UN/Mafia Pandering to Pedophiles, Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) to sell Children to highest bidders?

Image of former Governor in the State of Connecticut, John G. Rowland [found here].
The UN now has their perfect storm for abducting the most children for adoption to highest bidder, sexual abuse, and their Agenda 2030 where we the people are producing less carbon dioxide than is necessary for trees to grow.
As Governor, Rowland was said to brag that child abuse was down 44% and his reaction was to take away 444% more children ... (and it was from mainly good, intact families, who had children pedophiles and elite wanted as part of the Connecticut DCF official kidnapping, and selling of children, UN program)
John G. Rowland was a rising star in the Republican Party. His greediness, open bribe taking, and failure to give Connecticut Supreme Court Justices a piece of the action of the selling of mostly White children for adoptions for the highest bidder, and custom order children for sex slavery, was his downfall.
Not giving Judges and the Connecticut FBI their "skim" from the organized crime bribe and service to the UN money did Rowland in. They used their apparatus to grind Rowland, but with kid gloves, as compared to whistle blowers who really got toasted.
Rowland not paying his partners, because he had to pay so much alimony to former wife, Patty, was no excuse. Allegedly every time Rowland beat his then wife, Patty, the Connecticut State Police either got another helicopter, or no report extra overtime not worked. Something Connecticut State Troopers can do now, put in for Homeland Security overtime not worked, and when caught for theft, and fraud, they don't have to pay the taxpayer money back.
John G. Rowland was "Johnny" to both Presidents Bush, and the Republican Party.
The UN Agenda 21 was about population reduction, gun confiscation, break up of the family, elimination of small business and family farming, and to profit from drug trafficking, sex trafficking, pedophilia, money laundering, elimination of nation states, and profiteering from both sides in any war or conflict.
After the OKC Federal Building Bombing, the Clintons saw to it that all of the nations' courts, police, international police union, and all alphabet agencies were onboard for UN Agenda 21.

Former Connecticut DCF head Kristine Regaglia picture [found here].
Regaglia allegedly would not wear underwear, prance in front of Governor Rowland desk, as part of the scheme of franchising Kiddie Max Prisons nationally, then worldwide.
The Mafia and UN were allegedly bribing Regaglia and Governor Rowland to also get federal tax dollars to build the facilities where the Mafia would build, run, and supply the facilities once running. Kids could be kidnapped, sexually abused, and all the insiders got part of the "skim".
[Nancy Schaefer was Murdered after Exposing CPS Corruption]
The Tomasos who build roads and buildings allegedly gave Rowland a free hot tub at his lake house, and much more.
Elites could place orders for their preferred children. Pictures and bios of children not yet officially kidnapped, even online. DCF workers and police would go after target families to take their children, and after setting up parents for prison, lawyers and the rest divvied up all cash, assets, property, foreign bank accounts, precious metals, gems, and whatever else could be confiscated from their victims.
Victims would be threatened with spending the rest of their lives in a mental hospital, and/or prison. Door #2 was torture, murder, and everyone you cared about was also targeted.
Police recruited and created youth and other gangs, vandals, thieves, prostitutes, drug dealers, thugs, organized crime, and patrons to help go after honest, taxpaying citizens who were in the classifications of Clinton Enemies such as small business owners, independent journalists, and those who could be leaders when the US Constitution was suspended.
These gang members also helped the DCF, Police, and other insiders set up families to lose their children to the UN child processing system.
Peter Coukos bragged in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, that he was untouchable, and can do whatever he wants as his preferred sex partners are 4 to 8 boys, and girls, and since he helped the CIA find children for abduction, he could have anyone spend the rest of their lives in prison, mental hospitals, or be tortured and murdered by police.
Coukos told me he wanted my daughter's 14 year old friend, and that I was to give him $30,000 as he said police had determined I had that much cash or he would make a false police report that I threatened him with a gun.
Being naive, I reported this to Governor Rowland, Connecticut US Senator Chris Dodd, [Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal], State Senators Tony Guglielmo and John Kissel, the Connecticut FBI, and even the US Department of Justice which told me that I didn't have any rights unless I was a protected group such as homosexual, trans gender, minority, woman, or refugee from the 3rd World.
Tell truth to power, and [get barbecued].
I was also a trifecta for the Police and their minions to take down. I had a hot underage daughter that Connecticut State Police told me they would gang rape if I didn't shut my big mouth and leave Connecticut, I had a small business, had a hot wife they wanted, and was a gun owner who could possibly be a leader when the US Constitution was suspended.
I am a true Clinton enemy from 1995, and am suffering like the rest of you who fit the criteria after the Chinese Communist Governor contract tracing program kicks in for all Americans and other citizens of the world.
We are all inmates with conditional identities.
My [BitChute video channel]
My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com
Best blog COVID coverage and right side panel blog roll of resistance to tyranny bloggers:
Child sex trafficking becomes a consequence of COVID lockdowns: AG weighs in
Why are authorities in New York going after the NRA when they should be going after the UN, Chelsea Clinton for looting 100s of millions from Haiti, helping her parents abduct Haitian children, and for all the Wiener laptop evidence against the Clintons and other elites?
Donald J. Trump is pandering to the UN, with the BS lock down, which is the biggest benefit to pedophiles for a cheap supply of countless victims. Trump is giving all the BS legitimacy not calling BS on COVID. What are the real death numbers?What is the solution for Americans to have an intact US Constitution and go back to life pre-1995 Clinton Coup 1.0 the OKC Federal Building Bombing?:
Because of Obama the internet is censored and controlled by the UN.
Because of Barack Obama and the 2012 NDAA legislation, the US Defense Department was given 100s of millions of taxpayer dollars to propagandize mainstream media AND allegedly to conduct drills, and operations like COVID, school shootings, marathon bombings, automatic weapons being used at a concert, and using military for drills that could go live at any time where Americans on jet skis, boats, out hunting and fishing, farming, out on the highway, or at sporting events could be targeted, for practice.
Go after Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, arrest and prosecute him for felony risk of injury to minors for as many children as there are for the lock down and preventing children from going to school. If there are zero deaths of citizens age 0 to 19, and if there is zero evidence of any teachers dying from being infected by children, Baker is a complete criminal and needs to suffer the punishment. [more] and [even more reasons to after Charlie B].
Go after Maine Governor Janet Mills. She destroyed 100s of years of Maine history and almost all traditional small businesses passed down for generations. Maybe 99% of the land of Maine had no COVID, and the only deaths of a million and a half residents were nursing homes because nursing homes were intentionally infected with COVID. Still very minimal death, less than a regular Flu with a less scary name. [more]
COVID allegedly was ready to roll out after Hillary "won" in 2016. The financial can had been kicked as far as it could go. So there needed to be an excuse that the bubble burst. There was also an operation needed where guns could be confiscated, "hot" children could be farmed from their families for sexual exploitation, all at the same time all citizens could be forced vaccinated with a mock vaccine for a COVID Drill.
Those like yours truly, would get a special, customized shot, as I would be identified as a Clinton enemy with Bill Clinton's contact tracing initiative. If Trump doesn't win, I assume the Clintons will get their wish, and I would be dead. I was told in 1995, I was on the Clinton enemies list for the "trifecta", being a small business owner, gun owner, having a "hot" child daughter, and for being a potential leader after Martial Law was declared, to be a potential leader of the resistance.
Exact Moment Hillary Learned She had Lost the Election - Neil Cavuto & Doug Wead (uploaded March 3, 2017)
Gov. Asa Hutchinson to the NRA: 'Come to Arkansas' (and opening up all schools to children, reason to move to Arkansas for freedom?)
* * * *
Added 7:38 PM EST August 30, 2020:
CDC REPORT SAYS ONLY 9,210 DIED FROM VIRUS NOT 153,000 WOW [mirrored] Video (Warning: Foul Language)
The seemingly average individual below, has connected the dots better than, my guess of about, 80% of Americans. Brits, Canadians, Australians, Europeans, the Vietnamese, Russians, Ukrainians, and a lot of the world is getting it better than most Americans. There were larger protests about the lock downs all over the world this past weekend. Check out the past 2 posts on this blog for more videos and links. Will all travel go back to normal? Will the mask psychosis, Karens tattling on freedom seekers to Big Brother, and all social distancing end worldwide tomorrow, Monday ... ? I won't hold my breath.
The Schiff has hit the fan. Countdown to Arrests and Hunting down Perps? [click for post and videos]

Congressman Adam Schiff photo find here [as part of a video].[Direct link to video at top of post]
(Comment was too big to fit in a comments section)
I was trying to comment in [This GC blog post]
GC, I just saw your comment in my review queue in my blog and hit "publish".
Thanks for stopping by.
I have posted "War on Food Supply", the video before the most recent Ice Age Farmer video you posted above in the past on [my blog http://starkravingviking.blogspot.com/]. Ice Age Farmer BitChute channel is found here:
The English voices following RFK JR in the video you embedded in past post are probably hired agent provocateurs.
The bigger a threat you are to Chinese Communists, the UN, and the UN scam health organizations, the more flack you will get from operatives. Those Marxist operative types are out to discredit, intimidate, physically attack, and even kill a "Big Mouth". They will electronically attack, shadow ban, and even outright censor anyone who is most successful getting the opposition to tyranny message out.
I personally know a lot about that after the Clinton Coup 1.0 in 1995. When I found out that the Clintons were using the UN to infiltrate all police, all alphabet agencies, and all court systems to go after small business owners especially, as we are the biggest enemies to Clinton UN Communist Agenda would fight back hardest after the US Constitution was suspended. I started pushing back. I wanted, and still want the UN ejected out of US, and the Clintons prosecuted, I have not completely shut up a day since about 1998.
The OKC Federal Building Bombing where children shown on the news as a photo-op so the Clintons could get their terrorism bill passed in 1995 for their Socialist Coup of the US, to rig the courts, and to go after their enemies was an eyeopener.
2008, I may have caused Governor Eliot Spitzer to resign asking the FBI to look into Spitzer's finances for evidence of bribing the New York Times to slime his opposition, and rig his election, the same as Hillary Clinton was doing, so she could stack the Appellate Court for a get out of jail for free card as New York Senator. I won't talk directly to the FBI because I think they are worse than any Mafia and RICO should be used to dismantle the FBI as a corrupt organization.
I uploaded this video:
Jan 2008, and weeks later, Eliot Spitzer resigned in disgrace after he was found to have used his debit card to pay for a recently of age prostitute for $6000. I was targeted on the internet, and heavily tattooed killers were sent from New York City to kill me.
I was tipped off about 5 minutes before they arrived by police who weren't allowed to intervene, and I hid out in the woods with my Harley in Putney Vermont. I threw my cellphone against a guardrail as I motored away with just the clothes on my back abandoning all my possessions and clothes to hide out for years in the outback of Vermont and New Hampshire.
I didn't have a cellphone again until 2012. In 2011 I was using Skype as my only phone for about $2.58 a month whenever I had a free WiFi connection. In 2011 I used Skype to talk to Hartford Connecticut retired Narcotics Detective Richard Murzin and internet radio host AJ Fontaine.
I talked to Murzin and Fontaine about doing Public Access Television live transmissions to air their physical, electronic, and paper evidence.
The evidence was of UN and Homeland Security rigging elections, colluding with DCF to kidnap kids for adoption auctions, and some for the elite pedophilia sex trade, drug trafficking, murder for hire, profiteering, racketeering fixing court cases, shutting up, intimidating, threatening, beating up, railroading to prison, and even murdering targets on their UN/Clinton Enemies List.
Murzin told me that the Connecticut FBI put out a hit on me before we were to meet in 2011 because I was organizing a public access television broadcast to expose them, the DCF, Connecticut State Police, Clinton rigged courts, and how the UN was looking to erase the US border and US Constitution.
In 2011, Rich Murzin left me a voicemail on my Skype, that AJ had just died of the Flu. I then called Rich Murzin at his house, and all were crying and screaming he died. I was wondering why Rich's family was so upset about AJ, as they didn't know him. It turned out that Rich had just died of a heart attack. Both died within hours of each other.
This was 2 weeks before that we were to air evidence that US DHS Department of Homeland Security, the Connecticut FBI, Connecticut State Police had planned a school shooting to end the 2nd Amendment, and their Massachusetts counterparts were planning a bombing of a sporting event in Boston, along with some really alarming stuff.
When a Nashua New Hampshire knocked at the window of girlfriend's apartment that I was hiding at, 40 Orange St., the police officer wearing a ski mask asked me to identify myself. The next day, 2 Nashua Police Officers wearing ski masks asked me to stop talking to BAE employees about contact tracing software and other things they were working on (for when the US Constitution was suspended and the UN forces occupied the US).
Police told me that I was kicked out of New Hampshire, and that if I wanted to live, I would shut my mouth.
I mostly shut up about certain subjects, started working, and going on with my life after it was completely burned down in 2001 days after 9/11.
My family broken up, and financially ruined just after 9/11. I wrote Bush a cryptic letter weeks before that the UN and international police union was out to eliminate small business:
I was railroaded to prison. Lost my contracting business, house, rental properties, the some total of my life's work, credit, and am permanently estranged from my only daughter. I may never see, or know if I have, grandchildren.
I blame the UN. I blame the Clintons. The Obamas are no better. All should be in prison, executed, and/or banned from the US. The UN puppeteers are the root of all evil, and are the COVID main perps.
Keep up the good fight.
Thank you,
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Videos of why I think Chinese Communists knew way before any of this in 2019, they were going to pull a world coup with the UN PSY-OP Health Organizations, and Socialist Democrats and also implement UN Agenda 2030 for the rest of the world [found here].
China and the UN planned on screwing all average people over all over the world. It was to be one big open air prison, where inmates would be locked in mainly cities, unable to travel, getting constant vaccinations, just waiting for one that kills in a matter of painful weeks after already being sterilized.
If you want to support the UN and Communist Chinese wear a mask, and demand that others do as well.
Former, or current Connecticut Attorney James Brewer aka Jim might be able to name names, and probably can directly implicate the biggest perps in the system. The whole Clinton Coup 1.0 from 1995 can possibly be taken down on his testimony alone. Brewer was a friend to now deceased Rich Murzin, defended good cops against the bad ones profiting from pushing the UN agenda. Brewer got toasted for it.
My email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com
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