Friday, October 30, 2020

UN and Chinese Communists invade "Live Free or Die" New Hampshire?

I went to a diner with pictures of Elvis, Marylin Monroe, had the front of a '57 Chevy with headlights, and is typical Americana. New Hampshire has a population of about 1 and a half million. I understand that 3 individuals lost their lives in the state with COVID in nursing homes as that is the default reason to die. 30 people remain in the hospital with COVID symptoms. So drastic measures need to be taken so no one will catch what the governor called, "The Invisible Flu". 

Even if you do not have any symptoms,you may have had it sometime after 2015. Even if tests aren't accurate, and you can be diagnosed, if you have the "sniffles", you might kill someone in a nursing home. "The Invisible Disease" is that bad, and that dangerous.

If the the US Constitution needs to be suspended, so that not one more person than necessary, dies of the Flu, no holds are barred. 

The US Government will go full on Communist, have the UN takeover, and adopt Chinese Digital World Currency, and have the world go cashless for the best contract tracing to identify those who defy what is best for all, COMMUNISM. If you are in the military, or were in, or you know those who died for "Freedom", that has changed. You fight for UN Agenda 21 and 2030 [for the World to go Green]. 

Since diarrhea may kill millions of people a year, it is an actual problem, unlike COVID, or even worse, a regular Flu. 

So, if there is a real world problem, why not use COVID as a precedent for everything. Diarrhea could be inserted to prevent it. This might be even more important than wearing a mask to prevent the Flu. 

If everyone wore a dress, and no underwear, especially attractive children, since the Bidens have broken the seal on pedophilia being okay, we have to say lives, "Come on man ... !"

The butt plug could be further pushed up the anus with a broom handle used by police and/or the military to make sure no one dies of diarrhea. Proper insertion, just like proper wearing of a mask, needs to be the UN Communist mandatory.

 If there are suicides from sexual abuse, lack of a normal life, and PTSD, the proper, or over inserting of the butt plug could completely eliminate the deaths caused by diarrhea, most important. A billion deaths from the "cure" is better than anyone dying from the Flu or Diarrhea. 

Airplane crashes on domestic flights might be completely eliminated. The restrictions to fly on an airplane might be too stringent to fly. No deaths, no plane crashes, and everyone is safe, what more benefits can be achieved?

If there is absolutely no more human contact, no reproduction, and no one is allowed to have a conversation without a social media moderator electronically, and there is no person to person interaction, we all will be safest from diarrhea and the Flu, right?  

Breathing causes Carbon Dioxide. Even though trees breathe in Carbon Dioxide to produce Oxygen, Carbon is bad. You need not to have a Carbon Footprint. You need not breathe to best serve the planet.

You know what to do. 

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