Friday, November 13, 2020

Is Pfizer an Apparatus of the Deep State to Dump Trump and Implement UN Agenda 21 and 2030?

Did Pfizer and other chemical companies, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Bill Gates, the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, a number of criminals on Wall Street, the Communist run UN, and China conspire to tell as many big lies as possible for the lock down and to take down the legitimate government of the United States of America?

I am so angry remembering all this and all of the life and financial destruction that I, and so many others have suffered when telling truth to power. Anger makes my grammar, punctuation, and word use go out the window. I apologize. 

If you think this is a nutjob conspiracy theory, word search Smedley Butler the most decorated US Marine at the time who spilled the beans on the Corporate Deep State. 

The US Constitution, Free Speech, justice in courts, and small businesses all get in the way of companies like Pfizer.

After Lyme-Rx vaccine scandal of being taking off the market because of whistle blowers, Pfizer crimes against humanity were being exposed by victims of Pfizer's vaccines and drugs, who complained about death, injuries, harassment, and dirty tricks of goons being sent out to further harass and intimate critics. Highly paid trolls would do word search everyday, and be on scientific and pharmaceutical forums to discredit anyone with hard copy proof of their crimes. I would not put it past the psychopaths at Pfizer of being one of the activates of the worldwide lock down to make more vaccine sales at the highest prices. 

[Kathleen Dickson], along with Lisa Masterson of the UK saved the world from a forced fraudulent test for Lyme Disease and a force vaccination of Lyme-Rx that made you suffer horrifically with a weaponized version of Lyme Disease, where you just wanted to die, and was so dangerous there probably would have been 10 to 20 times more deaths than a Flu Season, in my opinion. 

Back in the early 2000s, I was a roommate of Kathleen Dickson. She would come out of the bathroom, and one of the trolls on a Pub Med forum for scientists would ask Kathleen if her poo was green. I had no idea that she had even gone to the bathroom, but I did see that at troll would ask her if her poo was green. We looked for hidden cameras in the bathroom and in the house. 

Same day, the same troll said that Kathleen's older oil heat furnace needed to be serviced and would not work soon if it wasn't cleaned. If a troll on a internet forum is saying stuff like that, they are really saying we are watching you, and you aren't safe. 

It was only a couple to a few space of days. Connecticut Administrative Services was allegedly trying to hack our computers as shown when they got through the firewall. My two laptops started going haywire, the hard drive was going haywire, the cooling fan shut off, and my two very expensive laptops fried, and so did Kathleen's Desktop and when she tried to use a backup computer. 

I have lost too many computers to even keep track of the number from about 1998 when I named names of those involved in public corruption, police misconduct, and judicial abuse. That is a rabbit hole that I won't get into in this post. 

Goons, official or not, go out and target individuals to have accidents, commit suicide, have their kids taken away on manufactured "evidence", lose their property, jobs, get discredited, get thrown in a mental hospital, and/or railroaded to prison. 

Pfizer and Baxter Pharmaceutical did in Kathleen Dickson, Lisa Masterson, and I was tipped off in early to mid 2000s that Pfizer had sent goons out to kill me in Stonington, Connecticut, or slip me something that would make me appear to have gone crazy to be put in a mental hospital. I fled to Exeter, New Hampshire, to hide for two weeks, no electronics use. 

Chemical and Pharmaceutical companies may have had war criminals who were excused for their crimes against humanity in all skill sets, including security, from 1946 with Operation Paperclip. These war criminals who worked for Big Pharma and chemical companies had the same mindset of the regimes they left for high paying jobs in America to "work" in US government and all industries.

Reducing population, and getting rid of what they perceived as unwanted, unneeded, and races of humans that shouldn't exist, according to their thinking must be wiped out. 

I will consider be forced to take a Pfizer vaccine assault, and attempted murder, and will act accordingly. 

[more information].     

Picture up top [found here]


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