the UN UNESCO. If you are silent, your silence signifies acceptance. 

If you had a home, or a business, and thought you owned it, you are wrong.

Someone, or some entity at some time in the past made up that they had something of value. 

They offered you sticks, that matched each other if ripped apart for an amount of gold, or something else of value, even though there were a lot more ripped sticks that match than were in the "bank" for actual assets. The stick holders have bought your soul on promises to give back what is yours to be sold back to you, at interest. 

A friend, or relative, of the stick shredder has a big wooden desk, a black robe, and wooden hammer that he (or she in modern times) takes away your property, your freedom, or your life, if the guy who shreds sticks in half says that you owe him all that you thought was yours, sometimes that includes your wife and kids ...  

US Dollars can be printed on paper. The printing press is running like there is no tomorrow. What is the value backing up the fake money on paper? 

When you aren't being given any more fake paper money, you lose your house, business, car, or whatever you thought you owned. 

The printer of the fake money, if you don't have any fake money, says you no longer own what you did, if you don't have his fake money. So, the fake money maker can then rent you your former property if you have some other currency that you can pay per month, at a higher rate. 

If you believe you are renting air from a fake entity in charge, acting for those who print fake money, wear a mask, and wait for your final bill. It will be your final injection. 

If you don't owe someone money that a money printer made up was money, don't pay. 

If someone made up that they had money, or something of value to begin with, they have no right to repossesses what they don't own as they pretended to have something of value to swindle you out of your labor, and what is your sovereignty, and of your faction of people.

If someone patents a disease, patents the disease, and then alters your DNA to match the disease, or the cure, you are then owned by the owner of the patent. So, if you get his vaccine, you are a product, and can be considered inventory, used for whatever purposes the owner decides until the piece of property is disposed of, converted to something else of value, or sold. 

I don't have a gun. I will make holes in blue helmets with my cordless drill. I want the brain in his, or her helmet, to make sure that they know that I have no belief in their fake money, or fake control of anything mine. If these minions don't seem to understand, it is my right to drill away into their blue helmet and into their head to fix their defective brain. 

Donald J. Trump, if you win this election, it is a rejection of the UN, the World Bank, and Corporations owning we the people. 

Please start by bombing the United Nations with the current occupants inside in New York City. Please make as big a smoking crater where the UN UNESCO was as is possible.

Those who have committed crimes against humanity will then realize they are next and no longer will be a problem on OUR planet. 

Do your part. Don't where a mask. If you ask someone wearing a mask, if they have a health condition, are sick, or have a condition where they are very worried that they might catch the Flu. If they say "no", please consider punching them in the face. 

Your rejection of fake government and fake money is up to you. 

The picture of the [C-Word Snipped} UN was [found here]. 


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter, Hamilton Jordon, Cocaine, the CIA, the Ethics in Government Act, and the Assassination of Jack Wheeler? Ghislaine Maxwell and MITRE track tracing software, Bedford, New Hampshire?

An Audit of the Pentagon and DoD US Department of Defense began on September 10, 2001, the first time for 2.3 Trillion missing taxpayer dollars ... what happened the next day? The 2nd Audit began just before this worldwide fiasco. Do you see any of the dots being connected?

After Nixon's fiasco of Watergate, [The Ethics in Government Act] came to be. 

Excerpt from Wikipedia on the Ethic in Government Act:

The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 is a United States federal law that was passed in the wake of the Nixon Watergate scandal and the Saturday Night Massacre. It created mandatory, public disclosure of financial and employment history of public officials and their immediate families. It also created restrictions on lobbying efforts by public officials for a set period after leaving public office. Last, it created the U.S. Office of Independent Counsel, tasked with investigating government officials.

Hamilton Jordon, a Jimmy Carter Chief of Staff was allegedly trailed by FBI, and CIA, to compromise and/or blackmail anyone they could to take control of the White House, as Jimmy Carter was a "surprise". FBI and CIA profiteering, and running everything has to be tiptoed about as they had nothing to blackmail Jimmy Carter on. 



The '70s Cocaine Scandal That Could Have Rocked the White House

President Jimmy Carter And Hamilton Jordan, White House Chief Of Staff, In Washington On March 2, 1978 [Source of photo and story]

The presidency of Jimmy Carter is often remembered for its fair share of actual crises, from the Iran hostages to Love Canal.

But the scandalous news reported in the pages of TIME on Sept. 3, 1979 — 35 years ago today — was about a crisis that isn’t remembered much at all. Following a long feature about the President’s week-long August vacation-cum-campaign-tour on board a Mississippi River steamship, came this news:

As TIME reported, the FBI interrogated Powell on board the ship and Jordan in D.C. — both denying the allegation. Jordan admitted that he did go to Studio 54 “for about an hour once” but did not use drugs.

But, as the story continued, the accusations didn’t exactly come out of nowhere: at the time, two of Studio 54’s owners were themselves in trouble, for tax evasion, obstruction of justice and conspiracy charges, and one of them had hired notorious lawyer Roy M. Cohn. Cohn heard that Jordan and Powell had visited the club, so he taped a statement from the dealer alleged to have provided the drugs and brought the tape to the FBI. Although the disco owners didn’t deny that they had ulterior motives — Steve Rubell, Cohn’s client, said he would testify against Jordan and Powell only in exchange for immunity for himself — the weight of the accusation meant that it could lead to, as TIME put it, “a major political crisis.” Hamilton Jordan was a powerful figure in politics, as well as, as People noted at the time, someone with “a reputation as a partygoer.”

[More from Source]


Fast Forward to the Obama administration. Biden and Obama were all about the CIA program, allegedly working with UN, to use DoD to track and trace the populace, for a coming coup where the UN, Socialist Democrats, and Communist China split the spoils and control of the world. 

A "Boy Scout" bent doing what is right, and not allowing corruption and what is immoral to remain may have gotten in the way. Joe Biden's corruption garden and "Jack" may have gotten whacked. 


Excerpt from Wikipedia:

John P. Wheeler III

John Parsons Wheeler III (December 14, 1944 – c. December 30, 2010), known as Jack Wheeler, was an American businessman. Wheeler was chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, senior planner for Amtrak (1971–1972), official of the Securities and Exchange Commission (1978–1986), chief executive and CEO of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, consultant to the Mitre Corporation (2009–death), and a presidential aide to the Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush administrations. He also held numerous other positions in the United States military, government, and corporations.[2][3] He died under mysterious circumstances on December 30, 2010.  

[More from source]



Mitre Corporation

The Mitre Corporation (stylized as The MITRE Corporation[3] and MITRE) is an American not-for-profit organization based in Bedford, Massachusetts, and McLean, Virginia. It manages federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) supporting several U.S. government agencies.  

[More from source]


Do the Mitre Corporation doing track tracing have anything to do with [Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell]? Bedford, New Hampshire is a relatively small community ... what a coincidence ... ???


Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell (/ˌɡˈln, -ˈlɛn/ ghee-LAYN, -⁠LEN; born 25 December 1961)[2][3] is a British former socialite, known for her association with financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. She worked for her father, the publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell, until his death in 1991 when she moved to the United States and became a close associate of Epstein. In 2020, she was charged by the US federal government with the crimes of enticement of minors and sex trafficking of underage girls.[4]

Maxwell founded the self-described ocean-advocacy group The TerraMar Project in 2012. The organisation announced cessation of operations on 12 July 2019, a week after the sex trafficking charges brought by New York federal prosecutors against Epstein became public.[5]

The US Virgin Islands Department of Justice announced on 10 July 2020 that Maxwell was also under investigation in the Caribbean territory.[6]

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Where Did the Missing Trillions Go? - Catherine Austin Fitts on The Corbett Report

[Direct Link to video]

Show notes: 

So we all know about the missing trillions by now, but where is that money going? And what can Americans do to reclaim that money that is rightfully theirs? Join Catherine Austin Fitts of and James Corbett of The Corbett Report for this wide-ranging discussion on the most important topic of our time that no one is talking about.

Watch this video on BitChute / / YouTube or Download the mp4

Interview 1479 – Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Financial Coup D’état

FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes

The Pentagon completed its second audit. What did it find?

The So-Called War on Terror Has Killed Over 801,000 People and Cost $6.4 Trillion: New Analysis

The Secret Space Shuttle

US Air Force’s X-37B Space Plane Lands After Record 780-Day Mystery Mission

Campaign #my212020

In Unprecedented, Shocking Proposal, BOE’s Mark Carney Urges Replacing Dollar With Libra-Like Reserve Currency

Filed in: Interviews
Tagged with:


Photo up top was [found here]


COVID Cover Up w/ Dr. Judy Mikovits: The BioSecurity State Illusion That Led To Your "New Normal" [Direst Link to below video]

REPORT: Diary Of Joe Biden’s Daughter Alleges Years Of Sexual Molestation [Direct link to video]

Why Trump WINS with over 300 electoral votes [Direct Link to the Health Ranger Natural News BitChute video upload] (Will Democrats, the UN, and/or the Chinese Communist release a dirty bomb or some other false flag to prevent a Donald J. Trump landslide?)


The Jericho Report Weekly News Briefing # 213 10/25/2020


In 1995 the Clintons faced felony prosecution and possible long prison terms for money laundering, real estate fraud, for murders, covering up their CIA Communist and Drug Trafficking activity as co-Governors of Arkansas, USA. 

There would be no 2nd Clinton Co-Presidency if pesky small busines owners and independent journalists went after them for Whitewater, Monica Lewinsky scandal, and their socializing of the US, out to make the US Constitution null and void. All the evidence the Clintons was allegedly moved to a single office in an OKC Federal Building. 

Then in 1995 the Clintons got the photo opportunity of blown up and burned children in that same Federal Building. 

The Clintons got their Domestic Terrorism Bill passed, so the UN could come into police departments, eradicate small business, and get the country slowly on the march for door to door gun confiscation, and forced military and/or police given vaccinations. 

Forcing the World to accept a Chinese World Digital Currency, going cashless, would mean the Clintons, the United Nations, and Communist China would split the world's wealth and running it as one huge open air prison system


Metallica - Welcome home (Sanitarium) studio version and lyrics

FBI could have prevented worldwide lock down putting spotlight on China with Hunter's Laptop?

Please share this post with others. The below videos are bombshell.

It is obvious the source of the first picture. 2nd picture with story was [found here] Click on image to make bigger. Click on white envelope below to share this post. My email is thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com. My beef with the system [found here] Click on top banner or icon of most blogs to go to newest posts.

On the Child Porn alone, pretty much any other American would be investigated, and there would be a swift arrest, and prosecution for someone having child pedophilia, even if they weren't the perpetrator of child rape and torture. The FBI has lots of "splaining" to do. 

If the FBI acted on the information on Robert Hunter Biden's computer, a spotlight on China, the operations of Health Organizations run by China, and BS could have been called on all this before this Turkey took flight. 


Did Trump Just Break the BBC's Parallel Narrative? with Special Guest David Hawkins [Direct Link to below video]

Video Shows Antifa Up Close and Personal - This is What will Come with Joe Biden’s America (Is America a failed "Racist State", and Biden will create a UN New World Order? Will all combustion engines be banned worldwide? Will UN Agenda 21 and 2030 for a Socialist Revolution to cull 9/10 of population? Let's make the guilotine right again?) [Direct Link to Video]

NORTHERN MAYORS VS LONDON MAYOR: The Mayor Of London Should Have A Different Stance - David Staffo.. (Will closing Pubs in London be the final nail in the Deep State coffin?) [London Real video]

Biden Loses Debate, Lies About Foreign Money, Declares War on Oil [Direct Link to BitChute Video]

Youtube Stupidly Shadowbanned Pewdiepie Yesterday (Bitchute Exclusive) [Styxhexenhammer666]

Biden's lead COLLAPSES in the RIGGED polls [the Health Ranger NaturalNews]

Timcast IRL - Facebook Whistleblower In Studio EXPOSES Election Interference And Censorship [Tim Pool aka TimCast]

AMERICA COMPLIES AND EXTREME LOCKDOWNS BEGIN! [If you are wearing a mask, are you inviting a permanent lock down, and communism forever?) [Direct link to Richie from Boston BitChute video]

When Did COVAIDS Morph Back Into Climate Change?? (Pissed off after lockdown freedom protestors absolutely decimate police in a clip in this video) [Direct Link to Dollar Vigilante video on BitChute]

CORN SHORTAGE: Grand Solar Minimum Kills Crops (New Study) (The Ice Age Farmer talks about the real problem, Global Cooling. Watch this before this YouTube Channel is memory holed. It the UN pre-empting a worldwide food shortage exacerbating the problem of starvation to massively reducing the population to adjust to a cooling planet?)

Economic Hell on Earth Is Coming, Warns Gerald Celente (Masks are BS. Let's see if this video stays up, and the channel isn't deleted. The UN and Chinese Communits influence needs to be purged out of free world, it will no longer ever resemble being even a little free.)

Tucker Carlson reveals best way to 'wreck Joe Biden' (Joe Biden's guilt about what he has sold out America to, is apparent.)

YouTube is Purging Again . . . Here's How to Find Me [The James Corbett Report on BitChute] [The Corbett Report the website]


The SRV Video uploads on BitChute are [found here]. [on LiveLeak]

Best Blog for calling BS on Corona Virus overreaction and non-emergency:



There might be a "Big Steal" come January 20, 2021, or before. Hillary Clinton will go to any extreme to grab the reigns of power, and so will Nancy Pelosi and/or Kamala Harris. If they succeed, Donald J. Trump will be more than assassinated. The trio wants to see Trump dragged out into the streets by an angry BLM/Antifa mob violated in his butt like the former Libyan Dictator that Hillary Clinton took so much pleasure on how he died. 

Clintons, the Bidens, and the Obamas never face any prosecutions, arrests, or prison for 100s of millions of bribes their offspring get to sell out America to United Nations UNESCO and the Communist Chinese. UN collaboration should be considered TREASON. The UN needs to be kicked out of the US in the most extreme, and painful way.


Blockbuster Report Reveals How Biden Family Was Compromised By China

In a day when half the US population remained transfixed by the ongoing revelations about the contents of Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell" and the other half was doing everything in its power to ignore the news which the socials have conveniently been desperate to censor, a far less noticed but perhaps just as important investigative report authored by the unknown Typhoon Investigations, was released by Christopher Balding, Associate Professor at Peking University HSBC School of Business Shenzhen, China and also Bloomberg contributor  (which is odd considering the clear anti-Trump bias of the Bloomberg media empire) exposing Biden activities in China which "the press has simply refused to cover", and which reveals "how Biden was compromised by the Communist Party of China."

In a series of tweets around noon on Thursday, Balding said that he had really "not wanted to do this but roughly 2 months ago I was handed a report about Biden activities in China the press has simply refused to cover. I want to strongly emphasize I did not write the report but I know who did."

Some more background on the origins of the report from Balding's website:

For two months I have worked on behalf of my colleague to ensure that this report helped others report on the documented evidence of Biden activities with regards to China. I want to emphasize a couple of things about my own involvement.

  • First, I did not write the report and I am not responsible for the report. I have gone over the report with a fine tooth comb and can find nothing factually wrong with the report. Everything is cited and documented. Arguably the only weakness is that we do not have internal emails between Chinese players or the Chinese and Bidens that would make explicit what the links clearly imply.
  • Second, I will not be disclosing the individual who did write this report. They have very valid reasons to fear for both their personal safety and professional risks. Throughout the years that I have known this individual we never discussed politics. I have never heard them criticize any political party other than the CCP. They are not a Republican.
  • Third, it was my very real wish that the press would have reported on the documented evidence in this report and left me and the author entirely out of this situation. I did not vote for Trump in 2016 and will not vote for him in 2020. This information however is entirely valid public interest information that the press has simply refused to cover due to their own partisan wishes. I have serious policy differences with President Trump. I am pro-immigration. I would like to see more free trade efforts to shift trade away from China and into partner countries from Mexico to Vietnam and India. I believe that institution building in Asia is vital and America needs to take that lead. However, I cannot in good conscience allow documented evidence of the variety presented here go unreported by partisans who are simply choosing to hide information.
  • Finally, I will not be answering any questions about the report. I had no wish to be involved in Presidential politics. I do not want to be on the news. I will not be answer any questions about who wrote the report. We need to return the focus to the known documented facts.


[More from Source with Video]


[Click Here] for below post:

Real Reason for COVID, Rollout of Chinese World Currency?


