Monday, July 30, 2007

My Letter to President Bush

Click image to make larger. My 9-15-01 letter to President Bush. I was attacked on my property, not even a week later, 10-11-01. [click here] for properties video. [click here] for my letter complaining to Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal about Attorney Michael H. Agranoff.

Governor Rell letter to Steven G. Erickson

My letter to Chief States Attorney of Connecticut days after I was attacked on my property, 10-11-01

My complaint against Judge Jonathan Kaplan never investigated.

Police report calling me the victim.

Hud response saying Bush read my letter.

Click docs to see full size.

[click here] for my letter to former Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland meant to arrive for his first day of Federal Prison for his role in the corruption scandal. Warning: I wasn't nice and didn't use flowery language.

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Connecticut state police can't muzzle troopers

By The Associated Press

Editor's note: The Associated Press reported on March 3, 2006, that the state of Connecticut had agreed to a $450,000 out-of-court settlement with Trooper Mark Lauretano of Salisbury, ending a First Amendment case that began in 1999.

HARTFORD, Conn.— A state police policy restricting troopers from talking to the news media is unconstitutional, a federal judge has ruled.

U.S. District Judge Dominic J. Squatrito ruled on Oct. 1 that the agency's administrative and operations manual violates a trooper's constitutional right to free speech. He forbade state police from preventing employees from speaking on matters of public concern.

"When you take an oath of office to become a state trooper, you do not give up your constitutional rights, especially the right to free speech," state police union President David LeBlanc said after the ruling. "What the impact will be down the road is that all police officers will feel more at ease to speak out as citizens."

State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, whose office defended state police administrators in the case, said the decision would be reviewed "carefully and comprehensively to determine whether an appeal is appropriate."

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Tauck V. Tauck: No End In Sight

Nancy Tauck

Peter Tauck

July 1, 2007: Rancor And Riches

Tauck V. Tauck: No End In Sight

In Record-Long Divorce Case, Wife Is Told To Complete Four-Week Alcohol Treatment Program

By LYNNE TUOHY | Courant Staff Writer
July 21, 2007

After three additional days of hearings this week in the record-length Tauck v. Tauck divorce case, the question of the "reasonableness" of $11 million spent to date on attorneys and expert witnesses is no closer to being resolved.

But Peter Tauck prevailed on several key custody and financial issues.

Superior Court Judge Holly Abery-Wetstone Friday severely limited Nancy Tauck's access to her children until she completes a four-week, inpatient alcohol treatment program. If Nancy Tauck refuses treatment, she will only be able to see the couple's four minor children - all between the ages of 5 and 10 - for one hour a week, in a visit supervised by parenting professionals.

Evidence showed Nancy Tauck failed an alcohol test administered June 26, the day after the marathon, 82-day divorce trial ended. This week's three-day hearing has further cemented the case's status as the lengthiest divorce trial in state history. Matrimonial law experts believe it has set a national record as well.

The length of the trial is due in large part to Nancy Tauck's allegations two years ago that Peter Tauck had child pornography on his laptop computer, and that he had molested two of their children. There was no substantiation of the second claim. More startling, as the trial unfolded, was the admission of considerable evidence suggesting Nancy Tauck "set up" her husband by downloading the images onto the laptop while he was in Tahiti. She filed for divorce two days after his return from that May 2005 trip.

Based on the severity of the original allegations and Nancy Tauck's contention that her husband was a flight risk because he faced a potential federal indictment and prison time, a judge in 2005 issued a prejudgment remedy freezing up to $20 million of Peter Tauck's assets to pay for attorneys' fees and other expenses. Abery-Wetstone, who has stated during the case that Peter Tauck could not have downloaded the questionable images, Thursday dissolved that prejudgment order and restored his access to those remaining assets, which now amount to about $4.5 million.

The couple had been operating under a "bird nesting" custody arrangement, in which the children remain in the family's Westport home and each parent cycles in and out of the home on an equal-time basis. A standing court order stated that if either party failed an alcohol test, that parent had to vacate the home and stay away from the children until further order of the court.

Nancy Tauck, 47, has been out of the home since the positive alcohol test results were received on July 9. Abery-Wetstone's ruling was in response to Nancy Tauck's motion to restore access to her children, and a motion filed by Peter Tauck's lawyers to hold her in contempt for both the test results and her failure to obey a court order to supply the attorney for the minor children, Gaetano Ferro, with verification of her attendance at AA meetings.

Ferro, who was appointed by the court to represent the children, described as "incredible" and "absurd" Nancy Tauck's insistence that she had nothing to drink on June 26 and that she had faxed AA verifications to his office on a regular basis.

"It's very frustrating dealing with someone like this," Ferro argued Friday. He cited reports by parenting supervisors who oversee Nancy Tauck's contact with her children that she doesn't put her children to bed at night and doesn't wake them up in the morning, delegating those and other activities to the supervisors.

"I think you reinstate some access," Ferro told Abery-Wetstone. "I don't think you reinstate full access. I don't think you give overnight access."

Abery-Wetstone said Nancy Tauck had also violated the court's orders by not attending a sufficient number of AA meetings and by having the children sleep in her bed.

"Your children need a mother who is physically and mentally well," the judge told her. "That's not the case right now. You need to get better."

Nancy Tauck wept as the hearing wrapped up with briefing schedules and the next hearing set for Aug. 13. Peter Tauck, 50, was not present for the judge's ruling. He had been given permission to leave after the morning session to drive the oldest son to overnight camp.

The August hearing on attorneys' fees is expected to be equally contentious.

Nearly $50 million in assets is at stake in the case, most of it rooted in Peter Tauck's stock in his family's luxury travel business, Tauck Tours.

Attorney Tom Colin, representing Peter Tauck, claims Nancy Tauck "and her agents of destruction" set up Peter Tauck. Colin claims that her lawyers' fees for plying that allegation should not be paid by his client - "the victim" - and that she should be held liable for any fees Peter Tauck incurred defending himself against those allegations.

Nancy Tauck's lawyer, Reuben Midler, at the outset of the hearing on Wednesday asked for a mistrial or a continuance, based on his perception that Peter Tauck's lawyers had directed claims of "litigation misconduct" against him and his co-counsel.

"This is an out-and-out attack on counsel," Midler argued.

Abery-Wetstone refused to declare a mistrial or continue the case, but said she wasn't going to factor claims of misconduct by lawyers on either side in her determination of whether fees and expenses were reasonable. Her efforts to accomplish that this week were thwarted by the 41 motions, filed since June 26, that awaited her at the outset of the hearing.

At one point during an argument about evidence, Midler said, "This case is not over until Your Honor writes a decision."

Abery-Wetstone's comeback: "I can't write a decision until you all stop filing motions."

Contact Lynne Tuohy at

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[click here] for my Nov. 12, 2009, post called:
Mentality of Lawyers charging 20 mil for a divorce

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[click here] for:
Adultery, Acrimony And Millions In Spoils
March 25, 2005
By KENNETH R. GOSSELIN, Hartford Courant Staff Writer

In one of Fairfield's wealthiest enclaves, the bitter divorce of a business executive has ended with his jet-setting wife walking away with nearly $50 million in cash, homes, cars, jewelry and artwork.

The 25-year marriage ended with Howard Sosin, a one-time insurance executive, branding his wife, Susan, an adulteress. Susan Sosin said she suffered the loneliness of a golf widow.

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Connecticut is a free for all for lawyers. It is a feeding trough. Lawyers are elected and then make sure they make more money, have less accountability, and that the pubic, mainly children and families are further abused for their gain.

Connecticut is "Beyond Ridiculous", more on Connecticut's legal gauntlet
[click here]

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Couldn't have said it better myself

[stock photo with nothing to do with the Courant thread]

When I have time, I check out the threads on the Hartford Courant Online. This one caught my eye:

Black CSP Trooper
United States

The Governor's standard comment that she is confident that Commissioner Danaher will take the appropriate steps in the investigation, is the same thing she said for Commissioner Boyle. Look how those losers Lynch and Boyle screwed us up. This incident, just like the investigation in the New York Report will yield no action being taken. Danaher has already lied about easing miniorities fears about racism in CSP. How did you do that Commissioner Danaher? All of these incidents are brewing and heating up. When is a legislature, Commissioner, or Colonel going to get it. The leadership in the CSP is inadequate, disfunctional and incompetent. Get rid of some people by demoting them, or firing them. And then maybe some of this hap hazard fly by the seat of your pants leadership will stop and also this malicious retaliation that is going on in the department when troopers step up to protect themselves and others.

The above found [here]

The Hartford Courant story containing the thread, text [click here]

The Connecticut State Police, Police State [click here]

My videos [click here]

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Manufacturing evidence, bopping prostitutes, abusing the public, and making false arrests

The Connecticut State Police seem to be up to their old tricks. As if they ever stopped. The below article shows business as usual with the Connecticut State Police. Connecticut police misconduct is more than rampant. You can hear grandmothers, college students, and the general public in grocery stores and Wal-Marts all over Connecticut talking about police being absolutely out of control in Connecticut. They have gone beyond their saturation point, are bored, have not enough to do, so they are abusing and terrorizing more and more citizens that should have no negative interactions with police.

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State Police Begin New Internal Probe

By TRACY GORDON FOX | Courant Staff Writer
July 18, 2007

State police have begun an internal affairs investigation into a racially offensive video and still photograph that were e-mailed several months ago among troopers assigned to the state police forensic laboratory, including to its commander.

One e-mail shows a still photograph of a black man lying on the street surrounded by watermelon rinds and chicken bones. The headline on the e-mail read "fatal overdose?" Another e-mail had a video attachment of a tow-headed white girl with a lisp, who sat at her kitchen table in a yellow shirt and spewed hateful racial slurs with the encouragement of two adults. The subject line simply says: "Little girl with a speech problem."

Public Safety Commissioner John A. Danaher III Tuesday called the e-mails "unacceptable intolerance" and ordered an internal affairs investigation into the e-mails minutes after he learned of them.

"We are going to act on it," Danaher said, adding that it makes no difference that the e-mails were sent on personal computers. "Troopers are expected to behave as troopers 24 hours a day."

The e-mails that surfaced Tuesday added fuel, his supporters say, to allegations by Sgt. Andrew Crumbie, the former Public Safety Commissioner Leonard Boyle's chief of staff, who claimed he was replaced by Lt. David Rice, who is white, to direct the lab because of racial discrimination.

The e-mails were sent to Rice, other troopers and employees of the forensic laboratory and the computer crimes unit on their personal e-mail addresses by another trooper in February, the week after Crumbie was removed from his position as the lab's director.

In June, Crumbie filed a complaint with the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, saying derogatory words were used about his race by high-ranking state police officers. He also said the state police had a history of unfavorable treatment of minorities.

"The sad part is I am not surprised," Crumbie, who is currently on medical leave, said Tuesday of the e-mails. "This is essentially what my complaint says."

Gov. M. Jodi Rell's office was informed of the investigation, said Christopher Cooper, a Rell spokesman. "The governor is confident that Commissioner Danaher takes these allegations seriously and will investigate them fully and appropriately," Cooper said.

Kathleen Eldergill, an attorney who represents Crumbie, said the e-mails "are evidence that supports the allegations of racism in Andrew's complaint."

"This is just proof that the attitude he complained about exists," Eldergill said. "Either everyone who was sent the e-mail approved of it or everyone who got it [said nothing] because they were afraid of being retaliated against."

Among the four troopers who received the e-mails on Feb. 19 was Trooper Neverill Coleman, who is black and works at the lab. He decided this week to tell his supervisor, who is white, about the e-mails; it was not clear why he waited five months. Coleman's supervisor told Rice, who immediately informed top state police commanders of the complaint, Danaher said.

The video e-mail was apparently sent by Trooper Brian Beshara, who works in the division of scientific services for the state police. He could not be reached Tuesday for comment. The still picture was sent to Beshara by another person who does not work at the department, state troopers and lab employees said.

Danaher said he has no evidence that Rice ever opened the e-mails or whether he even received them. "We have no evidence that he knew what was in those e-mails," Danaher said.

The day after Crumbie was demoted in February, he found his photograph, which had hung in the lobby of the laboratory along with other members of command staff, placed on the men's bathroom wall above the urinal, according to his complaint. No one has ever been disciplined in that case; it is an open investigation, state police said.

Crumbie, however, is alleging in an internal affairs complaint filed Tuesday that Rice put the picture in the bathroom.

"I have recently come into, what I believe to be credible information, that the person responsible for perpetrating this act was Lt. David Rice," Crumbie wrote in the complaint sent to the state police. Danaher said there is no evidence that Rice put the photograph there.

Danaher said he has already taken several actions to ease fears that there is racism within the department, including meeting regularly with black trooper organizations and sending a strong message to troopers that racism will not be tolerated.

"I'm reaching out wherever I can," he said. "Intolerance or disparate treatment based on race or anything else won't be accepted."

Dawne Westbrook, an attorney for the NAACP, said she is compiling evidence at the request of the federal Department of Justice for an investigation into complaints of racism by the state police.

"This says to me that racism is alive and well at the Department of Public Safety," Westbrook said of the e-mails.

Contact Tracy Gordon Fox at