Thursday, October 27, 2022

MK-Ultra Candidate for US President wants to disband & arrest the FBI? (Satire/Opinion)

Title of Video: MK-Ultra Pres Candidate Promises to Dismantle & Arrest FBI UN CIA IRS DoD The Fed B.A.R.? Text w/ Video: #shutupaboutclimatechange Slide into video about 44 min for Steven G. Erickson interview & on YouTube if it is still up for full interview . Foul Language & Subject Warning. I was writing letters to the editor printed in Connecticut Newspapers from about the mid 1990s that caused Deep State killers to be sent after me while they tried to railroad me to prison. All is to my best belief & knowledge.

I talk about being a Political Prisoner & nearly being raped in prison to shut me up about the Deep State Child Trafficking w/ China.

Act Legally & Constitutionally. Info, videos, & to contact me in private chat: (Opinion) Will China invade Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada, & South America all at the same time the US is made to fall due to China Biden? All is to my best belief & knowledge. #StopTheBS #HangTheGreens #MeToo #WBNemesis #USConstitutionParty #NoPedoJoe #Restore45 #TheStarkRavingViking More videos:

Steven G. Erickson
215 S. Broadway Suite 217
Salem, NH 03079

cell Eight Six Zero 574 0695

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Old Broken, Short, Fat, 2nd Hand Vaxxed Heart Injured MK-Ultra Monsanto Injured Victim Opinion ...


[Direct link to above video from Mike Adams]

The Original The Stark Raving Viking blog is gone after 18 years for a Free Speech violation of questioning the farce which was the 2020 "election". Steven G. Erickson mainly blogs here: which is the best place to private message me. For a short period of time that is a way to fund me to blowhorn Dems holding campaign signs before the mid term elections. I am in dire need of $. I will offer off-grid living in New Hampshire &/or work on video production & or news gathering. $ infusions means hiring skilled people & my delegating more. Don't hold back, we the people need to act now. Effort now means sticking around & not starving to death ...

Direct link to SvenVonErick Steven G. Erickson bitchute video:

China Monsanto Rothschilds Child Abduction Human Experimentation Big Pharma

Was Joan Rivers whacked not because of outing Michael Obama, but because of Barry Soetaro's Child Trafficking thing w/ Rothschilds based in China? I am loading this video clip first on Brighteon. It might be exclusive. If I start to load it on Rumble, then Bitchute, & see it here on brighteon, I will embed it on my Gab:

Act Legally & Constitutionally. Info, videos, & to contact me in private chat: (Opinion) Will China invade Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada, & South America all at the same time the US is made to fall due to China Biden? All is to my best belief & knowledge. #StopTheBS #HangTheGreens #MeToo #WBNemesis #USConstitutionParty #NoPedoJoe #Restore45 #TheStarkRavingViking More videos:

Interested in seeing something about my father? Please use Duck Duck Go & not use quotes “Dennis E. Erickson My Invisible Friends” & look for the link with his name & Secular Humanism in URL.

I would like to have a realty show in New Hamsphire, where young NYC Snowflakes live Off-Grid, use solar panels & electric saws & wood splitter. They have a firewood selling business to survive & talk to locals having to give up their Deep State UN Commie teachings to live in the real world ...

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Clearing Land w/ Gas Trimmer Saw Blade

Text w/ video:

Act Legally & Constitutionally. Info, videos, & to contact me in private chat: (Opinion) Will China invade Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada, & South America all at the same time the US is made to fall due to China Biden? All is to my best belief & knowledge. #StopTheBS #HangTheGreens #MeToo #WBNemesis #USConstitutionParty #NoPedoJoe #Restore45 #TheStarkRavingViking More videos: