Sunday, November 15, 2020

Starvation or a Ventilator turned up on high to blow out your lungs after we kidnap you 3 AM?

That Mass Murderer Gavin Newsom killer smile is brought to you by bribes from Pfizer, the Communist run UN, and China? We can all be like Canada, Australia, New York City, Blue States and City. Venitlators and starvation is so Green. Guilotines in the town square it too medieval, and gassing citizens dead with Chemical Company Zyklon B, and then burning bodies in ovens is just so World War II.

Laurie Lightfoot, Andrew Cuomo, Maine Governor Janet Mills, Massachusetts Charlie Baker, Governor Phil Murphy etc. were just following UN Agenda 21 and 2030 population reduction orders and seems like they are being paid to act for Chinese Communist plans to take over US and world. Small business, farmers, home owners and faith in anything medical or government is about 3/4 diminished. 

These "leaders" need to face prosecution for Crimes against Humanity before they ruin anymore children for life and kill any more of us. They need not be given a choice of firing squad or rope if convicted and judged by a People's Grand Jury. 

Part of the problem is that the Clintons may have completely taken over the courts, law enforcement, and factions in all alphabet agencies with their alleged false flag of OKC Fed Building Bombing. 

Those who profit from pedophilia, blackmail, heroin, Fentanyl, strife, mayhem, war, and in doing what they are doing to us right now, should not be contact tracing on us to kill us in the most efficient order. 

You are going to maybe hear neighbors disappear at 3 AM. Maybe you won't hear anything. Maybe they are coming for you first. 

Wearing a mask means you support UN Agenda 21 and 2030. It means you want the Communist Chinese who paid off your leaders to deliver you to the slaughterhouse as ordered.  

The censorship, being kicked off social media for commenting on what is going on, and all the craziness of everything possible is thrown against the wall, is. 

There is no excess death. 1 in a 1000 might get the sniffles. This is one big lie. The UN, Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, their minions, Pfizer, and Communist China have been poised and getting ready for this from the 1970s. I overheard a lot in the mid 1970s with my Wilbraham, Massachusetts, Monsanto Spook Father talked to alleged Chinese Intelligence Agents about a lot of what is happening right now. 

The secret society that most belong to is, Secular Humanism. My father wrote one of the handbooks called, "My Invisible Friends," how to mock and remove the Christian Religion off the planet. 

Military age men from the 3rd World were brought here to be killed with all average humanity in the 1st World. All the resources and value on the planet, the elites don't want to have to fight for. They will let us have at each other, starving, they will kill in massive number with ventilators. 

It looks like most of humanity will die the same way frogs are boiled to death with the gradual raising the temperature of the water in the saucepan. 

Lyme Disease being manufactured by the same people who offer testing and treatment for it, Anthrax, Gulf War Syndrome, Agent Orange, propagandized media, secret policing, rigged courts, NASA rockets etc were all brought to you by war criminals given new names, not punished for crimes against humanity and got all sorts of jobs in industry and government, [Operation Paperclip 1946].  

California Governor Gavin Newsom photo [found here].

Bidenites Turn Peaceful Rally Into Fascist Hell [Direct Link to video]

[SvenVonErick on Bitchute] [SvenVonErick on LiveLeak]



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