Matt Drudge. Did the Deep State, or the Clintons, Whack him and take over his website?

For years was putting out some really good stuff that patriots appreciated. Then all of a sudden everything changed, like BLM was suddenly in charge of the site. Did the Clintons whack Drudge?
Drudge broke [the Monica Lewinski story]. So, if you are going to be be possibly killed by the Clintons, you aren't going to sing their Communist Libtard Song, unless you are in a basement normally reserved for the recreation of their pedophile partners n crime.
Drudge just isn't going to wave the UN Clinton flag. I have already mourned him if he is dead. I assume, like his opposite, Hoffa, his body will never be found.
Drudge might have been part of the reason that the Clintons allegedly had a federal building blown up. This for the photo-op of having kids severed and burned body parts shown on mainstream news to have [a domestic terrorism bill] passed to distract the public. Blowing up the evidence in the federal building was a bonus. Avoiding felony prosecution and prison, and then goikng after their enemies like they were the "real killers", priceless.
It was a total Michael move, as if the Clintons were the main character in the Godfather 2 movie. Eliminate all your enemies, scare the living dookie out of everyone in power, take the power.
I do believe that Trump has mini golf strokes. He is 74, and wields a pen.
Someone like me who uses power tools and swings a hammer, has maxi strokes.
I don't care what anyone says, I think Joe Biden wears adult diapers, and teases those who have to change him when he has poopies in his pants.
Alex Jones Responds To Trump Mini Stroke Controversy [direct link to video]
[my beef at the bottom of this post]
The Matt Drudge photo was scraped [from here].
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