Did Gay Pedophile Child Trafficking George Soros rig US Elections/Court Cases w/ ADL Mossad?
Sent to countless officials by email:
To Whom it May Concern:
I have been at War w/ a Homosexual Pedophile Child Trafficking Cult w/ a major player being George H. W. Bush & the ADL Mossad Int’l Police & Teachers Unions UN George Soros run Courts, Alphabet Agencies running everything public & private. I need your help for America, & for my own personal pursuit of Justice.
I am prevented from Redressing Grievances w/ Elected Officials, in Court, & my Free Speech is throttled by Foreign Intelligence working for Investment Bankers Drug & Child Trafficking as the ADL Federal Reserve Corp. Are you okay w/ being run by Foreign Intelligence out to Destroy America?
They have access to US Currency printed up on CIA Federal Reserve Printing Presses located in Israel, Switzerland, & China.
Calling Newspapers age 5 in 1969, has sent all alphabet agencies & ADL Mossad Int’l Police & Teachers Union Rothschild Opium Cartel UN Child Trafficking Courts to target me ever since.
Court Guards & Clerks at Counters will tell me I can be arrested just for being in a court unless I am being prosecuted for something.
Unfortunately HHS, other Federal Whistleblowers, Retired Police, & Military who meet with me covertly keep bringing up the John H. Sununu illegal flights using Air Force 1 during the George H. W. Bush to offshore trillions of US Tax Dollars to Child Trafficking Arm of the ADL Rothschild Opium Cartel Federal Reserve using US Courts to destroy mostly White & Christian Family Businesses & Ownership of Anything, Officially Kidnaping Children.
I saw my father rape children & murder people from an early age. I am not guilty for the sins of my father. When officers w/ the ADL Mossad Int’l Police Union picked me up in the middle of the night & shot me up w/ Meth, LSD, or whatever I literally became Chuckie like in the horror movie.
Police would be lookouts when I stole target’s mail, stole stuff out of their houses, planted evidence, had me put poison in food & beverages in refrigerators, & deliver tainted vaccines to prevent White & Christian Super Soldiers & make mainly Whites so defective that they need Israeli & Chinese Big Pharma Drugs, Rothschild Opium Cartel Controlled Mental & Hospital Help for life mandated thru the courts they own offshore.
I am responsible to the maiming & deaths of 100s to 1000s before I was 6 years old. Police & FBI threatened to kill my Mother & Baby Sister Jenn if I told on them. I still get phone calls & mail from the University of Chicago IRB which is part of the DoD Monsanto ADL Mossad MK-Ultra Program.
My father got paid for my participation, but I have never been compensated for this child abuse. I was under 6, but everyone connected, including George Soros can be prosecuted for Accessory to Murder Common Law Peoples Grand Juries. Bill Gates has been personally involved in shutting me up about all of this so he, & anyone connected w/ the COVID scam should also be prosecuted.
Police & other Officials have told me that they can’t help me, or worse will happen to them then is going to happen to me, to help me ... so official reading this, do you work for the ADL Mossad UN WEF BlackRock Chinese & Israeli Intel Coup that installed Joe Biden, or can we work together to close down the US Courts & replace w/ Common Law Peoples Grand Juries?
My Connecticut News Bureau Chief AJ Fontaine & a Founder of DHS Rich Murzin both confirmed this & then died within hours of each other about 2 weeks before we to air their evidence live. Knowing the above the FBI has threatened to kill me for voting, talking to reporters, dating, working, driving & everything ...
it is beyond ridiculous ...
Police have refused to take my complaints since I was 16, saying that their Int’l Police Union will see to it they lose their kids, marriage, home, & maybe they will end up dead or railroaded to prison. ADL Mossad Int’l Police Union wants me to suffer my entire life for interfering w/ Child & Narcotics Trafficking by Israel w/ China.
ADL Mossad Int’ Police Union has continually ripped me off, emptied my bank accounts, stolen my mail, eavesdropped on me, interfered w/ all relationships including causing my divorce & permanent estrangement w/ my only daughter, & George Soros has personally been targeting me since I was 5 in 1969 using his offshore US Currency Printing to rig everything.
I seek remedy for a life time of this:
Please forward this to appropriate parties & person for best actions to Take Back America, & Make Her Constitutional Again. ADL Mossad Int’l Police Union UN WEF BlackRock China & Israel have jacked everything & are targeting
I can’t get justice & have not been compensated monetarily for 6 decades of pain & suffering & millions of dollars I am out, including the 10,000 rolls of uncirculated silver quarters that the John Birch Society & my Grandfather left me to battle the Jewish Gay Mafia ADL Federal Reserve Ponzi Scheme to wipe out 95% plus of Humanity using their Vaccines to Cause Maximum Death w/ Spanish Flu to steal Bank Accounts, Businesses, Property, & Children.
All is to my best belief & knowledge.
Steven G. Erickson
215 S. Broadway Suite 217
Salem NH 03079
Cell 1 860 574 0695
My email can be made from servicespecialist at protonmail dot com
P.S. I am posting this open letter to you on Gab dot com