Tinfoil Hatter Report. Episode 1
Tinfoil Hatter Report. Episode 1 [Direct Link to video]
Text with video:
Australian woman posted on Facebook complaining about another 8 week lockdown in place and posted her complaints on Facebook she would like to have a peaceful gathering with social distancing to protest the UN restrictions and rule placed on Australia. So is the Australian Government now replaced by UN rules. Will all countries except China be put under direct control of the UN where all citizens of countries become subject of your designated UN section.
The Australian pregnant woman was arrested and hauled away. Will her kids be taken away? Will her newborn be taken away with her in prison?
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones claims that the UN continues to want to disrupt the US election, cause more riots for UN to come into UN disarm all citizens, the police, and the military. The UN will then run the US and to decide who will be in charge of the US under UN command.
Why President Trump Won't Lift the National State of Emergency Order [Direct Link to video]
Jeb Bush Republicans are spending 10 million dollars to get Joe Biden votes in Florida?
It’s All Happening, Follow The Logs, Go Back To The Beginning For The End - Episode 2266b [Direct Link to X22 Report upload] (Individuals who are a danger to a Democrat win are targeted for banning from internet, censoring, malicious prosecutions, attacks, and even murder-for-hire hits)
YOU'RE PLAYING WITH FIRE: Bill Barr Condemns Mail In Voting
CDC Admits Covid Case Numbers Hoax Used to Lockdown Society
#OperationWarpSpeed: A Cynical Political Decision (Fast tracking 10s of millions of vaccines, not adequately testing for effectiveness, deadliness, permanent harm, brain damage, DNA altering is politics to have it ready for November 1, it isn't responsible leadership. Shouldn't you have a right to opt out. Why is there still this BS about masks and lockdown. The CDC admitted their numbers fraud which is most of the cases. COVID is not deadly, it is a big nothing burger.)
The UN has Officially Invaded Australia (The UN is to be the government to all countries, erasing borders. China is the exception. The US is to be made into 10 sections, and 10 subsections each section. The UN will decide who they allow to lead the US and will be the actual government. Citizens, police, and US armed forced will be disarmed. The only armed police or military in the US, and world, except for China, will be UN UNESCO as part of the what has been signed to adopt UN Agenda 21 and 2030)
I was part of the UN Beta test of police and the courts being run by the UN from about 1995 to go after small business owners, break up their families, railroad them to prison, and go after anyone who was a potential leader, the then contact tracing was used to destroy, beat, murder, and hold as political prisoners in US prisons, the targets. I break it down in the bottom of [this post with my email].
* * * *
Nancy Pelosi shows that masks aren't necessary. Social distancing, COVID, the Shutdown and Dem Posturing is JOKE (only for them)
Text with video:
Australian woman posted on Facebook complaining about another 8 week lockdown in place and posted her complaints on Facebook she would like to have a peaceful gathering with social distancing to protest the UN restrictions and rule placed on Australia. So is the Australian Government now replaced by UN rules. Will all countries except China be put under direct control of the UN where all citizens of countries become subject of your designated UN section.
The Australian pregnant woman was arrested and hauled away. Will her kids be taken away? Will her newborn be taken away with her in prison?
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones claims that the UN continues to want to disrupt the US election, cause more riots for UN to come into UN disarm all citizens, the police, and the military. The UN will then run the US and to decide who will be in charge of the US under UN command.
Why President Trump Won't Lift the National State of Emergency Order [Direct Link to video]
Jeb Bush Republicans are spending 10 million dollars to get Joe Biden votes in Florida?
It’s All Happening, Follow The Logs, Go Back To The Beginning For The End - Episode 2266b [Direct Link to X22 Report upload] (Individuals who are a danger to a Democrat win are targeted for banning from internet, censoring, malicious prosecutions, attacks, and even murder-for-hire hits)
YOU'RE PLAYING WITH FIRE: Bill Barr Condemns Mail In Voting
CDC Admits Covid Case Numbers Hoax Used to Lockdown Society
#OperationWarpSpeed: A Cynical Political Decision (Fast tracking 10s of millions of vaccines, not adequately testing for effectiveness, deadliness, permanent harm, brain damage, DNA altering is politics to have it ready for November 1, it isn't responsible leadership. Shouldn't you have a right to opt out. Why is there still this BS about masks and lockdown. The CDC admitted their numbers fraud which is most of the cases. COVID is not deadly, it is a big nothing burger.)
The UN has Officially Invaded Australia (The UN is to be the government to all countries, erasing borders. China is the exception. The US is to be made into 10 sections, and 10 subsections each section. The UN will decide who they allow to lead the US and will be the actual government. Citizens, police, and US armed forced will be disarmed. The only armed police or military in the US, and world, except for China, will be UN UNESCO as part of the what has been signed to adopt UN Agenda 21 and 2030)
I was part of the UN Beta test of police and the courts being run by the UN from about 1995 to go after small business owners, break up their families, railroad them to prison, and go after anyone who was a potential leader, the then contact tracing was used to destroy, beat, murder, and hold as political prisoners in US prisons, the targets. I break it down in the bottom of [this post with my email].

* * * *
Nancy Pelosi shows that masks aren't necessary. Social distancing, COVID, the Shutdown and Dem Posturing is JOKE (only for them)
HIGHLIGHTS - Nancy Pelosi Demands Salon Open To Do Her Hair After Ordering Their Shutdown [direct link to video]
Nancy Pelosi picture, and story was [found here].
[My videos on liveleak] [my videos on BitChute]
Subversives connect, check past posts.
A blast from the Stark Raving Viking past, and a video of vintage Alex Jones before his voice went, June 09, 2011, post, [Click here] for more of this with videos:

Nancy Pelosi picture, and story was [found here].
[My videos on liveleak] [my videos on BitChute]
Subversives connect, check past posts.
A blast from the Stark Raving Viking past, and a video of vintage Alex Jones before his voice went, June 09, 2011, post, [Click here] for more of this with videos:
Using Drones, is the Corporate Dictatorship Poising for War on You?

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