Monday, December 28, 2020

$600 for Citizens, $1800 for Illegals, 1.3 Billion for Egyptian Army - Biggest Citizen Screw Job Ever!

Click time code below blog post to get video to play. The District of Criminals has proven yet again, they are out to wreck America, enrich their overseas friends for even more bribes. They sold you to China, Big Pharma, and now you get an inventory NWO RFID SKU tattoo. 

 At about 13 minutes in, does Nancy Pelosi threaten to blow up Washington DC with a stolen nuclear bomb allegedly planted in Washington DC? - A Conspiracy Theory Du Jour.

They lied to me Us - Snippet from movie [Direct Link to video]

Monsanto genetically altered wheat and there has been very big problems. Now they want to genetically alter all of us because we might get a Flu, and if we do, have a 99.97% chance of living. 

Most people don't have symptoms. The PCR tests aren't accurate, and the doctors don't have a proper version of what they are testing for. 

Can it get any more ridiculous?

2/3 of elected officials are B.A.R. Associate Lawyers, and have sworn an oath to each other, and to foreign entities who hate the US. Judges, Lawyers, and Prosecutors, all of them are members of the B.A.R.

Notice what they are doing with your money and YOUR country? 


Image up top was [found here].  


If you want me to send you any of my SvenVonErick videos by email in a small format, or audio only, and if I still have the files I can email to you at your request. 

This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge


Uranium - Obamas, Bidens, Clintons Caught Selling it to Enemies? [Direct Link to Video]


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