Saturday, November 14, 2020

Inmate/Official Abuse Depression and Forever Lack of Motivation Syndrome

I thought Australia would be the best example of what a country would look like after the UN and China owns it. It seems that Canada will be first country to have the most political prisoner camps ready, not for COVID, but to deal with those who do not respect Corporate Communist UN World Bank Socialist US Democrat Big Pharma take over of the World. Scroll down in post for video.


Inmates are deprived on their own clothes, personal connections are curbed or eliminated, and all decisions are made for them by a higher authority. Partially get out with a parole, then a probation officer who has moods, arbitrary hoops, and you are subject to their, and others arbitrary whims. You may never know when you are going to be reeled back in, whether you did anything wrong, or not, so why bother doing anything that you aren't told to? 

An inmate probably has bad credit when, he or she is out of prison. Family interactions have been gone, and spouses, children, and friends can become completely estranged forever from someone is locked up. 

Judges know this, and they just don't care how many go into the system, and completely don't care about what is right and wrong, the US Constitution, or in making society any better. 

The State gets Federal Tax Dollars to house inmates. Somehow the Mafia runs, builds, and supplies facilities like is very blatant in the State of Connecticut. 

How does the system work. Well if you get arrested for something and they know you know the game and will keep your mouth shut, the arresting officer will tell you which lawyer to use to get off. The fee is 3 times as large as what is market so the cop, the lawyer, the prosecutor, and judge can all take their cut. In Connecticut UBS Bank, and a foreign bank account of an associate of each in the chain is used to there is no direct connection, and plausible deniability. 

Whether you know the above is the rule, not the exception, and are in lock down for the first time because a Pharmaceutical company made a deal up front with DoD, the UN, and Chinese Intelligence compromised health organizations, you might suffer from Classic Inmate Submission Conditioning and get the associated depression and debilitating mental state. 

You won't live as long, be prone to overeating, staying in, even when given chance of going out. Your social circles will become smaller, and smaller. Romantic relationships are very hard to maintain, or initiate as you have lost trust in others.

You will not having anything interesting to share with others so you are quiet more often, and believe conversation is only to get over on you, to harm you, or to put you in an even lower status as compared to others. If you don't run the block, you are someone's bitch. 

You have at least 25% more likelihood of committing suicide from lock down, even if you get some freedom in the future. Drowning yourself in alcohol and illegal or prescribed drugs is slow suicide. 

If things continue, you will be fed the same way inmates are in prisons, and the food will be just as yummy too! 


I ask all elected and non-elected officials in the United States of America if the US Constitution still applies, and if we have any rights at all. 

I specifically ask New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu if "Live Free or Die" should be discontinued as the State's Motto and stamped into license plates. 


The 6% Solution to Live Free or Die? [Direct Link to Video]

If I am not Censored by the DoD, UN, Big Pharma, or the Communist Chinese, these video SvenVonErick channels are still up, [BitChute] and [LiveLeak]. 

BitChute is in the process of being de-platformed because it has been the go to place for those censored on YouTube. Videos what are good are now being throttled, and some videos no longer post due to content not being in line with DoD, UN, and Chinese Intelligence propaganda. 

My LiveLeak channel counter has had the same a little less than 2.5 million count the same count after I posted the Barack Obama Water Bottle Incident in Hartford, Connecticut, CNN set up next to me on the podium. 

I shot Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy footage I believe in 2008. It wasn't soon after I posted naked pictures of Barack Obamas mother with a live David Bowie audio track of "We cold be Heroes (just for one night)".

When Connecticut US Senator Joe Lieberman said that he was a reasonable person, and should decide for everyone in the world what they should, or should not see on the internet. I printed a Joe Lieberman picture and went to the shower, place the picture near the drain and urinated on Joe's face.

Douchebag Joe Lieberman photo found here [Wikipedia]. 

I had a video camera on a tripod, and put the same clip in 3x, so it seemed like a really long piss, and I posted words on the screen as I did in the above video. The naked pictures of Obama's mother and any of the videos where I piss on the faces of Libtard officials. 

Obama's 2012 NDAA might have given UN, Chinese Communist, and Socialist Democrat Control of All Media and the Internet with billions of dollars to propagandize the media, conduct Psy-Ops, and to install as many Democrats as possible to all town hall, city, state, and Federal positions as possible for the coming coup. 

So, knowing this I promptly ate tacos, drank two 6 packs of Modello Negro set the tripod up, printed up a picture of Barack Obama placed a printed picture of Obama's face to float on top of water, one of my ass cheeks, but not the crack, could be seen in the frame, and I blasted the picture as if through a spray nozzel of a powerful paint gun and sunk Obama's soiled face in the depths of the toilet. 

For some reason the video wouldn't post and my internet connection no longer worked. I wondered why ... 

This why I may get a special "hot shot" when Donald Trump's Warp Speed Vaccinations come by and I am force vaccinated by police or the military. If Donald Trump doesn't immediately arrest the Obamas, the Clintons, and the Bidens, his fate will probably be similar to what happened to the Libyan Leader in the streets for daring to propose an African Currency to compete with the World Bank. 

Trumps entire family and distance relations won't escaped the Clinton Body Count if he fails to re-instate the US Constitution and actually Drain the Swamp. 

Disclaimer: I am at about a 5 out of 10 pissed today about all that is going on, so there are typos, and some of the sentences above might not make sense, grammar and word usage are for crap, and I ramble ... I seem to do that ...  

UN Global Authoritarian Lockdown: Concentration Camps Announced in Canada [Direct link to video]


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