COVID-19 Mass Mask Psychosis/Restrictions END? World Travel Opened?

[Gov Sununu's aid's name snipped],
please forward my email to the Governor Chris Sununu, his staff, to NH Attorney General's Office, and to whom it may concern.
I am posting this text on Stark Raving Viking blog, and am forwarding to independent news outlets minus your name and my contact information.
[Breaking news by Gateway Pundit indicates the CDC], over the weekend, has walked back COVID death numbers about 90%.
So, mask psychosis, social distancing is all based on fraud, lies, and propaganda as part of a coordinated multi-facet act of war on the American people.
Will you please suspend all edicts dictated to Free Americans by a steath UN, Communist Chinese, Bill Gates, Big Phama, Jeff Bezos, and Socialist Democrat coup of the world.
The virus was probably manufactured, along with the vaccine in the Wuhan China Germ Warfare lab. Bill Gates allegedly has the patent for both, and before the "Pandemic" had 3 Netflix specials/series how, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda were the saviors of the Human Race with the vaccine when the pandemic hits. I heard Bill Gates say out of his mouth something like, "With a really good vaccine, population can be vastly reduced." That sounds like a planned mass murder program to me.
The censorship of the internet by the UN is a crime. I can't even find Gateway Pundit and most other actual news subjects using most search engines as the internet seems to be censored by the Communist Chinese on all our devices and computers, and also by the UN and Far Left Wingnut Socialist Democrats and their BLM Batsh*t Lawless Marxist foreign funded agent provocateurs.
Countrywide there are squeeze points on highways for forced testing, quarantining, DCF is there to take away kids, and in some states possibly including Hawaii, there is forced vaccinations of a 100% dangerous and ineffective vaccine that probably alters DNA where a person is no longer the definition of a human.
There are no laws for putting a trans human in permanent detention, doing experimentation, and even torturing and killing a being that has no animal or human classification.
There is talk of another 2 year lock down. These same people want a paper ballot election. Will they get more votes than there are people in the United States if they can commit the biggest fraud in the history of the world over a common cold. COVID = Flu.
COVID-19 might be the lamest pandemic ever. There hasn't ever been more ridiculous BS. This UN/Chinese Communist/Socialist Democrat PSY-OP proves that Americans collectively are lazy, stupid, and won't stand up for their rights as most of world seems to this past weekend. There might be a higher percentage of actual patriots who are awake, and that includes the masses fleeing from Communist prison cities in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Hawaii, California, and other Portland Oregan leaning hell holes to live in a free state.
WHO World Health Organization is allegedly just a stealth arm of the Chinese Military to take out the free world.
I request that arrest warrants out of New Hampshire be put out on Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for murder if an New Hampshire residents were killed in nursing homes he purposely orchestrated deaths for bogus COVID numbers, any WHO agents, and anyone who has been involved in the medical fraud, COVID scam, or US Constitution ending treason.
The UN, international teachers and police union should be considered enemies of the state, and these agents either need to be deported or detained and tried. Any UN UNESCO ownership or running of anything in New Hampshire should be immediately terminated. Anyone associated the UN, the WHO, or is involved with disseminating false COVID propaganda for political, or to destroy liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness in New Hampshire, needs to be arrested, processed, and be part of a Nuremberg type trial proceeded by a special prosecutor and people's grand jury as up to 100% of judges in the US can be compromised possibly taken money, bribes, or gotten their positions having made dirty deals with criminals.
The FBI should be investigated for racketeering, profiteering, obstruction of justice, election rigging, and as agent provocateurs for the UN, Communist China, and the Socialist Democrat/Clinton/Obama, now failing, coup. I am asking that the FBI in New Hampshire be considered a foreign run enemy operation, as they have been somehow associated with Comey and his political hack minions.
If the CDC's amended numbers say that no healthy children, or a very small number worldwide, no schools in the world needed to be shut down.
Nothing needed to have changed BEFORE the biggest fraud in the history of the world.
That means no masks are needed, none of the restrictions, no travel bans, no need for testing, and especially there should be no police and military forced Flu vaccinations.
Bill Gates will prefer monthly forced vaccination updates. Like he is offering updates to a Microsoft Software Operating System for a personal computer with designed flaws, expiration date for device (trans human altered host), backdoors for harmful viruses/infections, hidden functionality, and ability of outside sources/stimuli to hijack the operating system.
Please immediately suspend COVID restrictions based on the FRAUD and LIES. Please see that the criminals and enemies of the state are arrested, prosecuted, detained, and/or if legal, shot on sight.
Thank you,
Steven G. Erickson
[Address snipped]
Cell 603 [snipped]
New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu's website [click here]. Don't listen to lying scumbags on mainstream media about COVID-19 (Warning: Foul Language) [Direct Link to Video]
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UN/Mafia Pandering to Pedophiles, Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) to sell Children to highest bidders?

Image of former Governor in the State of Connecticut, John G. Rowland [found here].
The UN now has their perfect storm for abducting the most children for adoption to highest bidder, sexual abuse, and their Agenda 2030 where we the people are producing less carbon dioxide than is necessary for trees to grow.
As Governor, Rowland was said to brag that child abuse was down 44% and his reaction was to take away 444% more children ... (and it was from mainly good, intact families, who had children pedophiles and elite wanted as part of the Connecticut DCF official kidnapping, and selling of children, UN program)
John G. Rowland was a rising star in the Republican Party. His greediness, open bribe taking, and failure to give Connecticut Supreme Court Justices a piece of the action of the selling of mostly White children for adoptions for the highest bidder, and custom order children for sex slavery, was his downfall.
Not giving Judges and the Connecticut FBI their "skim" from the organized crime bribe and service to the UN money did Rowland in. They used their apparatus to grind Rowland, but with kid gloves, as compared to whistle blowers who really got toasted.
Rowland not paying his partners, because he had to pay so much alimony to former wife, Patty, was no excuse. Allegedly every time Rowland beat his then wife, Patty, the Connecticut State Police either got another helicopter, or no report extra overtime not worked. Something Connecticut State Troopers can do now, put in for Homeland Security overtime not worked, and when caught for theft, and fraud, they don't have to pay the taxpayer money back.
John G. Rowland was "Johnny" to both Presidents Bush, and the Republican Party.
The UN Agenda 21 was about population reduction, gun confiscation, break up of the family, elimination of small business and family farming, and to profit from drug trafficking, sex trafficking, pedophilia, money laundering, elimination of nation states, and profiteering from both sides in any war or conflict.
After the OKC Federal Building Bombing, the Clintons saw to it that all of the nations' courts, police, international police union, and all alphabet agencies were onboard for UN Agenda 21.

Former Connecticut DCF head Kristine Regaglia picture [found here].
Regaglia allegedly would not wear underwear, prance in front of Governor Rowland desk, as part of the scheme of franchising Kiddie Max Prisons nationally, then worldwide.
The Mafia and UN were allegedly bribing Regaglia and Governor Rowland to also get federal tax dollars to build the facilities where the Mafia would build, run, and supply the facilities once running. Kids could be kidnapped, sexually abused, and all the insiders got part of the "skim".
[Nancy Schaefer was Murdered after Exposing CPS Corruption]
The Tomasos who build roads and buildings allegedly gave Rowland a free hot tub at his lake house, and much more.
Elites could place orders for their preferred children. Pictures and bios of children not yet officially kidnapped, even online. DCF workers and police would go after target families to take their children, and after setting up parents for prison, lawyers and the rest divvied up all cash, assets, property, foreign bank accounts, precious metals, gems, and whatever else could be confiscated from their victims.
[more with links and video]
Pic at top of post was [found here].
Johnny Cash sings "The Junkie's Prayer" (replace the word "narcotics" with COVID Hysteria or Mask Psychosis, do you want the Bill Gates lethal injection to go "Green" and save the planet? UN Agenda 2030 is to do away with combustion engines. You won't use one if you are no longer breathing.)
The Man Comes Around
Johnny Cash - Hurt (Official Music Video)
Human 2.0 Warning: Doctor Issues Wake Up Call To The World (Transhumanism) [Direct Link to Video]
Dr. Carrie Madej issues a wake up call to people around the world to the prevalence and dangers of transhumanism in our everyday lives.
POWERFUL: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Delivers Speech In Berlin (Germany)- August 29, 2020 (Jeff Bezos, Dr. Tony Fauci, and Bill Gates are named as being a threat to entire world) [Direct link to video]
In a rare appearance, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. delivers a powerful speech to a massive crowd in Berlin, Germany, criticizing COVID health policies, the global government system in general, and he rallies liberty loving people in defense of freedom worldwide.
UN Propaganda Prepares Pacific Islanders For The Rise of the New World Order (The real UN UNESCO Agenda 2030 revealed. COVID is a UN PSY-OP)[Direct Link to Video]
Psychopath Globalists target Pacific Islanders with New World Order propaganda
Death of a Narrative: CDC’s Own Numbers [Click here for direct link for David Knight Show video]
CDC stats show 94% of cumulative death totals are a lie. So how do the new “NUMBA’s” for COVID compare to other causes of death including Chicago shootings?
For viral content, in-depth insights and breaking news be sure to follow David Knight on Parlor and Twitter @Libertytarian
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