Friday, April 26, 2024

Obvious Puppet of the Rothschild Opium Cartel based in China, Israel, & Switzerland???!!!

[Video explaing title]

[Click Here to go directly to Video Post]

Currently Violating Lifetime Restraining Order for Mass [direct link to video]

Thursday, April 25, 2024

I am @SvenVonErick on Twitter, Now called “X” ... I probably will be Censored off the Internet Soon ...

I have been critical of the J's ... so, just like Andrew Torba founder of Gab dot Com ... I can't do banking & everything electronic, delivery, &/or government ... public & private is out to censor & isolate me ... [Example of why]

My typical follower on X:

Why I am probably going to be kicked off & banned from X:

Bookmark the below link for my videos while you can. Links in expanded video descriptions.



[Direct Link to below video]

I WANT TO SUE MONSANTO FOR 100 BILLION #WBNEMESIS [Direct Link to Video] Expand Video Description for important links.

Scroll down to go beyond pinned posts to go to newest posts w/ embedded videos.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Bat Sh*t Crazy Conspiracy Theories ... Some Good Stuff for Screenwriting?

I WANT TO SUE DOD MONSANTO MOSSAD FOR 100 BILLION #WBNEMESIS (Satire) [Direct Link to Video] Expand Video Description for Links & more Info.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

American Leadership & Military Brass are way too “Masculine” to mess w/ us & overrun our borders?

My most recent video is about having knowledge before a mass casualty event, & not reporting it, is a crime. [my video channel]

Expand video descriptions for links & info

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Is the Real Government, Foreign, & Underground? #WBNemesis might be the Answer.

The Guardian News Article to go w/ above picture [click here]

Foreign Underground Colorado Government running everything on Surface? [Click for direct link to video] Expand Video Description for interesting links.

This post expanded. Scroll down in Link to go beyond pinned posts for newest posts:


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Most Popular Candidate Showing World that American Justice is worse than 3rd World?

Remove & Replace the Judicial Branch & go to Peoples Grand Juries Common Law. The FBI needs to be dismantled & not replaced. #WBNemesis

[Direct Link to below video]

Will Smith & P-Diddy, former Lovers? [Direct link to video]

I, Steven G. Erickson, have a Lifetime Restraining Order for going into Mass in 2020, for using Hillary Clinton & the C-Word in a sentence in 2016. The Wilbraham MA PD enforce this. I plan on going to Methuen MA, Wednesday April 17, 2024, illegally. I don't care, they can go Fuck themselves. [This is what I think of courts]

[Will Smith is beholden to scum]

Scroll down in post for [Red Flag Rules Abused] for more information on my Lifetime Restraining Order

Should long time US residents start to get set to make a quick exit before it is too late? [more on this subject]

Life on the run dodging Foreign Intel run cops & courts to end? [Videos]

What does a Satan Homosexual Pedophile Banker & Lawyer Cult Run Everything Workout for a Majority Category Member?

I have had all I own stolen all my life. My bank accounts get emptied. Since age 5 my mail can take weeks to come to not at all. I get charged the same fines & taxes to pay over, & over. I can't file court cases, & when I do, 3 judges in a row can refuse to sit on my cases. Police are not allowed to take my complaints. They will not take my complaint even if it is a murder, rape, or anything else that I witness.

All my toys were stolen out of the our garage when I was 2 going on 3. My Father poisoned my male cat dead, & I almost died. 
I was thrown down stairs. My father would beat me & choke me out & shake me on sight. I was punished for just breathing air. My Father was repeadedly sodimized as a little boy on a North Dakota by Jewish FBI Agents ... I wasn't & he grew up w/ one set of clothes, no indoor plumbing, no electricity where Winters are Arctic Cold.

I have a lifetime restraining order on me out of the Palmer MA Court. There was no basis for this. I wasn't notified of a hearing. I am not allowed to contest it. So, I am harassed by police for just leaving the house. All I own stolen yet again.

Since I am targeted by Satanist(s) my LBGTQ+ Satanist infiltrated Men's Team wants to get rid of me as a member. This is what I wrote to an email to them:

It is Erickson. My [Roommate info snipped] is throwing up, dizzy, can’t walk & having diarrhea like I have had about 2 weeks. She also doesn’t have any mental clarity to be able to drive, like me the past 2 weeks.

I think there should be some allowances for just getting the Flu, or being under the weather, or even recover from a car accident or other accident without “Trust Issues”

If anyone were interrupted & not allowed to speak when you have the floor, any of you would have gone ballistic & maybe just quit. I will not be disrespected.

It one of you had something removed, & I called BS unless you show me a picture, how absolutely disrespectful & impolite can one be with no shame?

Having to present proof that I had the full battery of tests on hand & ready to show men, or it didn’t happen & I am accused of being a liar is a total insult.

As far as being ripped off I posted the recorded phone calls & documents. I posted a video right after the court wouldn’t allow me to use the courts in Derry. I have emails I have sent to the NH AG, elected officials, & I have posted on social media, names dates, & documents.

I talked to John Burke, my neighbor about going to MDI. We started taking walks around the mini mall. Police started following him around, he got fired from his job, the place here was trying to find an excuse to evict him, he was having trouble getting & making phone calls, his bank accounts got jacked, & then police arrested him & he has been in prison the last 6 months.

Before that I hung out with Alex Lindquist who was on team meetings & then didn’t come back because he didn’t like how men would interrupt & insult me. We were working together, up until that meeting.

Al then got attacked by 4 people in Salem NH at the Tomo Restaurant. The day before I met w/ Feds that work for HHS in Boston. They wanted me to do a story on the purge of White Heterosexual Men, especially Christians out of Government & Military Jobs. I did & posted it. I met them at Tomo the day before end of June 2023.

Al were supposed to meet for coffee at one of the 3 Market Basket Grocery Stores all with in 1/4 mile of each other. We were about a mile apart, & he had a black helicopter hovering over him, & I texted him a picture of one.

Hours later he was attacked by 4 people & still faces prison for that. Police emptied his bank & crypto accounts, stole his wallet & ID. His brother Bryan who was considering joint MDI also had his bank accounts emptied & he & Al’s phones wouldn’t work for talking to each other, nor to me ... the same problem I have.

Since it happened to people all around me, now including Lori, my girlfriend who can’t get texts & calls even when I am sitting next to her showing he that I am calling her & the phone won’t connect. It doesn’t matter what carrier I use. My home phone, rotary dial that I had to stand on a chair to use from age 5 in 1969 would suddenly go dead & couldn’t be used to call in & out.

So, I wasn’t allowed to make, or receive phone calls from most of age 5 to age 15, nor to have friends, play sports, sit w/ kids at lunch, play at recess, nor participate in gym class unless there was an extra teacher to supervise just me to not have an unsupervised conversation w/ other students.

My Father dropped me off to a judge in chambers to molest me to fix a divorce case for one of my Father’s DoD Monsanto friends. My Father gave me Meth instead of the Date Rape drugs as he explained it to his cop friends, & I bashed the judge in face w/ a toy metal dump truck breaking his nose & blinding him in one eye age 5 in 1969.

Since the Judge was Jewish & part of a secret Gay & Lesbian Mafia, I have had issues after I get anything in my name. When I was 16, I had to pay tax on the same car 3x when everyone else has to pay once. Police tried to sting me for drug planted on me when I was 16.

Police walked me off of high school grounds when I turned 18, & I had done nothing wrong. Police in Wilbraham MA told me that if I came back on any high school grounds ever they would make up a statutory rape charge.

I was walked off of college campus, STCC my Freshman Year because my Father’s wife made up that I held a gun to her head, she ran from me in her car was hiding under the dash & then lost her 2 front teeth. It is the same story she made up about her 1st Ex-Husband. The real story is a drunk uninsured driver jumped the guardrail hitting her head on & she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.

I got promoted age 15 at State Line Potato Chips, my first official job. Someone called to get me fired. I got every crappy, disgusting job & was yelled at the entire time, like being 30 feet down in a dark wet 1800s factory basement shoveling rotted potatoes in virtual darkness.

I then got fired from McD. I got a threatening letter from the IRS about $10 underpayment threatening to seize all I own age 16, & have had problems w/ IRS, all Town Halls, & almost all Alphabet Agencies my whole life. Court Guards have my picture if it is known I am going to a court. They can only charge me w/ something, I am not allowed to use courts or to make police complaints.

I have been fired from every job I have ever had. Police have broken up every relationship I have ever had, friendships & romances. Contracting, police would threaten to arrest some of my customers if they didn’t sue me & not pay me.

I did get married have a daughter from a previous relationship, buy 4 houses spend 100s of thousands of dollars fixing them up. Police came & arrested me, at 11 at night for some made up stuff, & told my wife if she didn’t divorce me, they would deport her to LIthuania.

Police abducted me & made me sign over 3 houses w/ 9 total apartments to a Pedophile UN Child Trafficker Peter Coukos. They stole all the uncirculated silver quarters that my grandfather left me. Peter Coukos told me I had to pay him my last $30,000 or he would have police close my contracting business, I would be permanently estranged from my only daughter, & go to prison.

I was railroaded to prison court zip code 06066, Rockville Vernon Connecticut Court GA-19 in 2002.

In prison I found out that Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland got a free hot tub from the Tomaso Mafia Family, a 1965 Mustang & a $500,000 Condo in Washington DC that he could sell for awarding contracts to build, supply, & run Kiddie Max Prisons for kids to go nationwide w/ a push from George Soros to take more kids away from parents.

I was out of prison 3 hours having my Parole Officer tell me I was not allowed to talk to reporters, nor to contact any Federal or State Agencies about anything. I Faxed the USDOJ, & FBI & Governor John G. Rowland went to prison for a year & a day in Pennsylvania.

My Parole Officer refused to talk to me. I just sat in the waiting area. When I was off parole a month later, I was put on probation in Manchester Connecticut. The Probation Officer was pregnant, said she was getting 50 calls a day to violate me on probation so I would go back into prison. She told me that was to kill me, so she said I was kicked out of Connecticut & had an hour to pack up & go & I wasn’t allowed in the State ever again.

I am technically not allowed in Massachusetts from Spring of 2020 out of Palmer Mass Court because my Father’s now Ex-wife said that her granddaughter is in immediate danger of me breaking in the house, stealing everything, & then burning the house down. I wasn’t notified of a hearing, & I am not allowed in Massachusetts to contest the case, nor am I allowed in the court.

Police track me by my cellphone & debit card when I have one. For all of my life, my bank accounts just get emptied when they get to a certain point.

I get a job, police show up to get me fired. I had the fence sales job, & 3 Jewish people w/ NYC area code numbers called to get me fired inside of 3 hours on the same day when I had the job 6 weeks in 2012. I told him about my Father being a child trafficker for Israel & DoD Monsanto dropping a dime on him when I was 5, but not about blinding a judge & breaking his nose in chambers.

So this is what 6 decades of my life looks like. My phone didn’t work Google Meeting before last to go on Google Meeting because my phone was blocked from getting calls so I would not reconnect w/ John Burke to be his ride when he gets out of prison.

When I try to sell stuff on Craig’s list, it is only cops that want to meet me. Other calls are blocked.

I am so sick of this same bullshit every single day of my life.


[Link to more links and video]

Monday, April 08, 2024

Telling Donald J. Trump that he is a Chump, & just give it up, Biden is going to win w/ 100% Las Vegas Odds?

Sunday, April 07, 2024

CERN isn’t my concern, it is Geneva Switzerland & W.H.O. out to permanently Shutdown the World w/ CBDC

[My Short Video Explanation]

Check links in expanded video description.


Share this post while you can. Contact phone number is about 39 minutes into video.


Saturday, April 06, 2024

Mueller can be a Ashkenazi Jewish Last Name

[Click here for post on Gab dot Com for picture above]

Poison has clouded your mind to what is going on? [click here for direct link w/ links in description]

Make complaint to NH AG about Foreign Intel, get targeted? [direct link to video w/ links in description]

Friday, April 05, 2024

NH Governor Sununu wants you to buy Lottery Tickets as Haitians & Africans overrun New Hampshire?

I am SvenVonErick which is case sensitive on X, formerly Twitter. Also same on Gab dot Com. I comment to New Hampshire Governor Sununu w/ [this link]. My Video Channel:

Click on time code below this post to isolate URL to share by email, or click on white envelope below post. Click on Top Banner of Blog to go to newest blogs. Save what you want to save. All might be gone anytime ...

Thursday, April 04, 2024

1977 Audio of Biden & Soros at a UN Child Sacrifice in Hungary should have prevented all this BS???

Get your mind off your pets:

Be about this:

Excerpt from a Conspiracy Theory Website:

I made an audio cassette recording of Joe Biden & others at a Satanic UN Little Boy Blood Ritual Sacrifice in Hungary in 1977 w/ George Soros. 

 I wanted to get it to my John Birch Society Handlers. 

They wanted to Common Law Prosecute George Soros, Joe Biden, George H. W. Bush, others & members of their families for Accessory to Murder, the easiest charge to proof & put a Deep State Scumbag in prison & IT STILL IS. 

 In 1978, Mr. Spencer my Freshman Wilbraham MA HS Creative Writing Teacher a Mossad run CIA Field Agent recruited me into the CIA & wanted me to conduct a School Shooting. 

 Police grabbed me in the middle of the night, drugged me up & had me confess to the Shooting up the School in front of a video camera. 

 I then bulked up in the Weight Room at the School befriending the Football Team while going undefeated for my entire career as Captain of the Chess Team getting a Letterman Jacket where the Football Team did not. I tried to only talk in a deep voice to nullify the tape I made. 

I was promised the ability to run a brothel in Israel & could have as many US kidnapped 12 to 14 year old girls to train to be prostitute as I wanted. Someone who looked like me was to go to prison for me. 

 I know it was BS, they straight up would have murdered me, conducted the school shooting to end the 2nd Amendment in 1978 or 79 ... I quit the CIA in 1979. Israel Intel kept me from graduating high school, going to college, having jobs, & every time I accomplish something, just before I get the results something from outside & messes up everything. 

You all see that for yourselves in your personal lives it is now happening to you too ... The abuse out of Israel, China, Switzerland, & Saudi Arabia thru their corrupted DoD, Alphabet Agencies, Courts, & everything in anyway associated w/ George H. W. Bush has not stopped into the current day. 

 In 1977 there was no one in the entire world to turn in the Audio Cassette Tape of Joe Biden being part of ritual murders of little boys. 

 After watching the “Hunger Games”, I believe what Joe Biden & George Soros Street to do in 1977 to the world now, here in 2024 should be called “The Hungary Games” ...
[Click Here for Gab dot Com Post]

My SvenVonErick for more:

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

A Poll to go Common Law Peoples Grand Juries Closing all US Courts of Law?

It is a “White Privilege Lie” that the USA is being invaded by illegal aliens ... an Absolute Conspiracy Theory ...

[Direct Link to below video] Video is Satire by a Comedian.

The Absolutely Crazy Conspiracy Theory that Israel whacked JFK to take over US Money Supply? [Click Here for Gab dot com post]

My SvenVonErick Videos:

#WBNemesis might be the answer. Ask me, Steven G. Erickson, the question. Email: ericksonsteve99 at gmail dot com

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Donald Trump, if elected, wants to give Police (& Alphabet Agencies) Federal Immunity, No matter what???!!!

The Current Administration can do whatever they want, & there are no civil or criminal liablity. Imagine if all police & officials getting paid US Tax Dollars are immune from prosecution? Is that something you want Trump, or any legitimately elected, & not elected, Official to have???!!!

Republican Election rigging happened right in front of me at the end of January 2023. Michael Porter, Election Integrity out of the NH AG came to Soule School Salem, New Hampshire, polling station & refused to take my complaint. 

The NH AG refused to take my complaint & video evidence hours after an election in 2020.

I talk more about this [click here]

Link has YouTube "Pooky World" video