This blog is for those that are victims of official, police, attorney, prosecutorial, and judicial misconduct. This forum is also for the furthering of rights of non-custodial parents and their children. We will lobby legislators, propose laws, and inform the public. Feel free to post your story, comment, or email your video in.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Free World, Stay Home! The Check is in Mail. Chinese Troops no cum in mouth for safety check. -Xi (Satire)
Joe and Robert Hunter Biden want to personally thank Xi for all the children to F', and all the cash. Xi, with the money and children, has definitely proven he is best to run anything and announce no more cash. We have your Xi Travel and Work Passa-ah-port. We have vacant prison city for you in China, 50 million of you who survived special Wanton Soup for You.
I really F'd up on feeding our own people. So, there are plenty of officials bribed thanks those like your [Monsanto father] Steve Erickson, he bin sendin' us files on anyone who might fight back when freedom was suspended or had a small business or farm. I take US and all of world for money you owe me.
"Hey Joe, how can anything you sign be legitimate if you aren't really US President? Did mostly China send in 100s of thousands to millions of fraudulent votes AND manipulate electronic voting? So, there is no impeachment Joe, there are handcuffs. Joe, is that poopy that I smell in your pants, and did you F' your own kids?" Steve E. (
Special Guest ALEX JONES on 'Great Reset' & Joe Rogan TRIGGERS Leftists AGAIN! | Louder with Crowd.. [Direct link to video] Will the Vaxx kill more Jews thanks to Israeli Government policies than Adolf Hitler could ever hope to?
Angel of Death, Big Pharma, Choking Toddlers. Ángel de la muerte. Operation Paperclip
1946 Operation Paperclip meant that Nazis guilty of Crimes Against Humanity in WWII were fast tracked as management, and chemists for Big Pharma, Monsanto, etc. Take your vaccine.
En 1946, la Operación Paperclip significó que los nazis culpables de crímenes contra la humanidad en la Segunda Guerra Mundial fueran acelerados como administradores y químicos de las grandes farmacéuticas, Monsanto, etc. Tome su vacuna.
All contained in my blogs is to the best of my knowledge, unless Satire.
Todo lo contenido en mis blogs es según mi leal saber y entender, a menos que sea Satire.
My first memories were of my Monsanto father grabbing me by my neck, shaking and choking me. Those with German Accents who were chemists and vaccine makers gave my father advice, and talked about bacteria to be introduced to all White Americans in low income areas to cause depression, lack of initiative/sexual desire, and in some, sterility.
Mis primeros recuerdos fueron de mi padre Monsanto agarrándome del cuello, sacudiéndome y asfixiándome.Aquellos con acento alemán que eran químicos y fabricantes de vacunas le dieron consejos a mi padre y hablaron sobre las bacterias que se introducirían en todos los estadounidenses blancos en áreas de bajos ingresos para causar depresión, falta de iniciativa / deseo sexual y, en algunos, esterilidad.
In 1971 I was the only 7 year old in a Springfield Massachusetts Monsanto Chess Tournament and I believed I played chess with someone partially responsible for millions of deaths. I came in 3rd in chess tournament that filled a large cafeteria, and lasted weeks in personal homes. My father dropped out earlier in initial rounds, because at 7 I already had higher intelligence than he did and he is reponsible, with others, for patents on latex paint.
En 1971 yo era el único niño de 7 años en un Torneo de Ajedrez Monsanto de Springfield Massachusetts y creía que jugaba al ajedrez con alguien parcialmente responsable de millones de muertes.Quedé tercero en un torneo de ajedrez que llenó una gran cafetería y duró semanas en hogares personales.Mi padre se retiró antes en las rondas iniciales, porque a los 7 años yo ya tenía más inteligencia que él y él es responsable, junto con otros, de las patentes de la pintura de látex.
My father got a 18 year old neighbor out of combat in Vietnam in 1969 to help him terrorize and destroy neighbors that he didn't like. Just threatening anyone who he didn't like with the IRS and losing everything in their lives wasn't enough for him. Priests who talked bad about Monsanto and the Vietnam War needed to be beaten everywhere possible under their collars if they either said nothing or supported a political candidate my father didn't want elected.
Mi padre sacó de combate a un vecino de 18 años en Vietnam en 1969 para que lo ayudara a aterrorizar y destruir a los vecinos que no le agradaban.Amenazar con el IRS a cualquiera que no le agradara y perderlo todo en la vida no era suficiente para él.Los sacerdotes que hablaban mal de Monsanto y la guerra de Vietnam debían ser golpeados en todas partes bajo el cuello si no decían nada o apoyaban a un candidato político que mi padre no quería que fuera elegido.
My sisters and I got different vaccines from everyone else. My father wanted clean vaccines only of a certain lot number and my father threatened doctor's lives and families if they talked about any of this.
Mis hermanas y yo recibimos vacunas diferentes a las de todos los demás.Mi padre quería vacunas limpias solo de un cierto número y mi padre amenazaba la vida y las familias del médico si hablaban de esto.
Springfield Swim Club, SSC, had a clubhouse, no pool, and inside there were pentagrams, depictions of Satan, a picture of a Secret Service Agent with an M16 behind JFK directly behind in a car, Dallas, Texas where Kennedy's head explodes from the Secret Service .223 bullet. Children were tortured and raped for entertainment.
Springfield Swim Club, SSC, tenía una casa club, sin piscina, y adentro había pentagramas, representaciones de Satanás, una imagen de un Agente del Servicio Secreto con un M16 detrás de JFK directamente detrás en un automóvil, Dallas, Texas, donde la cabeza de Kennedy explota desde elServicio Secreto .223 bala.Los niños fueron torturados y violados para divertirse.
1970 Wally Henderson, father of my sister Jenn's best friend built me an illegal room in the basement and did not charge my father anything even though Wally was a carpenter. Wally had a hot ginger red head with an amazing body even I noticed age 6. Wally didn't continue to give my father free labor every weekend, so my father retaliated by destroying Wally's life and marriage, shaking his 2 hot very young daughters loose for possible work at Monsanto/Police/Judges private brothel, or being sent to Saudi Arabia as sex slaves to pay for services of Intelligence Operatives that Monsanto needed to kill people, fix court cases, or for pure profit. They weren't kidnapped, but others were.
1970 Wally Henderson, padre del mejor amigo de mi hermana Jenn me construyó una habitación ilegal en el sótano y no le cobró nada a mi padre a pesar de que Wally era carpintero.Wally tenía una pelirroja pelirroja con un cuerpo increíble, incluso yo me di cuenta de que tenía 6 años. Wally no continuó dándole a mi padre trabajo gratis todos los fines de semana, por lo que mi padre tomó represalias destruyendo la vida y el matrimonio de Wally, sacudiendo a sus 2 hijas muy jóvenes y calientes.para un posible trabajo en un burdel privado de Monsanto / Policía / Jueces, o para ser enviados a Arabia Saudita como esclavas sexuales para pagar los servicios de los agentes de inteligencia que Monsanto necesitaba para matar personas, arreglar casos judiciales o con fines de lucro.No fueron secuestrados, pero otros sí.
My father met Chinese Intelligence 1972 to 1974 asking that the Chinese database on all Americans be more searchable for those likely to oppose Monsanto and enter into small business or be leaders when the US Constitution was suspended. What became Secular Humanism, where scientist merge with machines to live forever, wanted to first kill 95% of the population with vaccines, as these scientists didn't want average people clogging their roads, breathing their air, and enjoying their mountains, lakes, and beaches.
Mi padre se reunió con la inteligencia china de 1972 a 1974 y pidió que la base de datos china sobre todos los estadounidenses sea más fácil de buscar para aquellos que probablemente se opongan a Monsanto y entren en pequeñas empresas o sean líderes cuando se suspendió la Constitución de los Estados Unidos.Lo que se convirtió en Humanismo Secular, donde los científicos se fusionaron con las máquinas para vivir para siempre, quería matar primero al 95% de la población con vacunas, ya que estos científicos no querían que la gente promedio obstruyera sus caminos, respirara su aire y disfrutara de sus montañas, lagos,y playas.
World Banks and Corporations want to become the world government of all nations and erase national identity and borders with United Nations as the beard. These elites envy Communist China for their method of ruling, and no private property and basic human rights. Monsanto wanted to own its employees. Word search Smedley Butler to learn how banks and corporations attempted to take over the world in the 1930.
Los bancos y corporaciones mundiales quieren convertirse en el gobierno mundial de todas las naciones y borrar la identidad nacional y las fronteras con las Naciones Unidas como la barba.Estas élites envidian a la China comunista por su método de gobierno y no tienen propiedad privada ni derechos humanos básicos.Monsanto quería ser dueño de sus empleados.Busca palabras en Smedley Butler para descubrir cómo los bancos y las corporaciones intentaron apoderarse del mundo en la década de 1930.
Be a good citizen, take your vaccine. If you are still alive in 2025, you can get a free ride from the Chinese Troops that kicked your door in at 3 AM to bring you to a Hillary Clinton Fun Camp.
Sea un buen ciudadano, vacúnese.Si todavía está vivo en 2025, puede obtener un viaje gratis de las tropas chinas que patearon su puerta a las 3 a.m. para llevarlo a un campamento de diversión de Hillary Clinton.
Link to my father's book about his invisible friends and Secular Humanism:
Angel of Death Josef Mengele Image up top was [found here]
My email is and I can give you my more secure address. But give me an indication of why I should give it to you.
Isn't illegal to be forced to disclose your private medical details? Aren't there Common Law basics rights for all humans in a Free Society since the 1214 signing of the Magna Carta? What about the US Constitution, don't elected officials answer to that? If they won't follow any of the rules for we the people, why should we even listen to these Communist, World Bank, UN, and Xi Jinping bribed morons? At about 2 AM for the "election" the "News Coverage" announcers said it was too stressful, then there was no coverage and in matter of minutes Joe Biden got the 100s of thousands to millions of votes to make the most most popular US President in the History of the World with doing little, almost no campaigning. I didn't even see Joe Biden for President in New Hampshire and it was very rare to see them the 3 weeks before the "election"
I am calling BS on the bogus elections, Democrat "wins", and this whole COVID scam that is really a permanent Climate Lockdown so the Free World can be in an open air prison and pay taxes for being jailed to banks, United Nations, Corporate Organized Crime, and Communist China.
F' that incestuous child rapist Joe Biden and his son hunter who were paid to sell out the US to China, and suspend the US Constitution because they got to bugger children and rake in 100s of millions, just like other B.A.R Association members the Obamas, the Clintons, and 2/3 of all "elected" lying lawyer scumbag politicians.
Donald J. Trump was Warp Speed Pied Piper on Vaccines. Most of Trump's base truly doesn't believe in an untested vaccines and these ridiculous lock downs. The COVID scam was definitely good for the Democrats, UN, World Bank, and Communist Chinese to wipe out all national sovereignty, national borders, and take control of all militaries, and honest police officers who have something to defend like the US Constitution out of their jobs.
Standby for angry rant, bad grammar, misspelling, massive run on
sentences, and text you may not be able to wrap your head around.
I don't remember exactly, but I recall 2006 to 2010, or so, if you ever
wore an Insane Posse Clown shirt, attended one of their concerts, or
ever had a Ron Paul for President Bumper Sticker, you could immediately
be put on the harassed on sight list so police, TSA, DHS, maybe lose
your driver's license, have lifetime problems with IRS, TSA, and maybe
never fly, get a loan, utilities in your name, an apartment, or be
allowed unrestricted use of the internet ever again. Police will show up
to any potential employers and correct their wrong for even considering
hiring you.
Your rights revoked because you might want to vote
for a candidate that the United Nations, World Bank, Police and
Teacher's Unions, B.A.R. Association, Communist China/United Nations,
Corporate Organized Crime, Big Pharma, their owned Mainstream Media, and
Billionaire Bad Boys Club don't like and no guns, no job, no dating,
and maybe a quick trip to a Hillary Clinton re-educations "Fun Camp" is
in your future!!!???
I was 4 and didn't believe in Santa Claus. [This is why].
Vaccine Advocate Dr. Leana Wen says COVID Spread with Vaccines?
Owen Shroyer video below seems to suggest that Dr. Leana Wen claims that the vaccinated pose risk of spreading COVID, especially the so-called Delta Variant.
Does that mean that this whole COVID thing was spread with the 2019 verson of the Flu Vaccine?
If Vaccine Companies make vaccines that spread the disease they are supposed to protect you from, isn't that brilliant marketing, yet very unethical?
Is it good that those who are involved with Communist run United Nations, Communist China, and Big Pharma bribed politicians mandate through their owned Main Stream Media that Big Pharma, World Bank, and Communist China run everything?
* * *
"You own nothing, and have no rights," - Stafford Springs, Connecticut, Police Officer "Fat Frank" Prochaska to me in about 1995.
After the Oklahoma City Bombing allowed secret United Nations control of court proceedings, and police investigations, Court 06066 zip code Prosecutor Beth Leming (sp?) told me that heterosexual White Male Small Business owners need to get prison even if they did nothing wrong.
This to right the wrong of all the discrimination in the past against minorities, bi-sexuals, homosexuals, and transgenders.
Peter Panciera and 6'3, taller and outweighing me by about 100 pounds, picked me up the neck, punched me repeatedly in the face, and bit into my underwear.
I dialed 911 and was told by Connecticut State Police Troop C and/or Staffors Springs Police to stay in place. It was over 45 minutes it took them to get to me when they were 40 yards away hanging out near their cruisers.
I bled down my neck, chest and my underwear was soaked with blood.
The above incident was enough excuse that I was arrested 6 weeks after the incident for Assault 3rd and Breach of Peace and that Panciera, fears me according to witnesses that first told police they didn't see me being assaulted were re-interviewed by Officer Frank Prochaska.
Prochaska jogged the memories of the witnesses and they changed their sworn statement that I attacked Panciera.
Prochaska told me since I was not going to help with the United Nations/Police Union/Unamed Billionaire donor to promote UN and GREEN Agendas and programs of eliminating self-employed, small business, and gun owners by becoming a police officer or taxpayer paid Confidential Informant thug, I needed to pay him $1000 a month.
Pay him to be allowed to have such a pretty wife, my only daughter in my life, run my contracting business and own my own home.
When I looked into becoming a part time police officer to become in 1995 the operations that became DHS, I would have to pay Prochaska 1/3 of any of the money I got paid for undercover riot duty (being a provocateur), and/or 1/3 of loot and cash stolen from houses I broke into for police when they were lookouts as I was a contractor with tools. Police would look for houses where political target owners for being conservatives, were watched by other police for not being home.
I didn't want to break any laws. I called the the Office of US Senator Chris Dodd and reported everything. Connecticut State Police came to me after that call and told me that they were working on a secret police investigation and that if I told anyone, or went to media I would be beaten up, maybe have my teeth kicked out and take my last ride in cruiser trunk in handcuffs, spend the rest of my life in prison, or be put in a mental hospital.
Prosecutor Beth Lemming told me I either had to plead guilty in the case and get a year and a half in prison. This for my part of having the living crap beaten out of me for asking a drug dealer not to sell cocaine near my house, a $5000 fine, and 3 years probation even though I had no previous criminal record!!!???
Leming told me that I could be paid and not charged for anything if came out as gay, bisexual, and if I became a transgender, some billionaire (George Soros?) would pay me a $100,000, and then that same amount a year working to soften up the public for when the US Constitution was to be suspended.
Lemming told me that if I said anything to media, or elected officials that I would be locked up in a mental hospital for life if I told anyone about the deal she offered as absolutely no one would believe me.
Why tell you all this? Well this craziness is now going on for everyone, not just me, and those like me who had Big Mouths about the Clintons, wanting them jailed since about 1995.
More of my story can be [found here]. 6 people dead because I told them this story, and more? [Video]. All contained in my blogs is to my best belief, and knowledge, unless obvious satire. Picture up top was [found here].
Shocking Admission: Vaccinated Individuals Are Now Causing COVID Outbreaks [direct link to video]
Saudi Arabia/Monsanto involved in missing kids from 1960s, 9/11, Vietnam War False Flag, Agent Orange Human Genetic Experiments?
(Opinion, Commentary, and sometimes extreme Satire)
I remember glass shampoo bottles, bare wires electrified (knob & tube) near the towels getting out of tub, BB guns handed to 5 year olds no eye protection, guns loaded and laying on tables where television remotes are today, women with hair in a certain somewhere to tell on them if they colored their hair, and when there was a US Constitution. I was born in 1964.
Operation Paperclip meant that from 1946 that Nazi Scientists that experimented on mainly Jewish Re-Education Camp prisoners tried to sterilize, burn humanity and religious beliefs out with chemicals.
Scientists were doing the first genetic altering experiments. Since man first made friends with a Wolf, dogs have been genetically altered before there was even much language spoken by humans living in caves, huts, and out in the open.
Using vaccines and over the counter drugs, got all sorts of results that the US spy agencies, DoD, World Bank, Corporate Organized Crime, and the Final Solution People all like. From all over the world these "people" wanted their work to continue. These Nazis and Monsanto minded "people" were forgiven for War Crimes,. mentored young chemist minds like my Monsanto Father.
What does this have to do with missing children from the 1960s?
Well watch the video below. Check out more posts and links here. All contained is to my best belief and knowledge.
My first memories are of a figure walking out of the dark (my Monsanto father) choking me unconscious lifting me up by the neck, putting a pillow in my face until the whites of my eyes were red the next day.
I was being bowled down the stairs as a toddler, and abuse increases in severity over the years, fast forward to my father's wife getting a permanent restraining order on me, and my passport seized flying back into the US Boston Bass, August 22, 2021, Wilbraham Mass Police were alerted that I would be coming to immediately burn babies that I had no idea existed in homes of people I also forgot existed.
Okay fast flash backwards: I was threatened by the Ludlow Massachusetts Police Chief from age 4 because of what I saw him, and my Monsanto father doing.
Age 6 the Ludlow police chief and I made a deal.
I could be like James Bond too, if I just kept my mouth shut.
Open my mouth and get a [N-word snipped] beating.
After my father agreeing to leave me alone if I kept my mouth shut from about age 6, or so, the lifetime restraining order abuse is the last straw. Age 16 he no longer just pulled me aside and started beating on me, because I would beat back. The psychological and official abuse using his security clearance has never stopped. So, I release the below:
Sex Trade Saudi Intelligence Monsanto United Nations Agenda 21 and 2030 (Expose) [Direct link to video]
Missing kids on milk cartons images was [found here]
Ep. 2587b - Patriots Must Play Every Card In The Deck, When Do You Play The Trump Card? [Direct link to video] 0P is a Q-Tard. Take with grain of salt.
Police Are RESIGNING En Masse Over Vaccine Mandates, But This Will Lead To Australian Style Fascis.. [Direct link to video]
China and NIH rig US elections? Bidens paid with sex with children, Money from China? (Opinion)
There is no perfect independent source for news. What is the agenda? If vaccine companies have an ownership stake in mainstream media, all this is okay, right?
The Sidney Powell lawsuit with dominion may out the sham that was the 2020 US elections? RINOs and Democrats have no legitimacy.
If leaders are not really elected with popular vote, then there is no representation for our taxation.
It is office gained by fraud, and foreign intervention by the nation that launched a biological attack to take control of the US by proxy.
How is China, United Nations, and the World Bank running the "Free World" working out for you?
The United Nations is linked to child and narcotics trafficking. Many judges are known to have a thing for little boys. The B.A.R Association is an international organization mostly tasked as collectors for the World Bank.
"Elected" Officials are about 2/3 B.A.R. Association Members in including Bidens, Clintons, Obamas etc. How is that working out for you? Did Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden all collude with Communist run United Nations, China, and World Bank to cede control of the Free World to World Bank, Corporate Organized Crime, and China?
Were the international police and teachers unions the glue?
A zip code 06066 Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan who I alleged may be have sex with young boys as payment for his being part of kid auctions, DCF, State Police, and Judiciary sex and drug trafficking out of the Connecticut Judiciary.
After spending 2 years trying to have Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan removed for behavior unbecoming of a judge and acting on United Nations mandate to eliminate small business in civil, and criminal case manipulation, Kaplan sat on my criminal case where I stood accused of overreacting to almost being stabbed during an attempted mugging in my Stafford Springs, Connecticut, dark driveway using pepper spray.
Judge Kaplan sentenced me to a year in prison, 3 years probation and stated with glee I would be estranged from my only daughter, and said, "We can't all be wrong, and you right, Steve!" I lost everything and there hasn't been a day that has gone by since I first tried to have a corrupt judge removed, that I have had any peace. I lost everything. [More]
BREAKING! Sidney Powell Goes FULL KRAKEN MODE Against The Criminal [DS] Cabal! Q: Justice Is Coming! [Direct link to video] This is a Q-Tard video, take with grain of salt.
Warfare From Within - Australia Is Being Overrun [Direct link to TheCrowHouse Bitchute video] Max Igan talks about being attached with mind altering beams into his head. As crazy as this sounds, wouldn't the Deep State want devices to alter the brain, and thought, of those they wish to target? I told my brother-in-law, Phil about how I thought from age 4 that my father was involved in Monsanto child, sex, and narcotics trafficking using his alleged CIA security clearance and Phil died days later, similar to the other 5 people I told this to. [story].
This blogger's email is: and you can request my more secure email.
9 Connecticut State Police Cruisers showed up and parked on my lawn in
Stafford Springs when I talked over the phone about 2 hours earlier. I
had told a friend that I intended on opening up "American Values
Breakfast and Lunch Diner", talking about subjects found in [this post]
It was the bizarest thing. The Troop C Tolland Connecticut State
Troopers were just staring at me on the from the porch, and I heard over
their police radios all at the same time from the dispatcher, "You
can't hang around with Mr. Erickson, there are accidents, domestic
assaults etc that you all need to go out on."
I believe it was then Sargeant Sam Izzerelli that told me that I could
end up dead, or in prison for life if I dared try to open up a diner and
talk about politics and public corruption. Sam allegedly later became
sex crimes detective to mostly find 14 to 16 year old girlfriends for
White Male Officers, or to work for profit and free sex for the
Connecticut State Police.
I looked into becoming a part time police officer in Connecticut shortly
after the Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing, and found out that
laws had to be broken to become a police officers.
They wanted me
to break into targets of the International Police Union and United
Nations for having a small business, interfering with police
profiteering and drug trafficking, were conservatives, concealed carry
pistol permit holders, and or paid mostly in cash to steal the cash, and
valuables, that citizens had in their homes as police would keep track
of when a target wasn't home to use police recruits or taxpayer funded
Confidential Police Informants known as "CIs".
The United Nations wanted those who would be leaders after guns were
confiscated from all Americans and the US Constitution was suspended.
The United Nations and International Police Union would put citizens on
lists to get barbecued in Civil and Criminal Courts. Small business
owners, family farmers, rental property owners, and especially ranchers
would most resist the suspension of the US Constitution and going
cashless for complete control of everyone by World Government.
believe the United Nations, Monsanto, Big Pharma, Police and Teacher's
Unions, the World Bank, and Corporate Organized Crime, B.A.R.
Association and billionaires involved in child, sex, and narcotics
My Hartford Narcotics Detective friend that Judges,
other officials, and DHS, DCF, and Mafia got money in the UBS Bank
offshore accounts for fixing elections, getting children for auctions,
and payment for killing or silencing those who get in the way.
Soros would personally pay judges, prosecutors, attorneys, politicians,
other officials, and others to help destroy the sovereignty of the
United States by obstructing justice and installing those who would
carry out United Nations Agendas 21 and 2030, population reduction, and
using Chinese Communism as the basis for World Government.
My email is and will give you my secure email if requested.
One the things I needed to accomplish to become a police officer in Connecticut was to stage with police officers prior to a scheduled riot or protest, and incite crowd to commit violence so police get overtime, riot, and DHS type pay even before DHS was officially announced.
Massive Election Fraud Proven in Arizona, so now what? (Opinion)
What does COVID have to do with eliminating fossil fuels, shutting off electricity, and locking everyone up in the most massive open air prison system in the history of the world? These were planned "Climate Lock Downs".
MasterCard has partnered with United Nations to start charging a global tax and shutting off the accounts of anyone who uses too many carbon credits with what they buy, and with their opinions in socials media, and the real world. Cash is going away, and the crypto currency will be blown up as the United Nations exerts even more control on the Internet.
What does Bank of America know about the elimination of cash, and the coming permanent UN mandated world lock down? ATM and branches are disappearing at major speed.
You could ask elected officials like Nancy Schaefer about what is really going on with the B.A.R. Associations of lawyers that is 2/3 of all elected officials that 1st sware and allegiance to the World Bank and the UN Pedophile Sex and Drug Trafficking elites. Except you can't ask Nancy, she was murdered gangland style. So the government and courts are run by mostly attorneys who either are, or profit from pedophilia, and child trafficking. How is that working out for you?
[Stephen Colbert] recently claimed on his show that the Arizona Audit only proves that Joe Biden received even more votes. What Stephen didn't say that the 70,000, or so, fraudulent votes almost all for Biden is what he was counting in the tally.
Big Pharma is partnered with China, the World Bank, ruling the world with sex, drug, and child trafficking.
You can't censor a sitting US President like Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook, and Jack Dorsey of Twitter, cleary did before an election. They tampered with the election.
Vaccine Companies virtually own the mainstream media along with China. Both Joe and and Robert Hunter Biden were allegedly paid to allow China to implode the US to take it over militarily by giving them loads of cash and all the little children they want to F'!!! How is that working out for you?
If the FBI, CIA, DHS, CDC, NIH, Department of Children and Families, IRS, B.A.R. Association, Judges who bugger little boys, the international teachers and police unions where part of the World Bank pedophilia sex and drug trafficking, racketeering, and profiteering, maybe something will be done.
There need's to be a people's Attorney General, People's Grand Jury, and a People's Sheriff System where those who commit crimes in the US, and in the World, are actually tried fairly, and punished to the full extent of the law if found guilty.
I know from seeing with my own eyes that companies like Monsanto, part of Big Pharma, are part of the organ, sex, child, and narcotics trade with China, the World Bank, and the United Nations and the 6 people who I told the story to, are all dead, all possibly using some sort of new electronic technology to pass off as natural causes or accidents [video accounting of that].
Trump was never not US President since 2012. He won in the election of 2020 in one of the biggest landslides ever.
If there is any working justice system in the US, Trump should be in and lead the push for the prosecution of those guilty of treason of aiding and abetting Chinese Communists after they committed Acts of War on the United States of American, and for being minions of the coup of the Free World and US.
New Iowa Poll Stuns Nation, Biden Is Going To Hate This How do you impeach a US President who is not legitimate out of the box? Why not arrest someone part of the coup instead? [Direct link to video]
Trump was Hampered by Propaganda... Biden is Hampered by Biden [direct link to video]
Amazon getting billions of tax dollars to eliminate competition/add to Chinese Spy Database started by Monsanto on Chinese soil in 1960s?
Amazon getting billions of tax dollars to eliminate competition/add to Chinese Spy Database started by Monsanto on Chinese soil in 1960s? (Opinion)
Monsanto Executives in the 1960s were talking about data they were sending on all children in schools, all adults in college and in key industries over international phone lines to a database in China. How is that working out for you now?
Are you paying for free shipping with your tax dollars to Amazon can beat out all other competition. What spying information is Amazon turning over on you, and to whom?
All is my opinion, to my best belief and knowledge.
My father
met with Chinese Intelligence as part of his Monsanto Marketing job 1972
to 1974, Ludlow Massachusetts. They talked about how to best manage
populations after there was no more 2nd Amendment, Free Speech, Private
Property Ownership or even the US Constitution itself in tact.
of Agent Orange, a defoliant, millions of tons, paid for by taxpayers.
The genetic altering of humans was known and all future generations were
to be affected. The Veterans Administration was to document, and hide
the findings. Different chemicals were added to see what could be
accomplished. A massive human medical experiment, the Vietnam War, or as
the Vietnamese called it, "The War with America."
My father was back and forth to China almost to present day.
Organ, Narcotics, Child Trafficking, Money Laundering, Crimes Against
Humanity involve Monsanto, the United Nations, China, Big Pharma, the
World Bank, and Corporate Organize Crime. The Teachers and Police Unions
and the B.A.R. Association is the glue.
Democrat Smoke Screen for Fraud 2020 Elections, Integrate Haiti/3rd World into US (Opinion)
There needs to be a complete "Do-Over" of all 2020 elections. Have paper ballots and vote in person. The "Pandemic" only had to do with fixing the vote and all that fraud should be scrapped as well.
Situation Update, Sep 25, 2021 - Arizona forensic audit results prove election was rigged: DECERTIFY [Direct Link to Video]
It is obvious that Joe Biden and the Democrats who won in States like Georgia are complete frauds and should not be in office. Everything that they have "passed" for legislation should be scrapped. There needs to be arrests and prosecutions. Or is the US a 3rd World Hell Hole with a "legal system" to match?
Aliens, Monsanto, and Chemists wanting to merge with machines, Kill us all first ...
I got a lot of beatings from my Monsanto father from my earliest memories from a toddler.
When he wasn't trying to break my nose with an elbow, or smash my little fingers holding a metal wedge where he telegraphed that I was going to have a sledge hammer near my little fingers, or near my little head, and pulled away so I didn't get the same injuries he had as a kid, I thought my Monsanto father was an alien, at the same time 3 or 4, I knew Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Easter Bunny was complete BS.
My father was a complete homo-phobe from some sort of ritual, or "mentoring" to be part of the new world order and Monsanto, so couldn't go by any male animals without causing them some sort of pain. When he got dogs, or pet a cat, it had to be female ...
Okay, back to me being 4 years old in 1968, or so. My father bought a telescope to take notes on the positions of 4 of Jupiter's moons. I am a human and he wanted me to draw what I saw in the telescope. He came up from something different, as aliens were talking to him in some sort of Morris Code.
"In Ancient Cultures we had visitors".
They needed comfort. There were sacrifices and the blood gave comfort. So, my father was saying that in ancient times, leaders were drug dealers to aliens.
So, now at near 58, does Hillary Clinton get high on the blood of tortured babies? Does her lover, Huma, get high the same way?
Well back to the alien thing, my father would stare at himself for hours in the bathroom, and make faces in mirror pretending to be human.
If you can't feel emotions, you can't pretend in a mirror. He had only anger, envy, and punching women in the face as foreplay to getting oral sex.
Sharing a wall with him as a toddler was very uncomfortable. There were shows like UFO, and Star Trek on the television, and I was wondering what planet Monsanto came from.
The World Bank medical tyranny currently taking place must come from there.
Genocide China Monsanto United Nations World Bank Medical Tyranny - How is Zero Privacy Working Out? [Direct link to video]
4th Day in Mass National Guard and We are out of bullets (Fiction)
(Fiction/Creative Writing/Excerpt of a Screen Writing Project)
I was regular Army when they experimented using the 3rd Boosters on us.
90% of us were dead inside of 5 days.
Day 2 many were shatting out their clogged intestines right out their arses.
Guys were lying naked in the hallways with 2 to 3 feet of intestines hanging out.
Many committed suicide well before dehydration took our lives.
There is a magic substance, for 12 cents a paper up dose,
Life comes back in a matter of minutes to an hour.
We call it the “Big C”. Big C has been available, and was the main cure for even the Flu since the 1960s. It was standard care, a therapeutic.
Our Massachusetts Guard Building is near a swamp.
We purposely left sections of fence and our gates open in the back.
The reason I am even here as I thought I could get my Chevrolet Volt fixed.
It is one of the few with an actual gasoline motor. At about 40k miles I find out from the factory they put in wrong size pistons and other parts didn’t match up.
How does that happen?
I was then working on a 1978 Chevy Impala. There is a conversion kit for it, for after the Chinese start launching their EMPs my car will run if there is any fuel to be had and if they let me live as promised.
It sucks, but we are to get Chinese and United Nations Patches for our uniforms supplied directly from the World Bank.
I have been without sleep now maybe 2 days.
I shot 2 young teen girls as they waded in the water towards me.
One was beyond cute.
We had to take our M16s of 3 shot bursts to single shot, and I plugged both at about 20 yards out. We don’t even identify them, we are just stacking them up in the back lot and we aren’t even bothering to cover them with tarps.
No one isn’t even sick yet in the general public.
It is T minus 10 days according to some crazy conspiracist radio jock with initials AJ.
The Chinese could have just used their military satellites and just vaporized him at any time.
So, I don’t know why they had us use an ancient Apache Helicopter to put the fire of hell and some other bomb after it goes off sucks up all the oxygen in some sort of chain reaction.
They said that guy would never shut up unless he was dead.
I have 5 bullets left in my clip, and we are going to have to use large rocks to start bashing heads in soon.
Again, there is no sickness yet, but that bleephole let the public know that the only cure, the one being withheld from the public, is right here.
Maybe that nuts last rant is the reason I am still here ...
24+ Trillion Stolen. Nothing left to steal. Lock Down the Crime Victims. Slow Kill them.
So what if Monsanto and Vaccine makers sent all data on students 1-12 and from all colleges.
A database from 1972 for the United Nations and Chinese databases to rig elections and prevent companies like Monsanto from really facing criminal and civil liability are why we have had so much fun the last year and a half.
Hot 14 year olds can be kidnapped out of US to lick Saudi anus, balls, and finish the royalty off, custom ordered and delivered by Big Pharma and Monsanto to royalty, corporate organized crime, World Bank, and little boys supplied to B.A.R. Association and the pedophile network of judges? [more in a blog post with video embeds]
Has China had a growing database on all US citizens grades 1 to 12, college, and professional and family links sent to them by Monsanto from 1972 to do what is going on now? Well, check past posts here, and links.
If Obama found Culpable for the Worldwide COVID/Chinese Biological Attack on Free World, will China Nuke the US?
(Opinion) Disclaimer: All contained in blogs is to my best belief, and knowledge, unless satire.
Will China start a nuclear war with US if Barack Obama is find the key to all culpability for the COVID/Chinese Biological Attack on the Free World?
Flashback to Wilbraham, Massachusetts, in the mid-1970s when a gaggle of Springfield Massachusetts Monsanto Marketing Department Executives were having Martini Wednesday, Scotch Thursday, or similar, I overheard Larry Rudder say this, "Let's get that faggot judge we get little boys for fix that guys alimony to more than he makes. Have him call the other judge."
My father met with Chinese Intelligence Operatives on what he wanted done with all the school records on all public school records on all children to be stored on Chinese databases from late 1960s to early 1970s. So anyone, anywhere can be compromised by Chinese Intelligence. Girls 14 to 16 who met the requirements of Saudi royalty that ordered girls from Monsanto could be delivered.
So, Monsanto might be responsible for kids faces shown missing on milk cartons for decades.
All Alphabet Agencies can be involved in shaking kids lose from their parents. The medical tyranny in schools, the IRS, FBI, police investigations, DHS, TSA, FDA, CDC, Departments of Children and Families, etc so parents separate, relocate, and then the kidnapping target for sexual slavery or ritual sacrifice is officially kidnapped in court proceedings, or by operatives.
Everyone can be compromised as we are all on the United Nations/World Bank/Monsanto/Big Pharama/Corporate Organized Crime/Mainstream Media/Chinese Communist data base to be murdered, sterilized, abducted, tortured, indefinitely detained, and/or tracked for effectiveness of ongoing worldwide human medical and psychological warfare experiments.
"We're CIA, if anyone tells on us they will end up in Federal Prison or dead," said by Larry Rudder to another Monsanto Executive, new and worried about running sex and narcotics trafficking ring internationally.
Larry told me in the mid 1970s stinking drunk that they role play like they are like James Bond and international spies, so what I heard was a game they were playing because they were bored. This is what highly paid executives do at each other when they aren't visiting judge/lawyer/politician/Mafia/Corporate heads/Main Stream Media private brothels out whoring.
"War with China is immanent." - Alex Jones quote from below video
ALEX JONES (1st HOUR) Wednesday 9/22/21 • DARPA/PENTAGON BLOWS WHISTLE - SECRET PLAN OF COVID-19 [Direct Link to Video] Is what is revealed bigger than news of World War II?
Monsanto/Big Pharma/CIA gave China/World Bank all info for database on all 1st World Students from 1970?
Monsanto/Big Pharma/CIA gave China/World Bank all info for
database on all 1st World Students from 1970? (Opinion, Commentary, and
sometimes Satire)
All contained within all of my blogs is commentary, opinion, and sometimes satire.
What is contained here is to my best belief and knowledge.
first grade 1970, Ms. Connor brought me to the principal of my school
in Ludlow, Massachusetts. She didn't want me as a student, and was
swearing that if I was anything like my father, she hated me too.
Monsanto father may have been threatening her with me not talking about
him, Monsanto, and what Monsanto executives were doing with CIA to
collect information on all US students from 1st grade for a Chinese
The school principal began bringing me to the basement
of the school, talking to me, and giving me shell casing from high
powered rifles, pistol rounds, and talked to me about ballistics and
He didn't mention my father by name, or the evil of
what he worked for, just like my Fargo, North Dakota family farmer
paternal grandfather didn't mention my father, his son.
What both
said to me is to keep my wits about me, and to undo the evil, and I
would be a leader in the fighting in the streets before the year 2000.
Even Monsanto Executives were wrong on when they would actually launch their version of Helter Skelter.
was to come into play when all players were ready to suspend the US
Constitution. Charles Manson prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi broke it all
down to me in 2007 when he said he buy me lunch if I filmed all that he
did that day and help serve the Vermont Attorney General on reason to
prosecute George W. Bush for murder in Vermont. YouTube videos of this
day may still exist.
China, United Nation, the World Bank,
Big Pharma/Monsanto, and Corporate Organized Crime would erase all
borders, end private property ownership, and the service staff for the
elite would be genetically inferior to the ruling class after vast
population reduction using vaccines, especially in the 3rd World would
give the elite what they wanted.
My father is one of the authors of the Corporate Satanic Non-Religion, Secular Humanism, and that links is [found here]. Go to newest posts in most blogs by clicking on top banner, or top Icon for a blog.
neighbors came to see my father before their son went to Vietnam at age
18. That boy came back months later, and saw me age 5, 1969 inside the
couple months that I had training wheels on my bike that I got for my
birthday in mid February. He told me to tell my father thank you. He
asked me about how exciting it was being on a B-52, what did I see?
then proceeded to go to a neighbor's house whom my father hated for
being opposed to Vietnam War, Monsanto, and the chemicals sprayed on US
Troops and Vietnamese.
This to see if offspring could be altered with weed killing chemicals for massive tumors and cancers to occur.
who knew too much and could then turn on the international banking and
corporate criminals involved in child, sex, and drug trafficking
worldwide with the United Nations as the beard, would be extinguished as
a threat.
Having a database of everyone, who they are in contact
with, and all information to best use, or remove, and citizen who poses
a threat to the New World Order was put into place long ago.
like me who were identified as potential leaders when Liberty and basic
human rights in place signing of the 1214 Magna Carta signing were
Search the IMDb data base of what movies Charleton
Heston was in around that time period and you know what the spooks in
spy agencies and Monsanto were thinking plus or minus 2 decades of
either direction of 1970, to present day.
If the United
Nations/Big Pharma/Communist China/World Bank/Spy Agencies have all of
your data, and you have no privacy, they own you, and can extinguish you
on their time line.
You will soon need permission from the
masters of your cellphone to eat, live, leave your prison cell, date,
work, or have any privileges granted to you by the ruling elite.
In 1968, age 4, my mother was sick and unable to take care of me a number of days.
my father had to take me to meet a B-52 Bomber coming back from a Japan
US Air Force Base full of something in duffel bags on pallets, Japanese
electronics, 2 young Asian girls in dog cages, and allegedly the
chemical mix of heroin and cocaine. This mix was for sex workers in
State Police and local court run brothels called, "rub and tugs".
was a dependable sex worker incentive. Clean effective, and was
marketed like something a pet store would sell to you on a regular basis
once you buy a pet from them. Monsanto and the CIA service and supply
what they sell.
My father's friends joked that they hope that they were never asked about the missing children on US milk cartons.
Chinese database was used like a huge online shopping network for
selling children, women, comfort boys for judges, drugs, stolen art, and
all that you can imagine.
The CIA, Monsanto, Big Pharma, the
World Bank, and all their taxpayer paid minions got the majority of
legal pharmaceuticals and illegal narcotics from China Slave Drug
Processing Factories.
General Milley, Barack Obama, Hillary and
Bill Clinton, and every important legal, corporate, banking, media, and
critical infrastructure person from 1969 were on the Chinese Database
before they even go near their peak power and utility to World Bank and
the Communists who run the United Nations.
Thank my father of
wanting to cover up his crimes seen by me age 4 on that B-52 that I sat
in the cockpit, age 4. The Ludlow Police Chief went to see me, and take
me aside, for years after age 4 and me seeing him with my father at that
B-52 Westover Air Force Base Chicopee Massachusetts 1968.
executives and those in their version of the KGB could tell the B.A.R.
Association, the teachers and police international unions what they
wanted as policy and who they wanted to go down in flames. Court case
outcomes, civil and criminal, were decided in back rooms near town hall
with Satan's Minions like my father for as long as there has been banks,
money, and a written language.
I was aware of the battles of corporations and farmers from age 4,
1968. I never believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy
etc. I didn't believe the Leftist Communist crap that was taught in
schools, and would call teachers on their propaganda with facts that I
had looked up in libraries.
Always looking to learn something new, new places to travel to, and contacts for business, import/export, traveling, and forwarding my screenwriting interests and projects.