Wednesday, September 22, 2021

If Obama found Culpable for the Worldwide COVID/Chinese Biological Attack on Free World, will China Nuke the US?

(Opinion) Disclaimer: All contained in blogs is to my best belief, and knowledge, unless satire.

Will China start a nuclear war with US if Barack Obama is find the key to all culpability for the COVID/Chinese Biological Attack on the Free World?

Flashback to Wilbraham, Massachusetts, in the mid-1970s when a gaggle of Springfield Massachusetts Monsanto Marketing Department Executives were having Martini Wednesday, Scotch Thursday, or similar, I overheard Larry Rudder say this, "Let's get that faggot judge we get little boys for fix that guys alimony to more than he makes. Have him call the other judge."

My father met with Chinese Intelligence Operatives on what he wanted done with all the school records on all public school records on all children to be stored on Chinese databases from late 1960s to early 1970s. So anyone, anywhere can be compromised by Chinese Intelligence. Girls 14 to 16 who met the requirements of Saudi royalty that ordered girls from Monsanto could be delivered. 

So, Monsanto might be responsible for kids faces shown missing on milk cartons for decades. 

All Alphabet Agencies can be involved in shaking kids lose from their parents. The medical tyranny in schools, the IRS, FBI, police investigations, DHS, TSA, FDA, CDC, Departments of Children and Families, etc so parents separate, relocate, and then the kidnapping target for sexual slavery or ritual sacrifice is officially kidnapped in court proceedings, or by operatives. 

Everyone can be compromised as we are all on the United Nations/World Bank/Monsanto/Big Pharama/Corporate Organized Crime/Mainstream Media/Chinese Communist data base to be murdered, sterilized, abducted, tortured, indefinitely detained, and/or tracked for effectiveness of ongoing worldwide human medical and psychological warfare experiments.

"We're CIA, if anyone tells on us they will end up in Federal Prison or dead," said by Larry Rudder to another Monsanto Executive, new and worried about running sex and narcotics trafficking ring internationally. 

Larry told me in the mid 1970s stinking drunk that they role play like they are like James Bond and international spies, so what I heard was a game they were playing because they were bored. This is what highly paid executives do at each other when they aren't visiting judge/lawyer/politician/Mafia/Corporate heads/Main Stream Media private brothels out whoring. 

"War with China is immanent." - Alex Jones quote from below video

ALEX JONES (1st HOUR) Wednesday 9/22/21 • DARPA/PENTAGON BLOWS WHISTLE - SECRET PLAN OF COVID-19 [Direct Link to Video] Is what is revealed bigger than news of World War II?

Barack Obama photo up top was [found here].




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