Subversive's Guide to Freedom
"The Religion of One", the answer to FREEDOM? Atheist, Agnostics, and
Everyone who studies and worships privately, should be able to go to
AFTER services at ANY religious, or non-belief religion, and attend
services that go into OVERTIME.

I bing image searched a number of words and it spit out a Church in Lyme, Connecticut, [link].
America, and many countries were first formed over the question or religion, and/or freedom of religion.
World Government, the UN UNESCO, and Communism, and even true Fascism can't if exist if your first devotion is to something other than to their "leadership".
So, what is the easiest way to counter all of their BS?
What was the easiest way they can counter all our individualism, and community unity? Well, the answer is to look around. What did THEY do?
What should WE do?
I have spend a lot of time up in the outback of New Hampshire and Maine USA, no GPS, no cell phone, and no email or electronic communication with those who I meet.
Some of it is pretty weird because some of the former media, film, Wall Street, legal, property management, and all walks of life seem to be the Exodus out of New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Masshole former residents, California, and other states with Bleephole Democrat or RINO touchholes like Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker.
What do we all have in common?
We don't want ANY Bill Gates or COVID vaccine. We think we have been sold out. If Trump wants us to get Bill Gates vaccine injected to us with Warp Speed by military and police when have been subdued, maced, and are in handcuffs on the ground for resisting what we think is a lethal injection, for us, it then would already be too late.
We meet in churches after the regular services. We have already done "home study" on religion, and want the after church service with our community in OUR HOUSE of WORSHIP.
Whatever country that you live in, if you don't exercise your rights, your freedom, like muscles, atrophy.
In America, if the US Constitution isn't exercised soon, it will disappear forever.
The number one defense to any threat from the outside, and to be in close proximity and get along with your closest neighbors, no matter their religion, ethic background, or political party if you want to survive locally, is the most expedient route to survival.
One of my longest friends whose great grandfather, or grandfather of Jewish decent designed the SS Nazi Uniform in his haberdashery. He also was a collector of fine art. His exodus out, and giving up 2 paintings now worth 100s of millions of dollars in today's money to 2 border guards allowed him, and some of his family to escape to freedom before his relatives were cooked in Concentration camp ovens and buried without markings.
[Oskar Kokoschka] was just one of the many artists collected.
I was at the [Hill of Crosses Lietuva] in Lithuania in the mid 1990s. I spent time in some libraries and had some town hall meetings translated, from the 1870s or so. Just in those I saw what was to be World War II. Why not World War I? Well those issues were not resolved in what average people were talking about in town halls.
With technology, average people might not have a chance.
If you were out on land for 3 months, no matter the weather, there is no electricity, nothing electronic, and everything goes back to medieval technology, what would you do to survive? Well, that mindset might be what you need that even the UN may agree that is the 1/20 of the population that is to survive?
Nancy Pelosi shows that masks aren't necessary. Social distancing, COVID, the Shutdown and Dem Posturing is JOKE (only for them)
HIGHLIGHTS - Nancy Pelosi Demands Salon Open To Do Her Hair After Ordering Their Shutdown [direct link to video]
Nancy Pelosi picture, and story was [found here].
[My videos on liveleak] [my videos on BitChute]
Subversives connect, check past posts.
A blast from the Stark Raving Viking past, and a video of vintage Alex Jones before his voice went, June 09, 2011, post, [Click here] for more of this with videos:

Nancy Pelosi picture, and story was [found here].
[My videos on liveleak] [my videos on BitChute]
Subversives connect, check past posts.
A blast from the Stark Raving Viking past, and a video of vintage Alex Jones before his voice went, June 09, 2011, post, [Click here] for more of this with videos:
Using Drones, is the Corporate Dictatorship Poising for War on You?

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