Friday, October 30, 2020

China's Statue of Liberty Play (US Football Term) was necessary for their Survival?

Image above found [here].

In American Football, there is a play where you fake the other team out, to make a desperate play to win the game, [sports term explained]

Xi Ping, the leader of the Communist Chinese had a problem. It could have cost him his life. It could have landed the Communist Chinese out of power. 

There are possibly 100 million extra military men in China due to the one child policy. The main sources of protein in China, pigs and chickens, has almost wiped out their supply. Weather has destroyed crops. Fishing areas for China are depleted. Do nothing, and there is mass starvation. It was a recipe of pure disaster for the UN and globalists who want China as the model for world government. 

Forcing the world on the a Chinese Digital World Currency would put China in charge of all the world, all governments would be puppets. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein, the Clintons, the Bidens, the Obamas etc have already been part of the coup for up to decades colluding with the Communist run United Nations, UNESCO. 

80% of the US 100 dollar bills ever printed are being circulated all over the world. The US going cashless would crash the dollar for good, the Chinese World Currency, digital only, controlled by China is already to roll out beyond China's border. This currency means citizens must do all they are told. If no, they are killed in place. 

Chinese have already jacked all electronics, servers, cell towers, everything ... so they have made a list of who is the biggest threats, and after Biden is installed as US President things will not work out for us. I will soon be rounded up and tortured to my last breath. 

Donald J. Trump will be drug out of the White House by Antifa and BLM stripped naked, tortured, humiliated and the last thing Trump will feel when he is assassinated, is being raped by a bayonet, if the Left's and Hillary Clinton's ultimate wish list is fulfilled.

Chinese war gamers planned this all out for a very long time. Showing citizens walking down China streets, dropping dead as a Zombie Apocalypse, with citizens being welded in Death Hospitals and Apartments to starve and die to prevent billions of deaths was pure BS.

None of any of this was necessary. What are YOU going to do? 


If you are under 65, you have about a 99.9 percent chance of surviving the "virus", assuming you haven't already had it as far back as 2015, and are now immune. 

If this was a Chinese act of war on the world, putting the virus as contamination in "tests" that were mainly coming from China, they can put the virus on anything coming into anywhere in the world. Still the "cure" is way worse than if "the virus" was allowed just to peter out on its own. 

If you don't resist all over the world, there will be massive starvation, and the Communist takeover in Cambodia causing megadeath will be mere child's play, worldwide. 

China and the UN have infiltrated the USDOJ, all courts, the international police union, the international teachers union, and all government workers in all 3 branches answer to an international union, so the gate keepers are preventing you from being represented for your taxation no matter where in the world that you live. 

The circumstantial evidence of China planning everything that has now happened if you read in between the lines of a video uploaded in Fall of 2019:


Ted Cruz grills Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for 'censoring' Hunter Biden story

My email is: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com [My bitchute videos]



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