Marxist Cult Education Camps - Center Popular Democracy (the evolved ACORN) 2020 Election Rigging

Who is paying to send potential candidates, support staff, workers for the Democrat Party, and communities organizers to go out, meet the public, have talking points, engage any contacts to support BLM, Antifa, and Democrat candidates? Those resistors, who aren't willing to identify with BLM will be discredited, financially ruined, set up for arrests, civil, and criminal proceedings secretly run by the UN and BLM handlers.
Blacks at these leftist recruiting events are told that all of America was built by Blacks. All railroads, houses, roads, buildings, factories, and all the wealth of America is just because of Blacks. Whites did none of the work. For this Whites need to be punished, and make repayments. This can only be achieved by property shepherding of elections.
These leftist operatives are being taught over days, and weeks, that all the important inventions and leaps forward in technology is almost all Blacks, and their work, and patents, stolen by Whites.
At "CPD" [Center Popular Democracy], possibly funded through the UN UNESCO and foreign donors takes care of all expenses. Whites are screamed at by Blacks during the events and are told to apologize to Blacks and to listen to them, as they are in charge.
Black, and White, attendees are told the average White Person is worth $700,000 to over a million dollars on average. They are told that these White deserve none of what they have built because it is all stolen wealth. Violence, re-claiming, and occupying of all the stolen property that Blacks really own is a right of the movement.
Everything was be torn down to rebuild anew. All White Racist culture has to be attacked, erased, and brought down.
The Vote has always been stolen from Blacks. So, there can only be votes for Blacks, because any other vote is not legitimate, is stolen, and is racist.
Contact tracing is going to keep racists from stealing the vote. Tracking, punishing, and mass arrests of racist will occur after the BLM Democrat across the board wins.
A White Cockroach in the White House is going to be dragged out into the street and take what he gets. This is all talked about at these "election" coordinating, and Marxist teaching, events.
The International Teachers Union is seeing that the teaching that the family is bad, and Marxist teaching need to undo American Exceptionalism and Nationalism. Alternative lifestyles, masturbation, and what can be considered "fringe" is taught is what is average, and is prevalent. Children are taught to question their gender identity.
[The UN in New York City is headed by a Communist].
UN UNESCO Guidelines for Community, and other policing policies are being taught to police from the mid 1990s, and even before. Police are taught that the founding fathers, are tax evading, criminals who have no respect for proper authority, and should all have been hung from the nearest tree.
Farmers, self-employed, franchise location owners, small business owners, independent journalists, and those who would be leaders when the US Constitution is suspended, are taught to be the targets of law enforcement, all alphabet agencies, and to to be given no quarter in courts, and court cases need to be rigged against those who resist the goals of UN Community Policing.
The self-sufficient, and potential leaders, can derail UN Agenda 21 and 2030, so therefore need to be completely eradicated all over the world for a proper UN led Marxist World Government.
The Federal Reserve, the FED, is the largest land, and property holder in the world. The FED is is neither Federal, nor is it a Bank, and it isn't even American, or part of Government. It owns all of us. We pay the FED and UN UNESCO for the right to breathe.
A person collecting rainwater from their roof, and gutters, or traps water, can be in violation of UN guidelines and imprisoned. Land use by average humans and travel is going to be restricted to beyond the lock down as UN Agenda 21 and 2030 goes further towards full implementation.
The UN has the EU much further along. The 3rd World being brought in, mostly military age men, are meant to destabilize nationalist governments to bring in the necessary order that UN UNESCO policing and governance can bring. The UN will disarm all national militaries, police, and citizens for only UN Police and Military that will ensure lasting world peace and adherence to the New Green Deal.
Combustion engines and the burning of fossil fuels can be eliminated with really efficient vaccines for reducing population.
New York Activists Discuss Gentrification and Housing Victories ("Deadbeat's Guide to Modern America" is a Steven G. Erickson screenplay on this subject)
Text with video:
The Center for Popular Democracy and CPD Action's local New York affiliates: Make The Road NY, New York Communities for Change (NYCC), Vocal NY, and CUFFH, talk about gentrification and their historic housing victories.
Video by Rebel Diaz.
Narrated by Jesus Gonzalez.
Ady Barkan: A Message to the Movement (Bring in as many immigrants from the 3rd World as is possible into US. Make fringe lifestyles acceptable and mainstream, re-educate the public)
Fair Workweek: A Conversation with Rachel Deutsch from the Center for Popular Democracy (Universal wage, less hours, and no need to work? Plan around work so it doesn't affect your life? Blatant Communism in the USA?)
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Rachel Deutsch, Supervising Attorney for Worker Justice at the Center for Popular Democracy, talks about the landscape of fair workweek legislation across the country.
The Center for Popular Democracy on NYXT
BRAINWASHED: How Black Lives Matter Hijacked Our Schools | Glenn TV
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Leaked documents reveal exactly how the Left is turning our children’s schools into massive brainwashing centers for radical Marxists. With many classes now going virtual, Glenn highlights how teacher-activists have become concerned that parents will learn the truth about their disturbing lesson plans. Glenn arms parents with the tools to fight back. Plus, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos speaks to parents frustrated with public school and unions that care more about pushing progressive agendas than educating America's children. WATCH more Glenn TV:
Birddogging Webinar (Impeachment, throwing absolutely everything against the wall, and destroying the Democratic Republic, and force in Communism)
The photo up top was [found here].
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