Monday, November 16, 2020

$14.92 Per Gallon Gasoline under Biden/Harris 2021?

 Only the elite will be able to afford internal combustion vehicles. You can have pay-per-ride electric cars if your "got vaccinated" tracking tattoo is updated, and if you never supported Trump, complained about masks, or any mandates made by UN and Chinese puppeteers of Harris, through the billions of bribes to Bidens, Clintons, Obamas.


Judges have made all sorts of money in kickbacks where lawyers run both sides of a divorce case out of money, and their liquidated assets to pay lawyer hours, and/or for inheritance cases. Judges make a bonus in Federal Tax Dollars for every inmate run through the system. Another bonus is when children can be taken away, especially white ones who bring in more money in "adoption auctions". So, there is no way that Trump will be allowed in, even though he actually got a landslide vote.

The Judge, Obama, Clinton, Biden, Big Pharma, World Bank gravy train will not end with NWO Puppet Harris. Whores do what they are told. 

Bejing Biden is exempt from anything that he and Harris will implement on you through UN Agenda 21 and 2030. 

Since Globalist love the "psychic experience" of knowing they are causing the most amount of psychological and physical pain in all populations.  

An even more painful, longer, drawn out, and soul eradicating torture than ancient times crucifying political opposition, or just getting rid of unwanted, or older or useless eaters in a population has been found. [More with pictures and video]. 

Barack Obama wouldn't have turned over the DoD and Pentagon to the UN and Chinese Intelligence with the 2012 NDAA, and also turn over the Internet to be censored by the UN if there wasn't something very big to hide. 

Above cropped photo was originally [found here]. 


[SRV BitChute Video uploads] [SRV LiveLeak video uploads]

Deleted Alex Jones, Tim Pool Stream - Clip [Direct Link to Video] (Some long time Tim Pool aka TimCast fans think he took a big payoff after this video to join and report for the Dark Side ... If the mainstream and social media can only be an echo chamber for Leftist, UN, and Communist Chinese Agendas, it is voter suppression, election fixing, and a coup of the entire world)

added Nov. 17, from Darrin McBreen: "MSM Echo Chamber: No Evidence of Election Theft!" [Direct link to video]

The World Has Gone Completely Insane... What Is Going On?? [Dollar_Vigilante BitChute upload]

Top CEO’s Hold Secret Meeting To Remove Trump! And Justice Alito Drops BOMBSHELL! [Lisa Haven] (If this wasn't a coup with corrupted judges, and factions of all alphabet agencies and all branches of Government, why the need to topple Trump now before he even finishes out his term? Is it to allow the UN Communist Coup of the entire world, stick? Have most leaders all over the world have gotten compromised by Chinese Intelligence, or bribed 100s of millions to sell-out their own people?)

ZING! Newsmax Host Howie Carr Charms New Viewers Who have Ditched FOX [Direct Link to video] (I can't tollerate Fox News, except for 2 hosts as Fox News has gone whole UN takeover the world, Leftist! There is nothing left of the Social and Mainstream media that isn't crap. Hopefully Newsmax doesn't get bought out and toppled.)

NO EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD, THEY SAY [SGT Report] (With over a million marching on Washington in support of Donald J. Trump winning in a landslide, Fox News says no evidence of voter fraud!!!???)

AMAZING Pro-Trump UPRISING in DC!!! (video) [source]

USPS Whistleblower in Philadelphia Details Orders To Stop Delivering Trump And Republican Mail [source]

CNN Says Christmas Is CANCELED, Fauci Says NEW Lockdown Will Last FOR A YEAR, Start Preparing [Tim Pool Aka TimCast]


I think for Bill Gates and Pfizer to be honest about their vaccines they should be called either Zyklon B II, or Zyklon C ...

Insane Clown Posse - Tilt-A-Whirl


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