I was unknowingly a Crash Test Dummy for the NWO New World Order

Building a contracting business, saving to buy a house 2 decades, getting married, having a daughter believing in the American Dream was throwing money out the window in 1995 because of the Clintons and the UN Agenda being honed from about 1968.
Believing in the American Dream, is complete BS. For me it is still an unending nightmare. The UN and Clintons have robbed me of absolutely everything. Because of the UN taking control of policing, and dictating to courts that those small business, and mouthy people like me can only get a barbecue in courts, maximum punishments and fines, no service. Almost 100% of lawyers in Connecticut won't take a civil case for me, saying that I'm [on the list], and they don't want to be disbarred and ruined worst than me to take me on as a client.
Small business owners, family farmers, and independent journalist are targeted for family breakup, loss of home, income, to be railroaded to prison. Police sent numbers confidential police informants paid with federal tax dollars to break into my property, while police acted as lookouts, and to attack me on my property where only I was arrested and got prison using pepper spray to not get stabbed during a mugging. The mugger admitted demanding money, attacking me, and he was declared victim, I had to pay him restitution. My only daughter hasn't had anything to do with me since 2003, and I may never even meet my grandchildren. Police refused to answer my 911 calls when I was attacked, and in Connecticut, especially the State Police, are lying scumbag thugs of the UN and International Police Union dismantling of America.
The Clintons and Obamas are the UN Communist faction of the CIA operatives. UN Agenda 21 and 2030 is to eliminate small business, family farms, local and national governments and borders to take complete control and use starvation, and a fake pandemic, to wipe out a huge percent of the population and end the use of combustion engines and use of fossil fuels. You are going Green whether you like it or not.
I noticed something was up after [the OKC Federal Building Bombing where the Clintons wanted a photo-op of blown up children in a Fedearl Building Daycare] to get their terrorism bill passed.
This bill was step one to getting to what we have now, the shutting down of all small business and family farms, and identifying the resistance fighters before war is officially declared on the world by the Communist Chinese, the World Bank, Big Pharma, and the UN. I applied to be a part time cop in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, and found out about the secret Clinton federally funded program to end independent journalism and small business.
[The Aftermath of that story] Click on top banner, or icon, of most blogs to go to newest posts.
I went to a chain restaurant bar in New Hampshire. I carry nothing with me except cash. I carry no ID, debit or credit cards, and no cell phone. I believe there is no law actually requiring a mask be worn if there is under 100 people gathered.
A Huge Goon walked up to me, asked where my mask was, how come I wasn't carrying ID, had no debit or credit cards, or cell phone. I was told that I was being observed, and he knew I didn't have anything on me by pointing what seemed to be a cellphone at me, he was either taking video, or taking pictures of me.
"You will disappear in the middle of the night if you don't shut your mouth and start complying."
When I was in either Lithuania, Latvia, and/or Estonia I got some town hall records from the 1870s or so and went to medieval museums in one of my months long trips in 1995. I saw art hidden from the Russians and Nazis mostly during World War II from the 1400s to 1800s being restored by an artist's workshop in Vilnius, Lithuania (Lietuva), for most of my stay in the mid 1990s.
In a Latvian medieval museum, there was "a Jew's hand" for making false coins. The special small sword for this was next to the hand. In English, was something liked this,"This man probably survived his punishment for counterfeiting coins or whatever form of money as the stump where his hand was placed in a fire and cauterized."
There was a fear in the 1870s that Jewish bankers and business people would only socialize, marry, and mainly would give the best opportunities to each other, and would take over the land, business, and then starve out the indigenous citizens as Jewish people in that community had a Mafia Monopoly on Justice, and Rule of Law, fixed for their benefit.
The first version of town hall KGB like operations would listen outside of doors, put a glass against a wall of a flat, and then right down what was said.
There would be secret meetings, and instead of arresting, covertly killing, 2 goons would show up in the middle of the night, muffle the screams of their victims and use a portal medieval stretching rack.
The victims of the Town Hall Mafia would leave their victim often unable to walk, properly use their hands, and needed care for the rest of their painful, miserable lives.
The fear of these town hall mafias is that the Jews were going to take over, and enslave the world with their monopoly on the legal systems and their one world bank.
I have Jewish friends, I don't believe one wide brush can paint a group of any people.
Disclaimer: I am not antisemitic, I am just reporting what I have seen with my own eyes, heard with my own ears as best that I can.
It looks like what is the World Bank has aligned with the Town Hall Mafia, and humanity are the victims.
The CDC has admitted over the past weekend that there are up to about 90% false positives on COVID-19 tests, and their death numbers are 94% fraud. So, that means that no shutdown was needed, Masks do nothing. And all this shut down and march to a forced vaccine is all fraud.
So, why are you wearing a mask? Why aren't you in everyone's faces, letting local, state, and national officials that you are not going to take it and will not obey unlawful Stealth Martial Law restrictions.
My video uploads [on BitChute] [on LiveLeak]. My email is thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com
My 2,474,614 count for number of views my videos on LiveLeak have gotten hasn't changed in 7 or 8 years. A video can have over 5000 views showing that then I check the next day and it is either zero, or a small her number, comments are deleted and blocked, and it is taken off any forums that I have put it in, to only be seen if someone clicks a link directly to my channel.
I've used friend's smartphones and computers to watch my BitChute videos and the counter doesn't increase for number of views.
Most search engines won't go directly to my blog or videos. If you word search Stark Raving Viking sometimes nothing that I write will show up.
It is just a matter of time before all of my content is censored by the UN off the internet, and I am hauled away in the middle of the night by UN Police or Military, or contracted thugs, to suffer horrifically and then never be seen again.
I had been doing business with TD Bank about 10 years. I ordered more checks at the TD Bank Methuen, Massachusetts, location on the border with Salem, New Hampshire, earlier in the year before the lock down. One of the snowflakes asked me who I would probably vote for. I said Trump, and 2 days later my account was canceled for "fraud". With contact tracing on everyone, worse that this will begin to happen to all of you out there. If elections were to be held today, I wouldn't vote for Trump as Dr. Fauci is a lying scumbag. Bill Gates is may have caused 500,000 very young people in India to be permanently paralyzed with one of his vaccines. If Trump is out to force a vaccine on us all using the police and military, he is no protector of the US Constitution.
But, if Trump is not in office in January 2021, no matter where I am in the world, the UN and/or the Clintons will finally catch up with me and I will be brutally murdered before the rest of you are sent to starvation camps while the sterilizing vaccines slowly put a whammy on your human cognition, as your body slowly destroys itself.
The top photo was [found here]
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