Thursday, December 31, 2020

Did Aliens tell Bill Gates to Kill 95% of us with Vaccines? It makes as much sense as Lock Down ...

California might have an indefinite lock down. Youtube will censor videos of Senate, Congress, or even televised court hearings if a doctor, lawyer, journalist, or absolutely anyone says something that isn't allowed. The rules of "authorities" rarely make sense all of 2020. 

Video counts and what you can see is as rigged as the Joe Biden "win". 

The PCR tests are also as accurate as was the election. 

The reason for all this is that the powers that be care about us and they want us to get the most beneficial, untested, and fasted vaccine in history. 

Bill Gates has often said that a very effective vaccine will vastly reduce population. 

The "authorities" don't want the election declared BS. Because then, the whole lock down, and all the operations conducted to Exorcise Donald J. Trump out of White House for getting way of Deep State scams will be called out as being BS. 

Catherine Austin Fitts probably best breaks down the "hows" and "whys" of all that is going on. If you are to have a good year in 2021 you, I mean you, reading this is going to have to act on what was done to you in 2020, or you may not make it out the year of 2021 with United Nations UNESCO Agenda 21 and 2030 being implemented on you.

It is "Disaster Capitalism". The Rothschild World Bank family used the War of 1812 and the 1815 Battle of Waterloo to launch their 200 year plan to own the entire world. Create a war, disaster, and/or pandemic, close everything down, buy the world for the equivalent of pennies on the dollar and rent out every aspect of human lives out to the entire population that has taken out a loan on their own hydes. Your bank account number tattooed on you is also your inmate number. 

The Clintons decided BEFORE the OKC Fed Building Bombing in 1995 to partner with China, Rothschild World Bank, the UN, with B.A.R Association of world's lawyers, Big Pharma, to take over the world with mass inoculations, gun, property, asset seizure and basic human rights suspended where all the Clinton perceived enemies could be destroyed all at once.

Enemies are small business, family farmers, religion, free speech, human rights, the traditional family, ranchers, self-employed, gun owners, conservatives, and people talking to each other not monitored by the Clintons.

You will have to pay taxes out of your biological to connected to 5G Gel Array Antenna Bank Account Tattoo Number tattooed on every arm in world, and ask, the Clinton Machine permission to eat, date, procreate, work, live, exist and you are controlled, and eliminated based on your compliance through your tattoo. 

The last thing necessary for the Clinton Global Initiative to be successful, all the guns in the US must be confiscated from the people, police, and military. From 1995 the Clintons have been mostly successful behind the scenes in their slow march to where they got us, today. 

Pretend Joe Biden is the US President, even though he is not. Everything will be fine ... 

Click on time code below this blog post if this post isn't stand alone. Video will then play.

cartman respect my authoritah

Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown [Direct Link to Video] (The Reasons for the Lock Down and COVID Scam is financial, not medical. Bankers want to steal all the wealth in the world. By allowing them to lock you down, you agree. They also want to reduce population by 95%. Transhumanism is installing an operating system in humans. It is for bank transactions and eliminating those who are not of use to bankers. This is your Chinese Communist Social Score, and is to modify your behavior. You can be shut off and killed at anytime.)

California Pushes INDEFINITE Lockdown, People Are SNAPPING Under The Pressure [Timcase IRL, Bitchute]



Image up top was [found here]. 


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute]

UFO Filmed Crashing To Earth In West Virginia, 180 Days Until The Pentagon Reveals Info On UFOs [Direct Link to Video]

Situation Update, Dec. 31st - Trump to drop game changing bombshells on Jan 6 [Natural News, Bitchute]

America's World Reputation, "A Den of Thieves"?

The majority of Americans, and the entire World, know that Joe Biden takes bribes from America's enemies and then allowed election rigging and fraud to go on. There isn't anything really being done about it to date that is effective. 

There doesn't seem like there is one honest, and effective, patriotic American, that is also a lawyer in the entire United States. I don't know yet if I wish to include Donald J. Trump's legal team as part of that statement, yet, or not. 

The US Constitution wouldn't be null, and void, and this whole situation worldwide wouldn't not be going on worldwide if the whole "Justice System" wasn't ineffectual. The "Justice System" is Public Corruption personified. 

Was Supreme Court Justice involved, or whacked, over pedophilia. A judge is snuffed out with a pillow in his face and not much was said about it, other than some saying it is a good start.  

When a Vaccine Company is the World Health Organizations, it is a conflict of interest for them to tell us what to do for our health.

Vaccine Companies and the Rothschild World Bank bribe politicians for the benefit of vaccine companies of course they are going to declare us all sick and in need of vaccines, effective or not, needed or not, giving them immunity to kill, or harm the entire world. The World Bank is out to make us all slaves owned by them. They are even tattooing their numbers on us to make us a smart device, controlled by 5G.

It is the lawyers who have had the world as their client, and then screwed us. 

Lawyers have run us out of everything, charging for their hours.

This is just like about every lawyer in a civil, or criminal case. 

It is all about the lawyers, all the time, you get nothing., 

We the People are just being ripped off, and abused, and it is called "justice". 

Where is our representation for our taxation? 

Why don't we "properly" ask Joe Biden and the 2/3 of all elected officials who are also lawyers?


A joke about attorneys:

Question: Why hang a lawyer from a tree in your front yard?

Answer: You don't want a lawyer in your backyard. 


Shut up and take your rigged PCA Test, and take the shot that will permanently alter your RNA and DNA so you are a Humanoid, no longer a Human, and Bill Gates owns the patent on his new creations. Worship Bill Gates, your new God. 


Lindsay Graham picture and Newsmax story [found here]. [Wikipedia Entry on Lindsay Graham]


I found out the UN, China, Rothschild World Bank, and the Clintons were out to take over the entire Free World from 1995 to Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd, and then Connecticut Attorney Attorney General Dick Blumenthal or what I thought would transpire and who was acting as minions. It turns out that Dodd and Blumenthal were in on it, and I am lucky to be alive, being placed on the Black Robed Mafia (Judges) Blacklist.

There was the Oklahoma City Bombing after the FBI tried to blow up one World Trade Center so it would topple on the other one, 1993. FBI stands for F'ing Bombing Idiots. My tips and those from so many patriots should have prevented 9/11. But bribed politicians, mostly lawyers, were all in on the benefit of nullifying the US Constitution, our rules for Government. 

If a Government can't follow rules governing it, why should we listen to lying, thieving, criminal scumbags? 

My family was broken up, I lost my home, small business, and was railroaded to prison. I got an early taste of what you all are getting now. It has been almost a daily nightmare since I first dropped the dime on this.

You most of you the saga is only about a year long. For me this craziness of knowing how truly evil the powers that be are, has been going on for me for decades with no end in sight. 

Do we all deserve a pitiful death, or should we all go after the less than 1% of the entire population who are causing us all this misery?

This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute]

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Mike Pence can't Help National Sovereignty, He's a Lawyer during a Lawyer Coup of Free World

Around 2/3 of the elected officials are Lawyers. They swear an oath to each other, and to a foreign entity beholden to, and serves the Rothschild World Bank. How is that working out for you?

Have you ever been to court? What happens 100% of the time? Well, judges, lawyers, prosecutors, the state and all their cronies benefit, and unless you are part of the club, you don't do well.

If there is money, property, or serving a international bank or corporation, lawyers will, there is some backroom agreement, or unwritten rule.

Get divorced, the case may not end until one or both parties have been bankrupted paying lawyers' hours. Same goes for Estate and Probate Cases. If you have any civil or criminal cases the lawyers will drag it out as long as possible benefiting them, not you.

If you are part of their club, or if it is thought you will keep your mouth shut up, corrupt police will set you up for prison. The officer may tell you what lawyer to get. The lawyer will be about triple the going rate, because the lawyer's fee is to pay off the judge, prosecutor, police, or whoever important person that you pissed off.

Lawyers speak their own language. They can mislead you, and rip you off in plain sight.

Lawyers, prosecutors, and judges are the biggest advocates for gun, property, and rights confiscation. They are thieves, and victims should not be allowed to defend themselves. B.A.R. might be stand for British Acreditation Registry. Which is probably no longer British, just like the Monarchy, and their former Empire.

Bankers, lawyers, and the elite may have had a 200 year plan from the War of 1812 and after the Battle of Waterloo 1815. The elites play us like a board game.

Upset one lawyer, one cop, one judge, one prosecutor, one lawyer legislator, a corporation, a bank, or any billionaire, and you are blacklisted.

You can be beaten up by thugs out to re-educate you.

Having your family broken up, is a consequence. Being financially ruined is another.

The Deep State wants you discredited and not talking to others.

If you are a real pain in the arse like me, you can be railroaded to prison, be estranged permanently from your children, never meet your grandchildren, divorced, lose your home, retirement, credit, and the sum total of your life's work.

If you are a family farmer, small business owner, independent journalist, rancher, landlord, carpenter, private bar or restaurant owner, self-employed, self-sufficient, religious, believe in the traditional family, a country's borders and sovereignty, you have painted the equivalent or a flag on your location for an airstrike from the Black Robe Mafia aka the Judencia.

If the Deep State's attempts to kill you aren't successful, or if you aren't a big enough target.

The mainstream and social media is controlled by lawyers in behalf of their controllers, the Deep State and Rothschild World Bank.

Having found out all the above, the hard way, there is no way Pence can cooperate with Trump and not end up disbarred, in prison, or worse. The Deep State will go after him, his family, anyone he knows, and even go after his hometown or state of origin just to make a statement, "We are in charge of, and own everything, don't F' with us." 

Image above was [found here on Wikipedia with more information]

If this post is not stand alone, then click the time code below this blog post, or video(s) won't play.

What MSM Is Hiding About COVID Is Critical! How Bad Is The Hospital Problem Really? [Lisa Haven, Bitchute]

Trump made Big China cry, and throw a tantrum, taking their toys out of the sandbox, crying to Mommy, the Rothschild World Bank, and plotted to take down the Free World. Joe Biden, the Clintons, and the Obamas have proven over, and over, they are more agents of China, pirates for themselves, than doing any "good" as public officiials. Public Corruption is the rule, not the exception. Every lawyer, prosecutor, judge, and 2/3 of all officials might be complicit.

Joe Hoft: China Dropped COVID Bomb On The World To Save Their Economy [Direct Link to Video]


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

Check out more posts on this blog. Please subscribe to this blog, and to my video channels, vote up, comment, come back. 

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute]

Will DC Wood Stocks Metal 2, Jan. 6 2020 be better than Woodstock 1969? Will it be a bigger Historical Event?

Click on time code below blog post if post isn't isolated, the videos won't play.

Tucker on the true enemy of the American people

Image above [found here].

The Most Beautiful Woodstock 1969 Photos Ever Captured

Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit, Live from Woodstock 1969 [HD] (Lyrics).

"The Big One" 12/29/20 (video starts about a minute in) [Quite Frankly, Bitchute]


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute]


Test Positive for HIV so Joe Biden, and UN, know you have been Vaxxed?

Should you be informed if your Vaccine has HIV or AIDs? Click time code below post if video won't play.

Beijing Biden Wants you to Get AIDS to Prove You're Woke (Bitchute Exclusive) [Styxhexenhammer666. Bitchute]

News - Tom Fitton Explains How VP Mike Pence Must Resolve Election Fraud [The Salty Cracker, Bitchute]

#AlexJonesShow: CDC's Own Numbers Prove Hospitals Empty Across US, Exposing Covid-19 Hoax [The Resistance 1776, Bitchute]


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

"Boys will be Boys" - Now Take your Mute-a-gen Shot

There is no religion. There is no war (that can now be seen). Harmony, and justice for all!

Above screenshot was from [Gateway Pundit].

From Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog (Click on Headline to go to post):

The Banned Bill Gates Documentary: Why He Moved from Microsoft to Vaccines - PLUS: Is Baal GateZ the new Jim Jones????!!!

The Banned Bill Gates Documentary: Why He 
Moved From Microsoft To Vaccines - 
H/T Gemma O'Doherty Investigative Journalist Ireland


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


Who is even taking Joe Biden seriously about "Winning" the Election? Joe is an obvious fraud and no one is listening

The above is a screenshot of a CNN headline story. 

Who would "vote" for a guaranteed 100 day shutdown, all small business being permanently blocked from existing, and then paying rent to breathe air, "Owning nothing, and happy about it."

All Fossil fueled vehicles and electricity generation is to be eliminated by 2025. If there are only 5% of the population left after vaccination programs, then wind and solar can support electric needs to the United Nations UNESCO prison cities. 

There will be no human rights or private use of land after a Biden win. 

Is the real reason Joe Biden is going to be sworn in some undisclosed location, a Socialist Democrat talking point before November 3rd, is so that Joe Biden isn't somewhere he can't be arrested and taken into custody? 

There is a growing movement to see Joe Biden arrested before he finishes stealing the election, or arresting him after he does, if he gets that far.

[Videos, links, and more regarding above]


NSA: "Joe Biden Will Not Be Sworn in as President. He Will Be Arrested." Or, Joe Biden to be handcuffed after being sworn in?

If this post isn't stand alone, then video(s) won't play. Please click on time code below this blog. 

China wants the Free World to stand down, be locked down, and financially decapitated, long enough for China or the UN to send in UN Police, or a Foreign Military to disarm all national policing and military in respective countries. 

Joe Biden took bribe money from China to facilitate this. 

NSA: "Joe Biden Will Not Be Sworn in as President. He Will Be Arrested." [Direct link to video]


Ukraine Press Conference Explicitly Ties Hunter & Joe Biden To Corruption (Click Gateway Pundit link below Excerpt)


Ukraine Press Conference Explicitly Ties Hunter & Joe Biden To Corruption

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Dec 29, 2020 - 9:55

Authored by Andrea Widburg via,

A video from a press conference in Ukraine is going viral. It is the follow-up to a video press conference that Ukraine released over a year ago, in which Members of the Ukraine Parliament demanded that President Zelensky and President Trump investigate billions of dollars of corruption in Ukraine that is tied to the U.S. The newly released video is meant to provide documentary and eyewitness information about the corruption – and the Biden family figures prominently in the story.

The video is long – over an hour – and not all of it involves the Biden family. This post quotes those portions of the press conference that address Biden family corruption. The gist of it is that, while Democrats obsess about Trump’s purported criminality, despite the absence of any evidence, their chosen standard-bearer is extraordinarily corrupt.

Indeed, I would argue that Biden is one of the most corrupt politicians ever in America. In the past, corrupt politicians have confined themselves to playing dirty in their own back yard, making money from deals with fellow Americans.

[More from Gateway Pundit Source


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge

State Martial Law US Constitution

Monday, December 28, 2020

Destroying Monuments of Historical Figures: Erasing American History - Revolution?

Click on time code below blog post if video won't play to isolate post.

[Direct Link to below video]

The tearing down of statues, the riots, the looting, the forest fires, the censorship, the BS one sided mainstream and social media, banks refusing to serve conservatives flagging accounts, the courts, FBI, and DOJ only going after conservatives giving looters, rioters, and Socialist Democrats a free pass almost no mater what. 

It seems, looks, and smells like a coup. 

The Psy-Ops and the Q-Anon and other BS traps for journalists to discredit them are all part of the Coup. 

China, the UN, Big Pharma, the Rothschild World Bank, and all the elites benefit from the downfall of the US. Private use of land, small business, free speech, and basic human rights might all be a fading memory burned out and punished into all of the future. 


If you want me to send you any of my SvenVonErick videos by email in a small format, or audio only, and if I still have the files I can email to you at your request. 

This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge



Is White House Staff blocking Trump from getting Legal Help? If Under Siege, Get Special Military Guard

Click time code below blog post for video(s) to play.

White House Mutiny Over Sidney Powell As Special Prosecutor. Blocking Her from Seeing Trump. [Dustin Nemos, Bitchute]


[Click Here] for:

Hypothetically if I were China, How would I take out the US? (Satire)

Hypothetically if I were China, How would I take out the US? (Satire) [Direct link to SvenVonErick Bitchute video upload]

[More with video]


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge]



Hypothetically if I were China, How would I take out the US? (Satire) [Direct link to video]

January 1st is International No Mask Day [TheCrowHouse, Bitchute]


[Click Here] for:

In Mexico, the New Paradise of Freedom, does Dollar Vigilante say "Get Your Kicks Before Sh*thouse explodes"?

I was in Paris France, 7 AM in the 1990s celebrating my divorce to a Lithuanian Lingerie Model that I took home to America and ended up at Jim Morrison's grave, and had to wait in line ...

Lyrics for Riders on the Storm - Jim Morrison and the Doors

Ah Keep your eyes on the road
Your hands upon the wheel
Keep your eyes on the road
Your hands upon the wheel
Yeah, we're going to the roadhouse
Gonna have a real good-time


[More of post with videos]


This HEAVILY CENSORED YouTuber has Passed Away - Why We Should Care [Direct Link to HighImpactFlix, Bitchute Upload]

The BLATANT IRS Plan to Finish Off Small Businesses [Direct Link to Video]

Time Bomb Time Released Bio-Weapon in 2019, the Regular Flu Shot?

If video(s) won't play, click on direct link to video, or scroll down to bottom of post to isolate post if it is already not stand alone. 

I am often where people don't even realize I am there, they just talk. Whether they were nurses, veterinarians, dental hygienist, or whatever, I did not ask them, they looked like they were lab technicians or something medical. They were talking about those who actually died from COVID or were very sick get regular voluntary Flu Shots. 

They were talking about setting up something where those who come to get vaccines pay $1500 cash to have the vaccine squirted in a nearby waste basket, but the actual needle where it is collecting your DNA for the identification program goes back to the authorities that the medical people said must be China with Biden coming in. 

I disagree. Medical people a lot of the time are Lefties, Commies, and Shills for the United Nations UNESCO Agendas. 

My own opinion is that Chinese Intelligence bribe, coerced, blackmailed for pedophilia Italian Judges, Italian Medical Authorities, and politicians to allow a tainted 2019 regular Flu Vaccine, and then intentionally killed terminally ill, and even healthy Italian citizens to get the numbers to con the world into lock downs for China's benefit and for the 95% Population Reduction Problem of UN Agendas 21 and 2030. 

China is at War with the Free World. 

It is a coup. 

It is financial, but weather modification, satellite weapons, information, propaganda, and the intelligence and psychological operations have been in full swing. From about 1995 the Clinton and the UN seeded all B.A.R. officials, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, legislators, all branches of government, bankers, corporations, Big Pharma, the Pentagon, DoD and all alphabet agencies, and their equivalent in all Free World Nation, for one Big Grand Slam.

How is the 2 weeks only shut down so medical staffs and hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed? 

Probably no hospitals were overwhelmed. A military hospital  ship was brought to New York City for no legitimate reason. Doctors and facilities are discouraged to practice any other medicine than COVID testing, treatment, and setting up for giving out forced vaccinations and setting up citizens for aggressive, total contact tracing which might be more for political reasons, than medical. 

Were doctors paid to kill patients to get COVID numbers for a permanent lock down?

Authorities are saying the vaccines won't prevent you from getting COVID, won't prevent you from passing it along. There is DNA and RNA altering with unknown consequences, victims of vaccines are testing positive of HIV, are having horrific systems and pain, and even dying. Why take the vaccine. Why are the authorities forcing us something that may have a 97% chance of making us sterile and may cause spontaneous abortions? 

The image up top was [found here].

ON THE QUESTION OF VIOLENCE: And How We Burned in the Camps [SGT Report, Bitchute]


Viral Videos: Americans Reject The COVID-19 Hoax! [Direct Link]


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge



Monday, December 28, 2020

$600 for Citizens, $1800 for Illegals, 1.3 Billion for Egyptian Army - Biggest Citizen Screw Job Ever!

Click time code below blog post to get video to play. The District of Criminals has proven yet again, they are out to wreck America, enrich their overseas friends for even more bribes. They sold you to China, Big Pharma, and now you get an inventory NWO RFID SKU tattoo. 

 At about 13 minutes in, does Nancy Pelosi threaten to blow up Washington DC with a stolen nuclear bomb allegedly planted in Washington DC? - A Conspiracy Theory Du Jour.

They lied to me Us - Snippet from movie [Direct Link to video]

Monsanto genetically altered wheat and there has been very big problems. Now they want to genetically alter all of us because we might get a Flu, and if we do, have a 99.97% chance of living. 

Most people don't have symptoms. The PCR tests aren't accurate, and the doctors don't have a proper version of what they are testing for. 

Can it get any more ridiculous?

2/3 of elected officials are B.A.R. Associate Lawyers, and have sworn an oath to each other, and to foreign entities who hate the US. Judges, Lawyers, and Prosecutors, all of them are members of the B.A.R.

Notice what they are doing with your money and YOUR country? 


Image up top was [found here].  


If you want me to send you any of my SvenVonErick videos by email in a small format, or audio only, and if I still have the files I can email to you at your request. 

This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge


Uranium - Obamas, Bidens, Clintons Caught Selling it to Enemies? [Direct Link to Video]

Sunday, December 27, 2020

China and Communist Based BLM conspired to bring down the US. Trevor Loudon Video Breaks it Down

The Implosion of the Free World is by design. With Trump in, Chinese People can push for their freedom and take down the Communist Government. This won't happen with a Free US in the way. Chinese Communism can only survive by taking us out. It is Stealth War. 

If videos below doesn't play, click on time code below this blog post to isolate this post. Scroll down for videos 


Trevor Loudon: "There are Many Many Forces at Work to Bring this Country to its Knees" [Direct Link to Video]

Altered States of Reality, Conspiracy Theorist's Version, a Screenplay [Direct Link to Video]

Uranium - Obamas, Bidens, Clintons Caught Selling it to Enemies? [SvenVonErick Liveleak video upload channel]

Nigel Farage On Brexit Deal - THE WAR IS OVER! [Direct Link to Video]

RFK Jr - "My Father Told Me When I Was A Child: People In Authority Lie" [Direct Link to Video]

The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper [Spiro Skouras, Bitchute] (The Shutdown is a Fraud. There is no emergency)

[Click Here] for:

In Mexico, the New Paradise of Freedom, does Dollar Vigilante say "Get Your Kicks Before Sh*thouse explodes"?

Click on time code below blog post, or video(s) won't play. I was in Paris France, 7 AM in the 1990s celebrating my divorce to Lithuania Lingerie Model that I took home to America and ended up at Jim Morrison's grave, and had to wait in line ...

Lyrics for Riders on the Storm - Jim Morrison and the Doors

Ah Keep your eyes on the road
Your hands upon the wheel
Keep your eyes on the road
Your hands upon the wheel
Yeah, we're going to the roadhouse
Gonna have a real good-time


[More of post with videos


If you want me to send you any of my SvenVonErick videos by email in a small format, or audio only, and if I still have the files I can email to you at your request. 

This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge

In Mexico, the New Paradise of Freedom, does Dollar Vigilante say "Get Your Kicks Before Sh*thouse explodes"?

Click on time code below blog post, or video(s) won't play. I was in Paris France, 7 AM in the 1990s celebrating my divorce to Lithuania Lingerie Model that I took home to America and ended up at Jim Morrison's grave, and had to wait in line ...

Lyrics for Riders on the Storm - Jim Morrison and the Doors

Ah Keep your eyes on the road
Your hands upon the wheel
Keep your eyes on the road
Your hands upon the wheel
Yeah, we're going to the roadhouse
Gonna have a real good-time

Yeah, the back of the roadhouse
They've got some bungalows
Yeah, the back of the roadhouse
They've got some bungalows

They dance for the people
Who like to go down slow

Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, all night long

Do it, Robby, Do it!

You gotta roll, roll, roll
You gotta thrill my soul, alright
Roll, roll, roll, roll-a
Thrill my soul


Give up your vows
Give up your vows
Save our city
Save our city
Ah, right now

Well, I woke up this morning
And I got myself a beer
Well, I woke up this morning
And I got myself a beer

The future's uncertain
And the end is always near

Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, all night long

...Alright! Alright! Alright!
Hey, listen! Listen! Listen, man! listen, man!
I don't know how many you people believe in astrology...

Yeah, that's right...that's right, baby, I...I am a
The most philosophical of all the signs
But anyway, I don't believe in it
I think it's a bunch of bullshit, myself
But I tell you this, man, I tell you this
I don't know what's gonna happen, man, but I wanna have
My kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames

The Doors - Roadhouse Blues, BEST version (live in N.Y. 1970) [music video]

A Merry Bitcoin Christmas and a Mass Genocide/Awakening New Year [Dollar_Vigialante, Bitchute]

Hitler phones Biden

Hypothetically if I were China, How would I take out the US? (Satire)

Click time code below this blog post for videos to play.

Hypothetically if I were China, How would I take out the US? (Satire) [Direct link to SvenVonErick Bitchute video upload]

[Click Here] for:

Is Trump a Tartarian Warrior?

I placed the below comment in this White House Bitchute Channel Video Upload Comment section:

Trump you might be a Tartarian. The genetics can be a dormant gene. If two parents have the dormant gene might become dominant in their offspring.

Tartaria is forgotten nation because of the Masons, Orange Men of Scotland, and the Rothschild types who are bankers. A Taratrian will not put his, or her eyes down, would not wear a mask, pay taxes to tyrants, or give up an inch of land and a nation will fight to the last child, or feeble, crippled elder able to throw rocks rather than yield.

Back when we humans fought with blunt objects and blades, it would take 20 to 50 troops to take one of us out. One of us on horseback was feared by an entire army.

Tartarian children throughout the world are isolated, medicated, and even given female hormones, or are covertly given female transition operations to sterilize us. Females are covertly sterilized, institutionalized, lobotomized up until not long ago, and heavily medicated. 

With the BS COVID scam, so Chinese Troops can be sent in as UN to help Biden with Civil Unrest, has been the agenda from at least 2010, although it was supposed to be Hillary who set this all off in 2016. You don't take them down for treason and the coup, they'll take you out and there won't be anyone on the Planet with Trump genetics left on the planet.

The mask mandate is one way to get a Tartarian to not travel, because we can't abide by stupid rules spewed by morons. We can be identified in supermarkets as if there is 300 in a large store, we will not wear masks even it means a $1500 fine, arrests, and being locked up. When I was railroaded to prison for having a small business, believing in the family and God Given Right, and because of the 1995 UN and Clinton agenda was railroaded to prison. When prison guards tried to have me taken out, I ran the block.

Trump, you won the election in a landslide. You are either with us, or you are against us. We plan on re-instating the US Constitution Party. We ask that after you take your Oath of Office for  your 2nd Term, you found the US Constitution Party and ask any Democrat, Republican, or Independent to join the party. Only 2 rules is that the US Constitution is truly honored and protected, and there will be no members with foreign allegiances who have sworn an oath above the US Constitution such as anyone who is a member of the B.A.R. Association.

If a lawyer see the light to find the errors in his, or her judgment, has a conscience and disavows any loyalty, and membership to the B.A.R., then they can repent and join our US Constitution Party.

My name is Steven G. Erickson. I blog on the Stark Raving Viking, and this post says it: as well as the my last 2 posts as SvenVonErick on Liveleak: The IMF, Rothschild World Bank, UN, and Chinese Communist Censors might be getting to the Bitchute Admin and my last 2 videos I tried to post here on Bitchute were blocked and deleted.
my email is erickson_77 at



Pedophile Judges Sellout Host Countries for More Kids aka "The Lock Down"? [Direct Link to Video]

Uranium - Obamas, Bidens, Clintons Caught Selling it to Enemies? [Direct link to video]

Dear Black People. This is Joe Biden. (Calling Joe Biden a lying scumbag lawyer would be an complete insult to lying scumbag lawyers. There are complete lawyer thieves. Joe should have his own category.)

Tumbling Dice #1 -- The Rolling Stones -- Live 1972

High level DOJ officials weigh Hunter Biden special counsel: Sources (The Bidens make Richard M. Nixon's Watergate look like kindergarten)

Life Is Worth Losing - Dumb Americans - George Carlin

Vietnam war combat footage (Gimme Shelter Instrumental) ... there ain't no hiding in the jungle, in the woods, or in the Joe Biden basement when the Chinese come for you ... The US fought farmers on their own land in Vietnam ... How did that work out for the US? ... In the US the UN, and then the Clintons, mostly wiped out the farmers and then went on to wiping out small business and private land use and ownership ... now ripe for the plucking for China ...

U.S Soldiers receive heavy effective fire *Helmet Cam* (Next war of the Superpowers is going to be electronic. China has all electronics, cellphones, computers, military hardware, satellites, utilities, power plants, everything modern jacked with their software and hardware. A satellite sending ground penetrating radar meant to map 400 square miles underground to 200' concentrated where these guys are standing would make them into vapor.)

FULL Watters' World 12/26/20 | Fox News December 26, 2020

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Stimulus Bill further Offshores Our Money. Small Business Killed. Welcome to Prison.

Click on bottom blog post time code if video(s) won't play.

WTF!? Every American Better Watch This and Wake the HECK UP!! [High Impact Flix]

Going after the pedophile judges will end all this BS [blog post and videos]. 

Judges should not be allowed to bugger children and have us pay them tax dollars to get to the Deep State brothels to take bribes with other Deep Staters to fix elections, court cases, legislation, and further rip off host nations as the biggest parasites in the history of the world. 

This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge




Retired Military Wives allegedly Interviewed about Missing Husbands, Preventing Biden Stealing Election?

Click on time code below this blog if video(s) won't play.

Girlfriends, and wives of younger cops who have served in the military are saying in numbers that they will not accept a Biden win and know that China Biden will ruin the country and stole the election. 

To a lesser extent older cops' wives are saying the same things as they might be colluding with lawyers, judges, and prosecutors to rip off the general public as part of the B.A.R. Association and UN Agendas. 

To erase US Borders, go cashless, and completely cooperate with the IMF, Rothschilds World Bank, United Nations UNESCO, Big Pharma, and Billionaire Elites takeover of the Free World is what is going on. 

Not all cops are bad. Maybe up to all judges are. I haven't heard about any lawyer who isn't a lying profiteering/racketeering scumbag, member of the B.A.R. Association. 2/3 of elected officials are lawyers and members of the B.A.R. including Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, both Clintons, both Obamas, and they have sworn a foreign allegiance to do all of us in.

Wives, and US Veterans themselves will not allow that lying, child molesting, lawyer, piece of excrement, lying lawyer scumbag pedophile who allegedly molested his own children, Biden anywhere near the US Presidency, as they know firsthand the election is all a fraud. 

All of this post is of my best belief, and knowledge. 

Those who have seen taxpayer dollars used to do evil all over the world shepherded by the IMF, World Bank, Chinese Communist Agenda, UN Agendas, and Big Pharmas wish list of force selling 10s of thousands of dollars of their weirs to every individual on the planet. These tools of the most evil tyrants in the history of the world have a conscience and don't want this done at home, the US.  

I have no fear that these honorable US Veterans will bring on the 2nd American Revolution if the IMF, World Bank, and China attempt an armed occupation of America installing Joe Biden as US President. 

All members of the B.A.R. should be looked into for treason. All judges and anyone they interact with should be looked into taking bribes into foreign offshore accounts as bribes to fix court cases,  child adoption auctions, and in the profiting or paying blackmail for pedophilia. 

From 1995, and probably before, police, prosecutors, lawyers, and especially pedophilia corrupt and blackmailed judges followed the Clinton Directive to end Small Business, Private Land Use, a health middle class, the American Family, Gun Ownership, Independent Journalism, Free Speech, and especially those they considered Nationalist Constitutional Extremists. 

Courts and official investigations were to break up families of targets, ruin us financially, make us lose our businesses, with many of us unable to vote, or targeted with arrest and prison if we do, and target harass us, and barbecue us in courts, medically, and institutionally until we no longer breathe:

The above photo was [found here]. 

This is what of older American Veterans saw as children:

50's & 60's Toy Gun Commercials

Tucker Carlson Tonight 12/25/20 FULL | Fox News BREAKING TRUMP NEWS Dec 25, 2020 Full


Klaus Schwab's Big Government Plans and Predictions | Weekend Podcast #9 (UK Podcast) [Direct Link to Video] (I don't believe there is as much to the COVID thing as too many mouthpieces expound. It's a lame Flu, and there has been a complete overreaction to put under a World Bank IMF Concentration Camp Global Governance)

Sheriffs DISOBEY LOCKDOWN ORDERS! - Is THIS The Beginning Of The UPRISING? [World Media Alternative, Bitchute]

SING ALONG! "YOU CAN STICK YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER UP YOUR ASS"!!! [direct link to video] (Corona Virus Worldwide Protests of Lock Downs, Masks, and all the BS!!!)

Despot Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo Gifts Dozens of Xmas Pardons & Commutations to Illegal Aliens, Murderers [martinbrodel] (Worldwide underage children are taken away from Parents when authorities decide gender altering surgery is needed?)

Please let me know that I am not completely shadow banned. Please comment or say hello.

Awesome Corona, Mask, and Lock Down Protests from Canadian Blogger:

Headlines on [Gateway Pundit], click picture to make bigger:

This is what They Have Planned for You in 2025 to 2028 [Direct Link to Video] (This BS, Masks, and Lock downs, and FORCED VACCINES WILL NEVER END UNTIL THERE IS A WORLDWIDE UPRISING AGAINST THE ROTHSCHILD WORLD BANK, THE UN, THE IMF, AND COMMUNIST CHINESE TAKEOVER OF THE FREE WORLD. Vaccines are filth, garbage, and poison.)

Censored in 2020 - Year in Review [Mark Dice, Bitchute]


First Link might bring down the current absolutely corrupt Court System and all B.A.R. Associated Elected Officials and almost put an end to worldwide child sex trafficking: