The Song Remains the Same ...
Timcast video below asks questions of why Antifa, Black Lives Matter BLM, and agent provocateurs aren't stopped for carrying guns and other weapons over state lines, and then aren't stopped from carrying them right in from of police. Because they are Democrat operatives they can't be prosecuted. I believe Timcast might be a Liberal changing his tune ...

The CDC seems to say that wearing masks is BS and you don't need one. See notice below.
Why are you wearing a mask? Are you an idiot who does what a moron tells you to?
Why do you have to wear one in the airport or on airplane?
Shouldn't everything be opened up, and end all these knee-jerk reactions to foreign funded Marxists having tantrums?
Shouldn't these foreign invaders, mercenaries, agent provocateurs, and those who drink the Kool-Aid of BLM Batsh*t Lawless Marxists, be rounded up and prosecuted/detained?
If judges, police, lawyers, prosecutors, FBI, and all alphabet agencies are just political fronts and beards for the Communist Chinese, the UN UNESCO Agenda 21 and 2030, and Socialist Democrats, they should be replaced with legitimate taxpayer serving entities.
If you want a permanent lock down and worse than you are getting this the Communist Chinese, UN, and Socialist Communist Coup have permanent legitimacy by allowing mail-in votes that are already filled in for you, where little to no votes for the legitimate government will be allowed to enter the Social Democrat run poor excuse for a public mail delivery system only 2nd to the lazy moron run DMVs.

Check out previous posts for plenty of videos, links, and more.
My BitChute video upload channel is [found here].
Best videos dispelling the COVID and Mask myths are [embedded in this blog post]. Click on top banner or blog icon to go to newest posts in most blogs. Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog has awesome blog roll on right side and is probably the best COVID DRILL FRAUD coverage, [click here].
The UK is being punished by the UN for Brexit. The UN has the 3rd World invade EU countries so they don't get their sovereignty and national identity back. Their currencies have been hijacked, with their police, courts, and the puppet country governments don't represent the people for their taxation. The UN is soon to install the same in the United States of America with all the tantrums since 2016, the COVID Scam, and especially with the Mail-In Ballot Psy-Op.
Picture up top was [found here].
Henry Hill of Goodfellas and Al Sharpton- Michael Franzese
The Clintons needed photo-ops of mangled, burned, and blown up children and toddlers in a Federal Building Daycare to get their Domestic Terrorism Bill passed to avoid prosecution themselves, and then go after those who absolutely wouldn't vote or support the Clintons and their intent to insert Communism into the US, incrementally. Small Business, family farmers, and Ranchers were considered Mafia organizations to the Clintons, and needed to be eradicated.
Check out the "23 of 26 Police Union planted bomb failed to go off" link about the 1995 OKC Federal Building Bombing post in this link:
Police Departments were infiltrated by the UN after 1995, probably before, but were in a very big way after 1995. Since Small Business owners, farmers, and ranchers "would take the law into their own hands" dealing with corrupt government, police, and rigged courts they needed to be targeted BEFORE they organized with likewise abuse neighbors, and organized resistance to Clinton Coup 1.0
I wanted to become part time police officer in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, to deal with all the youth crime, vandalism, and be a good cop as I noticed that local police were partnering with prostitutes, vandals, thieves (police acting as lookouts and to find out when occupants weren't there), drug dealers, Mafia, lawyers, and using judges to rig cases against Clinton enemy categories. The object was to get the American public acclimatized to police/military forced inoculations and door to door gun confiscation.
I refused to pay Officer Frank Prochaska $1000 to become part of a "special unit" as Prochaska who was living in his mother's basement was "just like Jame Bond" according to Prochaska. The unit was partnered with teen gangs to attack target citizens, and to rob houses with police as look outs.
Before refusing to pay Prochaska, because of my electronics, electric, carpentry skills/tools, they wanted me to break into houses, install bugs in computers, surveillance cameras, put substances inside food or beverage containers in refrigerators of targets (maybe knock out and memory erasing drugs for hot women police wanted to rape), to steal legal firearms, and/or to remove any wall or other safes that may contain cash, gold, and gems to split the booty with other police officers.
The above described is what became USDHS, Homeland Security.
I started writing letters to the editor printed in newspapers, and called, wrote, and emailed every politician, legislator, and police threatened to kill me and gang rape my young daughter after I called Senator Chris Dodd's Office and the Connecticut Attorney General [Dick Blumenthal] about what police were doing.
I was attacked by "The Incredible Hulk" Peter Panciera and police protected powdered cocaine dealer. I had object to Panciera selling drugs to young teens and adults near my family's home. Panciera told me that police said I was kicked out of Connecticut, he police didn't want me associating with [n-word plural snipped], running my mouth, and interfering with his drug dealing, he picked me up by the neck, beat my face bloody, and then bit into my ear so blood was pouring down my neck, down into my chest to my underwear.
I dialed 911. Police told me to stay in place. I stepped out into the street and saw Stafford Springs town officers and Connecticut State Police Troop C standing around their cruiser about a block down drinking coffee, relaxing just hanging out in front of their substation by their cruisers. They saw me staring at them maybe as long as 2 hours before they decided to come to the 911 call.
Police said they could only arrest me, not protect and serve me because I was a pistol permit holder, but since self-defense is illegal in Connecticut, and since I am a contractor I needed to be arrested and then imprisoned.
That is Police UN training. Courts are rigged, and a rubber stamp on the abuse.
I was also told by police that if I reported crimes, they could be involved in investigating a crime, I could be arrested for felony interfering with police. I was told by police that if I was attacked I should bring my attacker to small claims court because it was a civil matter because I am not a protected group so the US Constitution doesn't apply to me.
If I am not transexual, woman, minority, homosexual, or other protected group. The police told me this, and prosecutor Beth Leming in Rockville Court told me the same thing 6 weeks later as Officer Frank Prochaska arrested me 6 weeks later.
I found out the name of who attacked me and want to press charges. Prochaska asked witnesses who made police statement saying I was attacked and had them changed were I attacked the incredible hulk, where I beat his fists with my face and attacked his teeth with my ear.
LT Trapp and Frank Prochaska had me in handcuffs in the back seat, drove the wrong way down a 1 way without police lights, drove the wrong side of the road, jammed on the breaks, made the car go side to side, and sped probably up to 100 miles an hour celebrating having me in the back seat. Prochaska told me that he was going to go back and "comfort" my wife when I was in lockup.

Steven G. Erickson, and then wife Rasa (a model that I met while traveling Europe) in a trip to Florida, months before my false arrest in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, for having a small business and dropping a dime on the Clintons using UN and rigged courts to wreck the country.
Vernon Rockville Court GA19 Prosecutor Beth Leming (Leaming?) said since all judges hated me because of my "category", which I assume are categories of Clinton enemies that I could get no deals for being attacked, just a year and half in prison, the highest fines and 3 years probation.
Leming said I could contact the USDOJ and confirm that I had no US Constitutional Rights because I am a White, Heterosexual, Mail. I eventually reached someone at the USDOJ, I have no rights unless I am willing to become a homosexual, or have my male organ changed from a post, to a hole. So, it seems the Clintons made the US Constitution null and void in all intents and purposes back in 1995 with their OKC Federal Building Bombing, Clinton Coup 1.0, and now [Clinton Coup 2.0].
Leming said since I was an arrogant heterosexual white male I should not be allowed to raise a daughter, and all self-employed people are criminals, think they are above the law and are a complete pain in the ass because as many times as she keep having me come back to court I won't lose my job and won't plea out. Leming told me if I didn't plead guilty, she see to it that I would spend the rest of my life in prison, or end up dead.
I can assume Leming's orientation, and political association.
I have been suffering what all of you are suffering just the last 5 since 1995.
Since I was a small business owner, a contractor, had a concealed carry pistol permit, and that I could be a potential leader after the US Constitution was declared null, and void, I was on the Clinton [Enemies List] and police caused my divorce, me being permanently estranged from my only daughter, losing my contracting business, home, rental properties, retirement, credit, the sum total of my life's work and my faith in the American Dream and any semblance of "Justice" in the US.
These same people want you to have no property rights, no free speech, have your children taken away on any excuse to be placed in the hands of pedophiles like [Peter Coukos], who police awarded with all my property for harassing and helping police get me imprisoned with intel, and you can get forced vaccinations, and wear a mask for the rest of your miserable life under UN Communist Chinese rule.
My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com
COVID Vaccine "Gain of Function" Exposed? [Direct Link to Video]
Robert Plant & Jimmy Page 'Gallows Pole' - Jools Holland Show 1994 BBC
Led Zeppelin - Black Dog (Live at Madison Square Garden 1973) (Official Video)
led zeppelin Dazed and Confused
Led Zeppelin - How Many More Times (Danmarks Radio 1969)
Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains the Same/The Rain Song - New York, July 1973
More exposure:
The Nazis attacked their government building to get unlimited funding, suspend their government constitution, and blamed Communists and all their enemies for the fire. Social Democrats and their UN sponsors like that formula. They bomb, stage school shootings, marathon bombings, pandemics etc until something sticks. We the People are just that gullible, fat, weak, and apathetic ...
[Click Here] for:
Did the FBI bomb the World Trade Center in 1993?

This is a World Trade Center tower in the process of being built, probably in 1968. This type of "over-building" a building would not result in it "collapsing" into itself almost no matter what, unless helped. If the FBI was responsible for supplying the bombing materials, the plan for bombing the World Trade Center buildings, for one to topple on the other, finding patsies to do the job, wouldn't they try again, AND be up to other black bag operations and citizen abuse?
The Kenosha (Wisconsin) Riots are a DISASTER for the Democrats as Leftists are DESTROYING Themselves!!! (Dr. Steve Turley, slide in to about almost 2 minutes to not have to listen to a collagen advertisement. This is yet another example of someone who gets attacked, or just because he, or she, isn't a Socialist Democrat, get nailed for legally for being the crime victim)
Will the entire US look like the below if Antifa, BLM, Communist Chinese and UN operatives, the (3) Clintons, the (4) Obamas, and all the traitorous, foreign funded agent provacateurs, a coup of the entire world, are sought, arrested, prosecuted, jailed, and in most cases, hopefully executed.
The Socialist Democrats will only do something about all the violence, riots, looting, arson, killing, and COVID Hoax if it is helping Trumps polling numbers because the Socialist Democrats are rightly being blamed for the chaos, mayhem, and the destruction of the US Economy and of the country itself.
Trump Announces Federal Deployment Into Kenosha To END Leftist Riots, Will Bolster National Guard [Timcast direct link to BitChute]
Text with video:
Trump Announces Federal Deployment Into Kenosha To END Leftist Riots, Will Bolster National Guard. Last night may have been the worst night we have seen yet and Trump is finally ending it.
Democrats have long defended or ignored the increasingly unhinged far leftist rioting and now its gone too far.
Last night saw two people have their lives ended and a third wounded. While Trump has long offered assistance, Democrats have rejected it each time.
This time however the tune is changing. Don lemon of CNN realizing that the riots were hurting Democrats said they can no longer ignore it and now pundits are outraged because the riots are helping Trump.
Instead of being outraged that people are hurt Democrats are concerned their poll numbers are bad.
White BLM Batsh*t Lawless Marxists attack fellow White BLM Batsh*t Lawless Marxists and will probably end up in prison for keeping themselves from being beaten, murdered, having their property occupied, looted, and/or burned down. Shame on them!!!???
Armed Couple Facing BLM Mob SPEAK OUT “We Were In FEAR OF OUR LIVES…The Agitators…WERE WHITE”!!! [Press for Truth video direct BitChute link] (uploaded June 29, 2020)
Text with video:
When an angry and unruly BLM mob trespassed onto private property homeowners Mark and Patricia McCloskey armed themselves to protect their lives and their property after the mob uttered threats that they would kill them. Mark and Patricia McCloskey are personal-injury lawyers who work together in the McCloskey Law Center in St. Louis. The couple is receiving both praise and criticism online: some people are supporting them for protecting their property. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth reads the couple’s official statements regarding what happened and why they did what they did as tensions are still escalating in the wake of the death of George Floyd.
Will the Left goes so crazy, so Left Wing Batsh*t Crazy that Moderates need to swing so far right to become radicalized in response to fight the Left as the Polar Opposite? ... I really hope not ...
One of Europe's Greatest Speaks on Cultural Marxism [Direct link to Rich Heskey] (Warning: Might be actual White Supremacist Racist Ideology)
This is why Creepy Uncle Joe Biden will lose if there aren't mail-in ballots where nothing will look legitimate no matter what ...
The End Of Democrats Using Systemic Racism To Get Votes? (Pt.1)| Rob Smith | POLITICS | Rubin Repo.. [Direct link to Rubin Report video on BitChute]
Text with video:
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Rob Smith a
gay and black conservative (Author, Always a Soldier) about how the
Democrats claims of systemic racism is wearing off on black voters,
Black Lives Matter’s priorities not representing most regular black
people and why African Americans are beginning to see through the
Democrats pandering about racism. Rob discusses the differences between
the perceptions of racism in America on social media and in the real
world. He worries that the exaggerating of racism by liberals is
increasing political polarization. Rob discusses the constant infusion
of race by the mainstream media into topics that have nothing to do with
race like the story of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis
couple who defended their home when Black Lives Matter protesters came
onto their private property. Rob shares how he went to college to be a
journalist and is able to see the way the media twists facts to suit
their narrative.
Is the state of US news driving you crazy? Does the coverage of political news rarely seem “fair and balanced”? Serious discussions on US politics is vital to having a healthy democracy. No matter what political party you belong to, we need to be able to hear a variety of political perspectives. Whether you majored in political science or just want to have a deeper understanding of the issues you’ll want to check out this playlist:
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Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors,..
Is the state of US news driving you crazy? Does the coverage of political news rarely seem “fair and balanced”? Serious discussions on US politics is vital to having a healthy democracy. No matter what political party you belong to, we need to be able to hear a variety of political perspectives. Whether you majored in political science or just want to have a deeper understanding of the issues you’ll want to check out this playlist:
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Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors,..
Watch: Tracking Hurricane Laura
FEMA official warns Hurricane Laura may bring 'unsurvivable surge'
House Dems open investigation into Pompeo's RNC speech
Hatch Act of 1939
The Hatch Act of 1939, An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is a United States federal law. Its main provision prohibits all employees in the executive branch of the federal government,[3] except the president and vice president,[4] from engaging in some forms of political activity. It became law on August 2, 1939. The law was named for Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico.[5] It was most recently amended in 2012.
[more from Wikipedia source]
'The Five' react to emotional moments from the Republican National Convention
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