Thursday, December 24, 2020

Justin Trudeau sending Chinese Companies COVID Relief using Canadian Taxpayer Dollars!!!

Justin Trudeau is an bad as the B.A.R. Association Critters, 2/3 of Elected Officials who are lawyers. Globalists will continue the lock downs and the culling 95% of the population unless THEY are either in prison, or dead. 

Emphasis on dead, they want us to suffer, starve, and die. 

United Nations UNESCO for decades wants to break up families, encourage alternative lifestyles where there are less kids and that children are property of the state. Private land use, human rights, small business, and humans interacting with each other and traveling is all things the UN wants to eliminate. 

Lawyers don't care what lies they have to tell to steal everything in sight. 

Bank of China, Air China took Trudeau's pandemic wage subsidy [Direct Link to Video] (If video won't play, click on time code below this blog post)

Canadian Prime Mininster Justin Trudeau image was [found here]. 

SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge]

Ep. 2362b - Truth Belongs To The People,Public Awakening,Treason,Fraud,[Knowingly],Down She Goes [X22 Report] (If video won't play, click on time code below this blog post. Trump asked Congress to put together a stimulus package for citizens. Congress wants to send billions of our taxpayer money overseas to their cronies, enemies of the American People.)


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