Friday, December 25, 2020

Trumps XMas Eve Tweets. Silence not Broken to Hide the Coming Storm?

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If you didn't have a television, or didn't watch it, would you believe anything that the weak minded who do watch tell you? Would you wear a mask? Or, would you just tell anyone who wouldn't let you leave your house, work, or travel to just to F' off? 

Without the television and the Coup Media there is no evidence of mass death and a pandemic. 

Just evidence of the most pathetic sheep who don't have a clue what rights they are giving up by just complying with absolute idiocy.

The Mainstream Media is constantly pushing how much Americans want the vaccine. 

I only hear elderly and those who watch mainstream media and are so stupid they believe everything. Maybe they should take the vaccine and there will be less idiot drivers on the road.

I would like to have seen Donald J. Trump not Tweet, because then I figured that Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and all the hacks who didn't report actual news and censored one side did their part in rigging the election. In my opinion that is treason. 

But Trump could be playing 3D Chess, making the other side think that he not taking any action over the holidays and is putting up a smokescreen. The Leftists are not going to show their cards. 

The Social Democrats realize they have to launch their last ditch desperate grasp for power, or that the election fraud will bite them right in the ass, landing most in prison, other rightfully hung or lined up against a wall and shot. I would consider Dick Cheney and George W. Bush part of the crowd that should be looked into acting with outside actors to bring down the US and Free World for profit.

So, it being Christmas, and Communists do their worst plotting, and executing of plans on holidays, especially extended holiday breaks. 

If I were a lefty, I would take the military option, use the FBI, all my pedo corrupted judges and 2/3 B.A.R. corrupted elected officials and go military on everything Trump, have Antifa/BLM fronts actually be a military operation with the Secret Service standing down to drag the Trumps out in the street and do what is most medieval and disgusting. But, I am not a Leftist. 

So, for Trump, I would hope that he got every faction that is Clinton planted from 1995 routed out of all alphabet agencies. The DOJ, FBI, all Judges, all Courts, and all lawyers are UN/China/Rothschild World Bank and Big Pharma compromised. 

I hope Trump realizes Pfizer played him for a fool and I believe the brass of Big Pharma is completely on board with a Chinese World Currency and want Trump embarrassed, suffering, until dead. 

I would decimate both parties of traitors. I would sit as US President in January, and found the US Constitution Party, take my "R" away and designate my my party as "US" for short. 

I would abolish any international unions for anything in the US, especially the teachers, police, transportation, and especially the B.A.R. for all legal people.

The B.A.R. needs to be disbanded, and the 2/3 of elected officials who are registered with the B.A.R. need to swear off their allegiance to the B.A.R., and make a pledge to the US Constitution first, or be unseated and looked into prosecution for being traitors. 

All judges, and all connection to judges need to have their finances checked into, especially offshore accounts.

As up to 100% of court cases are rigged because judges somehow are profiting from bribes, are profiting from pedophilia, or are being blackmailed because of pedophilia. 

It is a coup. China and the UN need to be dealt a firm slap in the face. The conspirators need to die and be locked up in huge numbers. 

The Big Pharma, UN, B.A.R. lying scumbags, pedos, bankers, elites, UN, and Chinese Communist scum of the earth want to reduce the population 95%, by jabbing us repeatedly, ending small business, private land use, basic human rights, and they Communist prison system will never end. 

That is if near 100% of the population refuses to wear masks, social distance, not open their businesses back up, start growing food, raising animals, and get back to work by not listening to a bunch of bleepholes and their stupid contradicting bi-polar rules. 

If you line up and take a vaccine meant for the any people of color, or for average people, you are stupid and deserve to suffer and die as the UN, Rothschild World Bank, and Chinese Communist planned for your demise. 

Realize that the Coup is out to kill you. 

The time for talking has passed.

Let's see some action. 


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge]



Click on bottom time code below this blog if video won't play. This one below says quite a lot.

The Fog of War! The Crescendo Awaits With Powell, Flynn, Wood, & Pence [mirrored] [Direct Link to Video]

The Numbers mean something ... the Second American Revolution is going to be testosterone filled, and whoop ass is going to be very painful for the Coup.

The Doors- Five to One

We won't let China, the UN, and the Big Pharma Coup inject our American Freebird with poison ...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird - 7/2/1977 - Oakland Coliseum Stadium (Official)

Come on Aussies, the UN and China wanted to kill you all too with HIV laced poison. Bust out and take your country back!

AC/DC Jailbreak 1976 official music video

Italy, it might have been the pedophile corrupted judges along with Big Pharma who laced 2019 flu vaccines to make numbers for the world to lock down on a scam. If so, judges shouldn't wear black robes, they should wear neckties ...

Jennifer Lawrence - Hanging Tree (Lyrics)

Johnny Cash sings The Battle Hymn Of The Republic

Let's have a war like no other and earn our peace ... if 5% of the population wants 95% of us dead, let's each of treat that 5% like they raped, tortured, and killed little children right in front of us ... as they did ...

Oliver - Good Morning Starshine

Trump Red Pills MILLIONS About the Rigged System With Weeks to Go [Direct link to video]


Clinton Youth Brigade from 1995 is now 5th Column? [SvenVonErick Bitchute Video upload channel] [LiveLeak SvenVonErick upload channel]


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