Your Future Predicted?
Bill Gates Incubated Babies come with Mask and Gloves "Grown On"???!!!
Was what was on the shelf in 2010 for what become "COVID-19" was a lame Flu, that was easily spread, could be cured with Gatorade and Tylenol, if you weren't dying in a nursing home?
The UN in New York City has a Communist Head, to spread communism worldwide. UN Agenda 21 and 2030 is to eliminate human private use of land and water. So, do you think they are above lying?
Marxists, Communists, and Socialists can't sell their ideology with a good economy, thriving quality of life, strong families, hope, the pursuit of happiness, faith fostered in Government, and tranquility. So, they had to "fix that".
Your rights, fertility, and to eliminate your definition of being a human is being nixed for billionaires to enjoy their stolen, from you, "Green Planet". If your DNA is altered, your no longer a human. So, to use children as sex dolls, removing organs, doing experiments, and just killing, and torturing off what was humanity is then legal. Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton can make Hitler and Stalin look like chumps in their own personal mass murderer museum.
China and the UN UNESCO ran the World Health Organization WHO as a PSY-OP.
It looks like they just about rammed their agenda through. The boiling frogs analogy is perfect. Most of humanity are just frogs placed in a saucepan and the water is slowly brought up to boiling. You are comfortable, acclimated, then your dead without much fanfare. So, sit in your warm water, be quiet, enjoy.
The UN censors the internet.
DoD and Big Pharma get 100s of millions of taxpayer dollars to propagandize the mainstream media and to conduct covert operations for political purposes.
So, who isn't lying about what?
Your money, and net worth, is already digitally stolen. So, why should thieves use anything of their stolen bounty to "govern" the victims of their crimes?
Have one big BS story. Disrupt the food supply. Offer "beneficial" shots to get food. Worthless eaters die weeks later, sheltered in place.
Stupid you, if you wear a mask, social distance, or buy even 1% of this absolute crap, this post is the story of the rest of your life.
Artwork, or photo, at top was [found here].
The Wreck called Hillary Clinton (Uploaded November 11, 2016)
13 Hours in Benghazi - Fox News (September 11, 2012, is the day these men talk about. Uploaded September 26, 2014. The Clintons, Obamas, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris don't care about whomever does their dirty work, or is there to protect them. Humanity is expendable for their pleasure, entertainment, and profit.)
FNN: Hillary Clinton Benghazi Hearing - FULL (uploaded October 22, 2015)
Meet the Clintons [James Corbett Report post with video]
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird - 7/2/1977 - Oakland Coliseum Stadium (Official)
New World Order ... I am going to walk all over you ... for those who want to fight BS power, I willing to anything you want me too (AC/DC band lyrics) [post with music videos]

Was what was on the shelf in 2010 for what become "COVID-19" was a lame Flu, that was easily spread, could be cured with Gatorade and Tylenol, if you weren't dying in a nursing home?
The UN in New York City has a Communist Head, to spread communism worldwide. UN Agenda 21 and 2030 is to eliminate human private use of land and water. So, do you think they are above lying?
Marxists, Communists, and Socialists can't sell their ideology with a good economy, thriving quality of life, strong families, hope, the pursuit of happiness, faith fostered in Government, and tranquility. So, they had to "fix that".
Your rights, fertility, and to eliminate your definition of being a human is being nixed for billionaires to enjoy their stolen, from you, "Green Planet". If your DNA is altered, your no longer a human. So, to use children as sex dolls, removing organs, doing experiments, and just killing, and torturing off what was humanity is then legal. Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton can make Hitler and Stalin look like chumps in their own personal mass murderer museum.
China and the UN UNESCO ran the World Health Organization WHO as a PSY-OP.
It looks like they just about rammed their agenda through. The boiling frogs analogy is perfect. Most of humanity are just frogs placed in a saucepan and the water is slowly brought up to boiling. You are comfortable, acclimated, then your dead without much fanfare. So, sit in your warm water, be quiet, enjoy.
The UN censors the internet.
DoD and Big Pharma get 100s of millions of taxpayer dollars to propagandize the mainstream media and to conduct covert operations for political purposes.
So, who isn't lying about what?
Your money, and net worth, is already digitally stolen. So, why should thieves use anything of their stolen bounty to "govern" the victims of their crimes?
Have one big BS story. Disrupt the food supply. Offer "beneficial" shots to get food. Worthless eaters die weeks later, sheltered in place.
Stupid you, if you wear a mask, social distance, or buy even 1% of this absolute crap, this post is the story of the rest of your life.
Artwork, or photo, at top was [found here].
The Wreck called Hillary Clinton (Uploaded November 11, 2016)
If you are in the military, police, in government as a worker, an average person, or just want to pursue happiness, this is what Marxists, Communist Chinese, the Obamas, the Clintons, and UN UNESCO will have done to you, or worse ...
13 Hours in Benghazi - Fox News (September 11, 2012, is the day these men talk about. Uploaded September 26, 2014. The Clintons, Obamas, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris don't care about whomever does their dirty work, or is there to protect them. Humanity is expendable for their pleasure, entertainment, and profit.)
FNN: Hillary Clinton Benghazi Hearing - FULL (uploaded October 22, 2015)
All you need to know about the Clintons, how the Obamas now operate, and how the FBI and CIA are useful tools for the US Marxist Elite. UN UNESCO Agenda 21 and 2030 is so Clintons, and co-conspirators, live like Rock stars. You get ripped off, get sick, your children are sex slaves, and you die ...
Meet the Clintons [James Corbett Report post with video]
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird - 7/2/1977 - Oakland Coliseum Stadium (Official)
New World Order ... I am going to walk all over you ... for those who want to fight BS power, I willing to anything you want me too (AC/DC band lyrics) [post with music videos]
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