Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Mask of Submission to Pedophile NWO as a Child, Michael Jackson was again ahead of curve

Michael Jackson was allegedly abused by his own father, and other powerful men as a ritual. If you are powerful and part of a secret society, the wife, slave, or child that you own has to be keep wrapped up, their humanity covered. The abuse then can't be seen, and the only human to human contact can only be administered during rituals of abuse. Enjoy your submission to Communism that the World Bank and Corporations want you to. 

If Barack Obama has a Connecticut Social Security number, and was never in Connecticut, what is up with that? Heads of CIA, DoD, Judges, Bankers, and the World's elite allegedly meet every 26 years for the Big (alleged Pedophile) Ritual in a Bell Haven Greenwich Connecticut basement to decide to "groom" young boys who will be judges, elected officials, CIA, DoD, the Pentagon, and heads of alphabet agencies. 

If Obama, wasn't in Connecticut, what, or who, came in behind Obama for his rise? 

[Judge John M. Walker], a cousin of George H.W. Bush ran down and killed a New Haven Police Officer in the middle of an intersection. Walker drove off in his car not much later with the officer's blood and skin still on his car. No arrest, no drug or alcohol test, no impounding of vehicle. 

No cop funeral and officer was blamed for not being orange enough. Online stories were pulled off soon after being posted on this story. I was pulled over walking by a cruiser and was told I would be hung out in the woods with my teeth knocked out (meaning I had a big mouth) if I didn't take that off my blog. Walker is also an alleged alumni of the Bell Haven basement.  

I am not suggesting you do, but if you kill a cop, matter how you do it. Are you just going to drive away after.

That alone shows the courts and justice is separate and unequal and that all investigations and court cases are rigging in the US, and probably the world. 

Hillary Clinton, as US Senator of New York, allegedly stacked the New York City Court of Appeal where John M. Walker is also a justice. All court cases in the world can be rigged out of the court by those Justices. This is allegedly where Hillary Clinton got her get out of jail for free card, no matter what she does.

I break it down in [videos].  

Michael Jackson in a mask photo was [found here]. 


5G Judas Goat and Pfizer Vaccine Harm Beard Dick Blumenthal takes your complaint, SWAT raids you? [Direct Link to Video with more text]

Wear Submission Mask for Pedophilia, Joe Biden, UN, Communist China, Pfizer, and Election Rigging? [Direct Link to Video]

Americans: You Have Been Warned - Trumpy's Warp Speed General (Gus Perna) Speaks! [Direct Link to video]


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