Nancy Pelosi siezes US Presidency January 2021?
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The Democrats clearly can see just with the rapidly deterioration of Joe Biden who might now, or soon, be wearing adult diapers. So, the Social Democrats started their tantrums and made every effort to disrupt everything, including the world economy, just to get Trump out, and themselves in. So, purposely throwing a wrench in the election to disrupt it so Pelosi gets in is something that is definitely in their toolbox.
Will Pelosi become president if there is no election result by January?
Protesters in this state risk losing voting rights under new law
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[CDC admits masks do nothing to prevent COVID-19]
Rand Paul is asking the FBI to investigate Antifa and BLM to find out who is funding the domestic terrorism.
With the courts being rigged, judges should have their finances investigated to see who is paying they to allow this BS, including the COVID FRAUD. Having the FBI investigating anything is like having bleepholes investigate jerks.
The FBI US Federal Bureau of Investigation needs to be dismantled for being a political hack organization, profiteering, committing all sorts of criminal activity, racketeering, obstructing justice, manufacturing and destroying evidence, and colluding with judges, prosecutors, and lawyers to destroy the US Constitution and further Social Democrat, UN, and Chinese Communist agendas.
The FBI needs to be prosecuted under RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act], dismantled, and their needs to be be massive prosecutions and detainment of the FBI agent provocateurs using a people's grand jury, as judges are too sleazy and corrupt.
The 2012 NDAA allows the DoD US Department of Defense to use 100s of millions of taxpayer dollars to propagandize the mainstream media AND to conduct clandestine operations with legal immunity. So YOU paid for all this BS including school shooting, marathon bombings, fake pandemics, and Batsh*t Lawlesss Marxists and Antifa to do what they do.
The criminals on the streets are most likely drawing pay indirectly from the UN, Chinese Communists, the Clinton Global Initiative CGI, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Obamas handlers as he was just a CIA puppet, the World Bank, Big Pharma etc.
America is being attacked, and when any individual American resists, that is the person ground in the meat grinder of the UN Communist Chinese Clinton run "Justice" System.
After being convicted of crimes against humanity, high crimes and misdemeanors, all 3 Clintons, all 4 Obamas, Nancy Pelosi, Chuch Schumer, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Eric Holder, James Comey, and all their minions need to swing in the wind hanging from a rope.
Or, I don't see this lock down every being lifted. So, far those who are too powerful to jail, have just gone about their business since the first banker/corporate attempted coup of the world disrupted by the first major whistle blower who was the most heavily decorated US Marine at the time, [Smedley Butler].
Rand Paul Calls For Investigation Of Criminal Antifa/BLM Funding
Photo up top was [found here].
From []:
Minnesota Democrat Mayors Endorse Donald Trump: Biden Did ‘Nothing’ for Working Class

Democrat Minnesota mayors endorsed President Donald Trump over former
Vice President Joe Biden on Friday, asserting that Trump has improved
the lives of Minnesotans, while Biden has moved too far to the left.
Top General Responds To Democrat Request For A Coup Against Trump
The Deep State coup against president Trump is unraveling.
Thunderstruck (Medieval Cover)
AC/DC - Thunderstruck (Live at Donington, 8/17/91) (Stadium Concerts are as safe now, as was then ... )
Barack Obama Calls For ‘Sustained Protest’ As Riots, Looting and Carnage Continues Across US (Scroll in about a 1:05 to avoid his commercials) [Direct link to [martinbrodel bitchute video channel upload]
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