Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Black Robed Hobgoblin Mafia (Judges) are Compromised with Financial Gain and/or Partaking in Pedophilia, fix elections?

Hobgoblins who fix the elections so children can more easily be taken away for parents who resist the tyranny for adoption auctions is the real reason all this is going on. 

These traitors swear an oath to each other and a central power to bring down the world, break up families, steal the wealth of average people, and officially kidnap children to where they can be most exploited for profit.

A People's Grand Jury will be keeping an eye on Georgia. Even if you think you have gotten away with Treason, and Crimes against Humanity, there will be a reckoning now matter what high position you think you have. 

Your true faces will be revealed, and you will be punished accordingly.  

The People are seeing your lies. They are not listening to the idiots in your controlled boxes and we are taking to the streets. See us outside your door, globalists, do you? 

[SRV BitChute Video uploads] [SRV LiveLeak video uploads]

Image above was [found here]. 


The oppression of moral panics . Parler is the new Heavy Metal [Direct link to video] (The UN, Communist China, Hobgoblins, International Corporate Organized Crime, Big Pharma, the World Bank and Socialist Democrat Coup are not the ones to go to for justice as they are out to enslave, rob, abuse, demoralize, and then kill you.)

LOCKDOWN 2.0: What Are Some Of The Costs This Second Lockdown Could Lead To - Professor David Mile.. [video link] (if it is Flu Season, and people get the Flu, so what!!! There is no mass death except if there are lock downs. UN and Communists don't want small business and private use of land, and want complete access to children. Children not exploited sexually are indoctrinated for political purposes.)

Call to Action: All Patriots Must Go To Georgia Now! [Direct Link to Video] (Hillary Clinton installed lawyers are fixing everything. Hillary will be Ambassador to the United Nations UNESCO, making her President of the World above Kamala and all other countries to rule the world with Communist China. Bidens, Obamas, Clintons all were paid heavily by China to do this to all of us. Obama's 2012 NDAA gave Communist China, the UN, and compromised Democrats control of the Pentagon, DoD, Courts, the US Government, factions of all alphabet agences. Do you see how one sided the coup has been to you?)

Barack Obama, main cause of Truth Decay?

Satanic Cartoon of Barack Obama was [found here].

2019 Xi faced no meat, crop failures, starving population, 100 million military age men, no mates [Direct Link to Video]

Would a Pet Cat put up with what you do? [Direct Link to Video]


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