Monday, August 31, 2020

UN Internet Kill Switch to be thrown as their Chi-Com COVID Fraud and Leftist Democrats Cooking Numbers Exposed?

So, since the lock down, get hit in the face with a hammer, die, it's called COVID-19 death? In Sweden those who die with only COVID-19 die, then only those are counted as COVID. The way numbers are calculated by the CDC allegedly completely changed before the BS Pandemic. Shouldn't this fraud be investigated instead of censoring citizens trying to report the crimes?
Tim Pool might break down why everything should immediately go back to normal, no masks, no social distancing, no restrictions, no testing, no need for quarantines, lock downs, and especially no need for a vaccine. Especially a dangerous, untested one! 

CDC Updates COVID Stats, 6% Died Of COVID Alone, 94% Had Comorbidity, Twitter Is CENSORING This [Direct Link to Tim Pool Timcast BitChute video]

Tim Pool photo [found here].

CDC Blows The Lid Off The COVID Pandemic—Media Goes Into High Gear to Cover It Up... [Lisa Haven BitChute video direct link]

Text with video:

CDC Blows The Lid Off The COVID Pandemic—Media Goes Into High Gear to Cover It Up...

Covid Hoax Officially Collapses as CDC Admits Only 6% of Reported Deaths Covid Alone [Direct link to video]

Text with video:

Alex Jones breaks down the collapse of the covid lockdown hoax as the CDC admits only 6% of reported deaths were solely attributed to Covid-19.


Call, email, write an actual letter and mail your governor, local politician, state and federal elected officials, and then follow up with yet another phone call. Less than 1 in 10,000 people do this, so your voice is 10,000 times as loud if you actually use it. 

If you don't want to live in a permanent UN/Communist Chinese style prison camp, no travel, no work, and prison food only when you are a model inmate and turn in your family and friends for enhanced interrogation or to be liquidated.  

I sent [this complaint to my elected officials] feel free to forward it to all of you elected officials as well, or write your own. 

My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com


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