Wednesday, September 29, 2021

$700k fine per UnVaxxed Employee, 3.5 Trillion Spending Bill, Precursor to Door to Door Gun Confiscation?

(Opinion, Commentary, and Sometime Satire)

Tucker Carlson Tonight 09/29/2021 Opening Monologue [Direct link to video]

Where are the adults?

Isn't illegal to be forced to disclose your private medical details? Aren't there Common Law basics rights for all humans in a Free Society since the 1214 signing of the Magna Carta? What about the US Constitution, don't elected officials answer to that? If they won't follow any of the rules for we the people, why should we even listen to these Communist, World Bank, UN, and Xi Jinping bribed morons? At about 2 AM for the "election" the "News Coverage" announcers said it was too stressful, then there was no coverage and in matter of minutes Joe Biden got the 100s of thousands to millions of votes to make the most most popular US President in the History of the World with doing little, almost no campaigning. I didn't even see Joe Biden for President in New Hampshire and it was very rare to see them the 3 weeks before the "election"

I am calling BS on the bogus elections, Democrat "wins", and this whole COVID scam that is really a permanent Climate Lockdown so the Free World can be in an open air prison and pay taxes for being jailed to banks, United Nations, Corporate Organized Crime, and Communist China. 

F' that incestuous child rapist Joe Biden and his son hunter who were paid to sell out the US to China, and suspend the US Constitution because they got to bugger children and rake in 100s of millions, just like other B.A.R Association members the Obamas, the Clintons, and 2/3 of all "elected" lying lawyer scumbag politicians.

Donald J. Trump was Warp Speed Pied Piper on Vaccines. Most of Trump's base truly doesn't believe in an untested vaccines and these ridiculous lock downs. The COVID scam was definitely good for the Democrats, UN, World Bank, and Communist Chinese to wipe out all national sovereignty, national borders, and take control of all militaries, and honest police officers who have something to defend like the US Constitution out of their jobs. 

Chinese Troops soon can just show up on US Streets and Xi Jinping is in charge. The US highway exits have all been numbered for their easy use and choke points around bridges with roads around to have Re-education torture camps for those on the [database of all citizens from the 1960s sent from Big Pharma, UN, Monsanto, and World Bank to Chinese soil for one comprehensive database].

* * * *

[click here

Hey Joe Biden, suck brown chunks out of my arse, You ain't the US President!

Standby for angry rant, bad grammar, misspelling, massive run on sentences, and text you may not be able to wrap your head around.

I don't remember exactly, but I recall 2006 to 2010, or so, if you ever wore an Insane Posse Clown shirt, attended one of their concerts, or ever had a Ron Paul for President Bumper Sticker, you could immediately be put on the harassed on sight list so police, TSA, DHS, maybe lose your driver's license, have lifetime problems with IRS, TSA, and maybe never fly, get a loan, utilities in your name, an apartment, or be allowed unrestricted use of the internet ever again. Police will show up to any potential employers and correct their wrong for even considering hiring you. 

Your rights revoked because you might want to vote for a candidate that the United Nations, World Bank, Police and Teacher's Unions, B.A.R. Association, Communist China/United Nations, Corporate Organized Crime, Big Pharma, their owned Mainstream Media, and Billionaire Bad Boys Club don't like and no guns, no job, no dating, and maybe a quick trip to a Hillary Clinton re-educations "Fun Camp" is in your future!!!???

I was 4 and didn't believe in Santa Claus. [This is why].

Insane Clown Posse photo above [found here].

Rumors Flying Around Possible Action Coming Soon [direct link to video]


[more with videos]


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