UN UNESCO, Communist Chinese, and Billionaire Super Friends Declare War on Humanity. Transhumanism is Max Population Reduction
Africa, is the UN UNESCO, Big Pharma, World Bank, billionaire "Super Friends" playground for techniques to get unwanted by them, populations to take vaccines to intentionally harm, sterilize, and slowly kill, for maximum profiteering, racketeering, and obstructing justice to go worldwide.
Causing famine, controlling the distribution of food, causing strife, chaos, mayhem, riots, and using tribal prejudices to divide, and conquer, is tested, and true.
Those who cause the most problems in the world, then offer a solution.
So, do you trust them to keep you locked up, until the food chain disappears, and local, state, and federal governments fail worldwide? Super Friends solution is to have UN UNESCO and Chinese Communists save the day. Xi Ping and Chinese Communists hate you beyond your possible wildest imagination. They are better than you, and think you are a worthless eater.
So, trust them for your COVID-19 vaccine.
UN Forced To Admit Gates-Funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak In Africa

Via 21stCenturyWire.com,
This really should be one of the biggest scandals in public health, but it’s given little attention – mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved.
The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing the outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out.
While international organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) will regular boast about supposedly ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines, the opposite seems to be the case. Their decades-long campaign to eradicate polio is now killing scores of innocent young people living in poor countries.
Now it seems that health officials are beginning to admit that their plan to stop ‘wild’ polio is backfiring, as scores children are being paralyzed a deadly strain of the pathogen derived from a live vaccine – causing a virulent of polio to spread.
[more from Zero Hedge source with video]
Are there 500,000 young people from India now paralyzed from a Bill Gates WHO World Health Organization/Chinese Communist pushed vaccine? [story]
Preparing for the Grand Solar Minimum & Food Crisis w/ IceAgeFarmer [direct link to video] (worker for DoD making shotgun wielding robots, wakes up to humanity talks about sustainable farming, and surviving the coming transhumanist attack on humanity to starve, sterilize, and mostly wipe out humanity)
Text with video:
Derrick Broze talks with researcher Christian of the IceAgeFarmer channel about the Grand Solar Minimum, the food crisis, true sustainability, permaculture, technocracy, and much more.
Evidence that the "Mail-in" ballot scam is going full bore for UN Socialist Democrats to fully seize power and finish off the destruction of the US Constitution and US borders started by New World Order George H. W. Bush, the Clintons, George W. Bush, the Obamas, to Nancy Pelosi as Interim President to execute Trump and all who have ever stood in the way of UN Agenda 21 and 2030:
[click here] for: "Surveillance Camera Captures 'Huge Pile Of Mail' Dumped In California Parking Lots"
The Truth Behind The COVID Pandemic & Trump's 'Operation Warp Speed' [direct link to video] (UN UNESCO admits their real aim with Polio and other vaccines are to cause harm, sterilization, and depopulation.)
China has a 'bloodlust' and wants to use their new weapons: Gordon Chang (Xi Ping, and Chinese Communists have "right" to rule world and use any methods necessary. Has the Chinese Military been practicing how to best kill Americans?)
Why I Changed my Opinion on China (Uploaded September 2019. American, married, and pro-China sees China build up the Chinese public to distrust, and want to harm foreigners to go to war with the world BEFORE THE RELEASE OF COVID-19 FROM WUHAN CHINA GERM WARFARE LAB. So Chinese Communists planned this stealth attack on the world. This video is awesome circumstantial evidence.)
Trump holds news conference to mark Labor Day
For bloggers who are exposing the COVID Fraud, and best source for worldwide push back to the biggest scam in history of the world, [Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog]. Check out posts. Check out blog roll in right side panel.
I expand on all of the above here: http://thesrv.blogspot.com/
Did the UN UNESCO, Big Pharma, and the World Bank conspire to spread HIV/AIDs by purposely maximize the epidemic by purposely tainting the 3rd World Blood Supply? Did they want to get paid billions, to trillions to do human experiments, do vaccine research, to profit from genocide of the 3rd World?:
[Click Here] for:
Trust Vaccine Maker/Bankers who tainted 3rd World Blood Supply with HIV/AIDS?

* * * *
Socialist Runs US and World out of UN UNESCO NYC. Is Beijing China the real Washington, DC? Trump is the Chump for China?
If you wonder why Socialism, Communism, and Corporate Totalitarianism is smacking you all in the face, causing a Mass Mask Psychosis, and making you soon to beg for food, a Bill Gates tattoo to be allowed to stand in line, and why the planet is becoming an open air prison system to vastly reduce population, look at Ground Zero, the UN UNESCO in New York City.
If Osama bin Laden was a legitimate terrorist, he would have hit the UN in New York City ...

António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres [Wikipedia] is a Portuguese politician and diplomat serving as the ninth secretary-general of the United Nations. A member of the Portuguese Socialist Party, he served as prime minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002. Communism completely screwed up Portugal. So, send the leader of that to lead World Government, the UN, and spread the plague of disaster to functional countries.
If you want a face to look at of why you can't travel, your retirement, freedom, and hope to pursue liberty, life, and happiness all went poof, look at the image above.
If I could legally get away with it, and if I had one, I would send an autonomous drone with enough explosives that it could barely fly and set it to find António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres.
If I had more, and could legally get away with it, I would hit Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Zuckerberg, a Davos meeting in progress, Bilderbergers in session, and if the all 3 Clintons and all 4 Obamas were first convicted of treason and/or crimes against humanity, those too ... if enough rope, a large mob, and a high branch in a tree wasn't available ...
A BRAVE NEW NORMAL? [Del Bigtree the Highwire]
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In Alduos Huxley’s dystopian novel, A Brave New World, the people are given a drug to help them accept the conditions of the tyrannical rule they are forced to live under. Well just recently a college professor and ethicist suggested what the world needs now, during pandemic pushback, is a “morality pill” to get them back in line.
Text with video:
On the heels of more violent protests in the U.S., Europeans have a different way. Millions of peaceful protesters marched together in unison across London & Germany, to name a few, last weekend sounding a collective cry for freedom, scientific integrity, and an end to lockdowns. On this Labor Day, let us remember it is “We The People” that make our countries strong and we should never let fear dictate over our freedoms.
#StopNewNormal #Berlin #London #Freedom #LaborDay #BeBrave #DelBigtree #DoloresCahill #DavidIke #PiersCorbyn #YeAreManyTheyAreFew #SaveOurRights
#BeBrave #BraveNewWorld #DystopianFuture #HomeOfTheBrave ?
The next post here on this blog, has videos, and links to expand on this theme, [click here].
Tinfoil Hatter Report. Episode 1 [Direct link to video] [This blogger's videos on LiveLeak]
Tucker: The COVID pandemic empowered mediocre politicians (Is Dr. Tony Fauci a fraud? Is he an enabler for lazy politicians to collect their huge paydays doing nothing more than dismantling the US Constitution? Why ever end this, it is great for the elite and politicians? Prison were emptied for the flood in of political prisoners, Constitutional Extremists, potential leaders when the general public realizes that the US Constitution is suspended, and the anti-maskers and vaxxers)
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