Saturday, December 17, 2011

The lies about new US Secret Detention and Torture Law

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Uploaded by on Dec 16, 2011

Infowars Nightly News will cover a brief history of the current president's lies to those who have blindly supported him, including promises to close Guantanamo, oust the rule of lobbyist's in Washington, create transparency, particularly on hot-button issues like health care negotiations and his latest act of pandering-- empty promises to veto the NDAA legislation when his own administration crafted the un-American legislation entered into the final bill.

Also in play are observers who see the fallout over the Fast & Furious scandal as Obama's Watergate. While the entire affair of 'walking' guns to Mexican cartels and gangs, who've otherwise been facilitated by the Feds and Wall Street powers, is contemptible, it is likely that the evidence of cover-up and lies on the part of Obama's cabinet will be the most damning. As with Nixon, the fallout will, with all probability, come over who knew what and when. Certainly, Attorney General Eric Holder has thus far been less than forthcoming with Congress' investigation. Will it trail all the way back to Obama himself?

It has also emerged that the FBI lied about mobile phone tracking software, after assuring Congress that it had not sought out data from Carrier IQ when the firm says otherwise. The IQ Agent software has been shown to log keystrokes and messages sent by smartphones.

Other stories to be covered on this special edition of the Infowars Nightly News include:

Obama's Watergate, Domestic Drones, New Riot Shields & More: Infowars Nightly News

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[click here] for:

Stop Smoking Pot and Pay Attention to Government


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Bill of Rights, Ron Paul Under Attack, Raw Milk E. Coli Hoax & More: Infowars Nightly News

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Uploaded by on Dec 16, 2011

Meanwhile, guest host Mike Adams covers the latest on the Bill of Rights-destroying NDAA bill, which Obama is expected to sign imminently. Mike has a special editorial comment regarding the dark course set by legislation authorizing secret military kidnappings, detainment, torture and assassinations by our own government against the people. We the People must rebuke and reject this wanton stripping of due process, one of the oldest and most important guarantees of common law.


Friday, December 16, 2011

Why the US Patriot Act is BS

us judge napolitano on the patriot act

Dec. 15, 2011, Judge Napolitano expounds:


Why I think the Patriot Act, the TSA, and US Homeland Security DHS is BS:


The new look, a US Arrest

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The US Senate voted so that any American, anyone else, can now be arrested by the US Military, anywhere in the world, including inside the US, and be officially kidnapped, held in secret, tortured, and even murdered, and there is to be no hearing or evidence needed. It is all secret and anyone can be labeled a "Terrorist" on any excuse as no one will check the secret paperwork. That is, if any paperwork is assumed to exist. There is now no need for judges, lawyers, courts, honest policing, or even a US Constitution. Just make up crap, it's America, right?

S.1867 - indefinite detention of US citizens!

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on Dec 15, 2011

Representative Kucinich (one of many) pleading on the dangers of this bill being passed... INDEFINITE DETENTION of AMERICAN CITIZENS BY THE MILITARY! simply by being 'suspected' of terrorist affiliation...

Needless to say even after several compelling arguments like this one, the Bill passed the House. The only thing stopping it from becoming law is a veto from the President.

wake up people...

Ex-CIA Agent Gives The Answer to S. 1867 and the Tyranny!

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Uploaded by on Dec 10, 2011

This is an amazing video! Please pass this on and make it viral. This is a speech from early 2007, but how applicable is this today???

What about Smedley Butler's possibly preventing the Corporate/Bankster Coup Pre-WWII?:

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Have corporations and bankers tried to take over the US Government before? Do bankers and corporations profit from wars and in the enslaving of populations? What do Prescott Bush, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and the CIA have to do with 9-11? If you want to understand what is wrong with the puppet government in the USA, UK, and in the EU, watch this video. Please look at the credits at end of video clip and buy the DVD to support the makers of this great documentary. More on this subject [click here]

Friday, December 09, 2011

Citizens United fighting against Corporate Takeover of the World

Thom Hartmann has a show on RT America. The topic below is corporate personhood. Many topics are brought up. This is news most people should be paying attention to. Don't trust any one news source. Don't trust any one person. Don't trust, or believe, hook, line, and sinker, any Democrat or Republican.

-stevengerickson At yahoo Dot Com


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Corporate Personhood vs. Citizens United

Wal-Mart isn't a person and the Thom Hartmann Reader are subjects covered by Rob Kall in his interview of Thom Hartman. [link]

The evil of this is discussed. Government has been hijacked. We are seeing the resulting police state serving banks and corporations. Judges are monarchs who chew up people for corporate interests. Not having borders, not having representation, and making average citizens worldwide pay taxes and interest on loans they didn't take out is policy.

These corporations and banks are about smuggling drugs and organized crime. [links]

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America, CIA, Torture, and Music

This RT America video clip is a glimpse of what those who are in charge of your future are up to. US taxpayers are funding their own eventual abuse.How would you like to be treated like the subject of this video? When it is for real, 24/7, and there is no escape from the noise, psychological torture, and uncomfortable positions, is your humanity drained out by the minute? Should these torturers be prosecuted for war crimes even when they are torturing Americans inside America?

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

We the People, Not We the Corporations

On January 21, 2010, with its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government. Human beings are people; corporations are legal fictions.

We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.

The Supreme Court is misguided in principle, and wrong on the law. In a democracy, the people rule.

[more from source]


Corporate Personhood vs. Citizens United

Wal-Mart isn't a person and the Thom Hartmann Reader are subjects covered by Rob Kall in his interview of Thom Hartman. [link]

The evil of this is discussed. Government has been hijacked. We are seeing the resulting police state serving banks and corporations. Judges are monarchs who chew up people for corporate interests. Not having borders, not having representation, and making average citizens worldwide pay taxes and interest on loans they didn't take out is policy.

These corporations and banks are about smuggling drugs and organized crime. [links]

-stevengerickson At yahoo Dot Com

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Banks Gambling with Trillions, You'll Pay to Bail Them Out Again

International Banks and our offshore corporate owners steal from us, then make us pay them back for the money they stole from us at interest. Complain, and you might be arrested without charges, without a release date, as a terrorist. If the US will allow a poison sweetener [embedded video], courts are broken and elected officials don't represent the people for their taxation. This Death Penalty video, hosted by Amy Goodman, shows how really crapulent US courts are.

-stevengerickson AT yahoo Dot com

Text with below video:

Uploaded by on Dec 2, 2011

On the Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with author and journalist Nomi Prins. She is a former managing director of Goldman Sachs and a Bears Stearns analyst. On December 1, she wrote for about the Federal Reserve's continuation of bailout economics and protecting US mega-banks from losses incurred by European banks through derivatives. Prins is the author of It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bonuses, Bailouts, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street.

Journalist Nomi Prins: No Matter What, The Banksters Always Win 1/2

Journalist Nomi Prins: No Matter What, The Banksters Always Win 2/2