Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Who is even taking Joe Biden seriously about "Winning" the Election? Joe is an obvious fraud and no one is listening

The above is a screenshot of a CNN headline story. 

Who would "vote" for a guaranteed 100 day shutdown, all small business being permanently blocked from existing, and then paying rent to breathe air, "Owning nothing, and happy about it."

All Fossil fueled vehicles and electricity generation is to be eliminated by 2025. If there are only 5% of the population left after vaccination programs, then wind and solar can support electric needs to the United Nations UNESCO prison cities. 

There will be no human rights or private use of land after a Biden win. 

Is the real reason Joe Biden is going to be sworn in some undisclosed location, a Socialist Democrat talking point before November 3rd, is so that Joe Biden isn't somewhere he can't be arrested and taken into custody? 

There is a growing movement to see Joe Biden arrested before he finishes stealing the election, or arresting him after he does, if he gets that far.

[Videos, links, and more regarding above]



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