Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Time Bomb Time Released Bio-Weapon in 2019, the Regular Flu Shot?

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I am often where people don't even realize I am there, they just talk. Whether they were nurses, veterinarians, dental hygienist, or whatever, I did not ask them, they looked like they were lab technicians or something medical. They were talking about those who actually died from COVID or were very sick get regular voluntary Flu Shots. 

They were talking about setting up something where those who come to get vaccines pay $1500 cash to have the vaccine squirted in a nearby waste basket, but the actual needle where it is collecting your DNA for the identification program goes back to the authorities that the medical people said must be China with Biden coming in. 

I disagree. Medical people a lot of the time are Lefties, Commies, and Shills for the United Nations UNESCO Agendas. 

My own opinion is that Chinese Intelligence bribe, coerced, blackmailed for pedophilia Italian Judges, Italian Medical Authorities, and politicians to allow a tainted 2019 regular Flu Vaccine, and then intentionally killed terminally ill, and even healthy Italian citizens to get the numbers to con the world into lock downs for China's benefit and for the 95% Population Reduction Problem of UN Agendas 21 and 2030. 

China is at War with the Free World. 

It is a coup. 

It is financial, but weather modification, satellite weapons, information, propaganda, and the intelligence and psychological operations have been in full swing. From about 1995 the Clinton and the UN seeded all B.A.R. officials, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, legislators, all branches of government, bankers, corporations, Big Pharma, the Pentagon, DoD and all alphabet agencies, and their equivalent in all Free World Nation, for one Big Grand Slam.

How is the 2 weeks only shut down so medical staffs and hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed? 

Probably no hospitals were overwhelmed. A military hospital  ship was brought to New York City for no legitimate reason. Doctors and facilities are discouraged to practice any other medicine than COVID testing, treatment, and setting up for giving out forced vaccinations and setting up citizens for aggressive, total contact tracing which might be more for political reasons, than medical. 

Were doctors paid to kill patients to get COVID numbers for a permanent lock down?

Authorities are saying the vaccines won't prevent you from getting COVID, won't prevent you from passing it along. There is DNA and RNA altering with unknown consequences, victims of vaccines are testing positive of HIV, are having horrific systems and pain, and even dying. Why take the vaccine. Why are the authorities forcing us something that may have a 97% chance of making us sterile and may cause spontaneous abortions? 

The image up top was [found here].

ON THE QUESTION OF VIOLENCE: And How We Burned in the Camps [SGT Report, Bitchute]


Viral Videos: Americans Reject The COVID-19 Hoax! [Direct Link]


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge




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