Judge Allegedly Constantly Molested Young Boys, Contact Tracing Used Against Me!
Videos to END the Lock Down of us all protected by Pedo Compromised Judges, scroll down in post. Demand that your rights as a human being restored NOW!
I spent years from early 1990s trying to remove Connecticut Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan for bias against self-employed, small business owners, and anyone who tries to out the corruption of the system, the pedophilia connection with possibly ALL JUDGES WORLDWIDE being compromised, writes stuff he doesn't like printed as letters to the editor printed in newspapers, makes complaints about the judicial system, officials, and/or alleges police misconduct.
All judges might be part of the worldwide problem of pedophilia as a Black Robed Mafia 666.
I didn't know whether a rumor that Judge Kaplan had a leaking anus and pecker, smelled very bad, and could only get sexually aroused abusing young boys, demoralizing them, and having them orally take care of his anus and pecker, until after I was in prison.
I can't imagine the hell the boys had to endure. My friend Rich Murzin, a retired Hartford Narcotics Detective told me he interviewed Kaplan's victims as adults.
Kaplan is known to lawyers as "Judge Satan". Rockville Court GA #19 Connecticut has 3 6's in the zip code, 06066.
Kaplan retaliated
against me for my trying to expose him and having him removed. I got
divorced, am permanently estranged from my only daughter, and would be
retired a millionaire right now. My daughter got married, I wasn't invited, and probably will never meet my own grandchildren all due to Pedophile Judge Satan.
I was threatened by then Connecticut State Police Sargent Sam Izzarelli with being brutally murdered if I alleged, or reported anything that I knew about Judge Kaplan, the Connecticut State Police and DCF officially kidnapping kids for adoption auctions, and to provide underage sex slaves to judges, other officials, and for international sale. Blackmail and selling influence revolved in engaging in pedophilia, or profiting from it.
Izzarelli aslo told me I could end up with prison, and get a "hot shot". I would painfully die of "ass cancer", and if I said anything about Judge Kaplan and little boys, I would be mentally evaluated and die painfully in a mental hospital. To report pedophilia and public corruption meant the whistle blower is mentally ill ...
Izzarelli had a liking for "training" hot 14 year old girls to perform oral sex and allegedly pimped out his students. Izzarelli likes pedophilia so much he allegedly became head of Cyber Sex Crime Unit to get unlimited viewing of child porn and to recruit fellow pedophiles as minions, allegedly such as Peter Coukos, of Stafford Springs, Connecticut.
My father allegedly had a security clearance working for Monsanto, and could supply names of individuals who he didn't like, were a threat to Monsanto profits, were anti-war, and he especially hated the self-employed and small business owners who would be most active against him, and his cronies. Those names he turned in could never get service, or fairness in courts, only a barbecue. Police and the alphabet agencies would go after those who are blacklisted.
Contact Tracing got ramped up with official creation of the TSA and US DHS Homeland Security. High ranking pedophiles and their network then had a goon squad to run interference to protect those involved in drug trafficking, child trafficking, money laundering, murder-for-hire, and in police creating and running youth gangs to always have a fresh crop of criminals to process through the system and act as minions, being cut-outs to perform clandestine terrorist acts against those who were considered threats to the system.
So, corporations, bankers, mafia, the elite, and pedophiles control the judges which then controls everything else. The official invasion of privacy allows these criminals to operate with impunity.
Rich Murzin, AJ Fontaine (sp?), and I were to have a live public access television show to air their evidence of how pedophilia ran the system of abuse to nullify the US Constitution for the Deep State to get even bigger profits. About 2 weeks before we were to meet in Connecticut to shoot the show, for wide distribution, both died suddenly of "natural causes" within hours of each other.
The Clintons and the OKC Federal Building Bombing are key ingredients in getting the world into lockstep with UN Agenda 21 and 2030. The UN is run by communists. The Clintons from 1995 allegedly can rig all court cases and direct all alphabet agencies of who to target and who to allow to continue to operate.
Contact Tracing is used to shut up whistle blowers like me. Their mistake is failing to kill me. Honorable police officers have tipped me each time I was to be murdered. I can only wear a feather in my cap so long before I receive my just dessert.
If Biden gets installed, I believe I will soon be toast, and so will any semblance of normal life for the rest of the planet.
Relevant links:
Erickson, PO Box 8 Seventy-Four, Brattleboro, VT 05302 USA. erickson_77 at hotmail dot com
Pretty much any Clerk of Courts can call another Clerk of Courts anywhere in the US, and pretty much any case, civil or criminal can be fixed.
My then Monsanto Ludlow, Massachusetts, father woke me up by allegedly poisoning my cat in 1966 or 1967 when I was 2 or 3 because I was "hugging on it" and had a worry that if my mother, or anyone was nice to me, I would end up gay. I witnessed his treason talking to Chinese operatives that were colluding with Big Pharma to become the government of the US after the Constitution was repealed, and the UN, China, key corporations, and the World Bank would run the world, and there would be no more hunting, gun ownership, or private used of land.
Average people were to be locked down permanently. I had a front row seat, and my father wanted to store me in the cellar, not even have friends from age 4, and punished me for any joy I displayed as being a child. So, I never believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. My father would attend religious services for Monsanto goon squad or compromised police to visit the priest, or religious leader, beat them where injuries couldn't be seen, and were threatened with death if they spoke out on anything Monsanto or Big Pharma didn't like and that was the 1960s!!!
My father was so high up in the Monsanto Chemical Company/Big Pharma he could decide the fate of just about anyone in civil and criminal court cases if they weren't major headline cases, and if the person he wanted barbecued had more political power than he did.
Secular Humanism became the corporate CIA institution that my father belonged (belongs) to. They are the partial architects of all that is going on in the world right now. As My father wrote a Secular Humanism handbook called, "My Invisible Friends." [Website]
A suppressed memory that I fully believe that I had, is that my father claimed he already watched the first moon landing when I saw what was supposedly live in 1969 on a black and white television. If there was footage on a Stanley Kubrick 2001-like movie sound stage, it was to be backup footage to really show the Russians how far ahead we are if real footage couldn't be shot in high radiation, if the mission couldn't be completed, or if something happened on the mission. My father's alleged security clearance is that high.
Fast forward to 1981 in Wilbraham, Massachusetts. I lived at home, my father didn't want me going to college, he didn't want to pay for it, and wanted an excuse to disown me. He would open my mail, read it, and he knew that my car insurance was going to be cancelled, a night I fell asleep on the couch. The first time ever, my father woke me up and for some random reason, he wanted me to move my car to the street. I told him I was no longer insured and told him "no".
He was insistent if I didn't want to be kicked out of the house. I complied and blue lights came on as soon as I backed out of the driveway. I found out later the Wilbraham Police Officer was supposed to plant drugs, and alcohol on me, and driving without insurance could land someone in Mass, a year in prison.
The officer asked me why my father would want me in prison. I said that I was born early, and my father married my mother in a high school gym when he left Fargo, North Dakota, in shame because of me, and never liked me from my birth in February 1964. I was then told to shut up about being helped by police, and if I said anything I would spend at least a year in prison for something whether I did anything, or not.
My younger sister dated a "connected" Wilbraham boy who happened to be the son of the Clerk of Courts in the Palmer, Mass Superior Court. Drug traffickers, and anyone with "juice" could supply the Clerk of Courts with an extremely hot girlfriend, or wife, for oral, or other sex, and the case would then be botched, or dropped, allegedly.
I knew that the Clerk of Courts had a 1969 Mercury Cougar with a 396 cci engine, was allegedly drunk and hit his next door neighbors' cow in the road. There was a trail of blood that ran down that mountain road to behind the Clerk of Courts' barn. E. Don R. was injured. The "crime" of hit and run on a cow was never solved by police.
If anyone took me to small claims court thereafter for my painting business, the paperwork was lost, or the case was thrown out. I could get out of speeding tickets, could drive drunk, just like his sons, and face no arrest. E. Don could call any clerk of courts anywhere in the US and fix most cases if asked, or if he got some sort of benefit.
My father wanted me to get a year in prison for having a keg party at the family house 1982. He almost succeeded. I had an Ace in the Hole.
My father allegedly called the Stafford Springs, Connecticut, town police, the Tolland Connecticut State Police Troop C barracks, and the Rockville Court prosecutor and told them he didn't want me married, to have a gun permit, a driver's license, a contracting business, owning a home, having my only daughter in my life, and he wanted me to spend the rest of my life in prison for not having respect for him, and official authority in 1994.
LT Trapp told me this, and told me he would help me if I didn't rat police and the courts out for their UN sex trafficking of minors, drug trafficking, and their setting up for forced vaccinations and door to door gun confiscation shortly around, or after the OKC Federal Building Bombing.
When Trapp had some sort of mental breakdown and retired, I no longer had protection. I believe he felt guilty setting up families to lose their house, bank accounts, and children fleeced by police after being set up. The courts are all rigged. Police from 1995, and probably before ran teen street gangs, and staged with operatives, riots, BLM/Antifa style.
I was then constantly attacked by the teen gangs, my properties vandalized, and even had a felon on probation lodge himself in my garage door window breaking into my garage, Connecticut State Police were acting as lookouts for all of the above. A CT Trooper told the criminal that he should sue me for his injuries and didn't arrest him. A week later another member of the "Stafford Springs Diaper Gang" smashed all the windows on my house with Connecticut Troopers in their cruisers laughing.
When I was attacked on my property, not much after that, 10-11-2001, I was displayed in handcuffs on the hood and propped up on the hood of the car for about an hour as a trophy with another cruiser's spotlight on me for about an hour. I was told that I had to piss my pants and would then be brought to jail. I had pepper sprayed felon on probation, Brian Caldwell when he attacked me with a knife trying to stab me in my dark driveway because I wouldn't give him a wallet.
I got a year in prison for using pepper spray to end a mugging, and attempted murder on myself. [Story, and copy of letter that I sent to George W. Bush, that he actually read, 9-15-01, where I wanted to drop a dime on the UN for corrupting policing, the courts, to set up gun confiscation, forced vaccinations, and ending of all small business and self-employment in the world].
In late Fall 2016, I couldn't walk, was on crutches, and thought I was going to die of Chronic Lyme Disease. I was pretty much unable to get out of bed for 3 weeks, and wrote a letter to my father's wife calling her almost as bad a [C-Word snipped] as is Hillary Clinton.
I was never notified of a hearing, but my father's wife got a permanent restraining order against me for writing the letter. Salem, New Hampshire, 3 police officer banged on the apartment door of one of the places I reside, saying that if I had absolutely any weapons, they would need to confiscate them. I was served papers that if I drive into Massachusetts, I have to call Massachusetts Police and ask permission. The orders came out of the Palmer Mass Superior Court.
My father and his wife have made it clear with their constant calls to police that they don't want me to date, have a job, have a place to live, and want me dead, suffering, or in prison the rest of my life ... typical globalists ...
The US Constitution has been suspended for you too. Judges, the court system and policing is crap with an international police union, just as teaching is crap with an international teachers union.
In 2001, or back as early as 1999, Police Liaison, Steve Spellman told Rose Marie Mordasky (maiden name), Connecticut State Senators Tony Guglielmo and John Kissel that I wasn't allowed to talk to them, propose legislation, or to complain about a CIA, FBI, Police, and USDOJ covert program to eliminate the US Constitution, and Spellman had ordered police to pin anything they can on me, so I end up in a mental institution, prison for life, or dead.
Stafford Springs Police Officer "Fat Frank" Prochaska told me, "You better hope no one gets murdered, we will pin it on you!"
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BitChute UNDER ATTACK! - As Popularity GROWS, Big Tech CENSORS The Competition! (Censorship, the Hunter Biden Pedophilia laden laptop is bigger than Nixon's Watergate. The UN will censor the internet to hide their drug and child trafficking) [World Alternative News]
Hunter Biden Evidence DISAPPEARS As Tucker Carlson Attempts To EXPOSE The COVER UP! [Direct link to video] (The Pedos will intercept your mail, and the UN will censor your emails, texts, and calls in real time! Pass this video and this post onto others!)
The Left Using A Virus to Seize Control Shows No Limits to Dems' Greed for Power [Direct Link to Video] (Police and Military show up at doors to give forced vaccinations? Will masks, the lock down, and travel ban be forever? Is Martial Law on the Planet to be permanent? Only businesses that help the Deep State Spy on You left alone? Will Donald J. Trump re-instate the US Constitution or will Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have Trump brutally murdered, beyond the JFK Assassination, the Left wants to drag Trump through the streets naked were he is sodomized with something on video. Will the Left burn down the world so that Communism is the only system that will be built back up?)
After the Virus: The World of 2025 - #PropagandaWatch [Direct Link to Video] (Will the current lock down last until 2025? Will 2025 and on be HELL on EARTH? Will all travel be banned for average people forever. Will 9/10 of the population be wiped out by United Nations UNESCO and the Chinese Communists?)
Episode 387 – Your Guide to The Great Reset
After the Virus: A Discussion Looking Back on the Next 5 Years (video)
Episode 383 – COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity
Filed in: Propaganda Watch
The best site calling BS on the Lock Down (awesome blog roll, right side panel, as well): http://greencrowasthecrowflies.blogspot.com/
The Great Reset Is Here, While I Had To Break Out Of Jail Again and Christmas is Cancelled [Direct link to the Dollar_Vigilante BitChute Video] (Jeff pees behind a Mexican Pharmacy, spends 15 hours in jail. Mexican Police wanted to give him a month. Canadian Officials were planning the COVID lockdown, forced vaccination, and FEMA-like Detention Camps 10 YEARS AGO!!!!)
[Click Here] for Excerpt:
Renting Air to Breathe from the Air Manufacturers, The United Nations?
If you collect rain water off your roof in most regions of the world, the United Nations can have you arrested and imprisoned for illegal use of a resource, water. The air, the solar energy, everything, including your reproduction, and every aspect of your life now might be under the direct control of the UN UNESCO. If you are silent, your silence signifies acceptance.