Friday, December 23, 2022

Donald J. Trump, I Steven G. Erickson, want to make a Citizen’s Arrest of the DC Pentagram

Please forward to Donald J. Trump. I, Steven G. Erickson, want a citizen’s arrest using Constitutional Sheriffs of the entire contents of the Pentagon for theft, & for murders. 2.3 Trillion Plus that started as a hearing Sept. 10, 2001, that was off-shored to Rothschilds in China to have a Coup on 9-11 needs now to be addressed. To contact me. Video of history of why.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

DHS can come get your fired from your job, take your money & property ...


HSBC Bank is holding money & won't let them transfer it to have operating money for the video platform. HSBC is a money laundering back for elites' child, sex, & narcotics trafficking.