Sh*t Hits Fan

The CIA, NSA, FBI, DoD, all alphabet agencies, law enforcement, and the entire US Justice System, mainstream media etc is controlled by a Dirty Tricks apparatus that uses analytics to identify and destroy Clinton and Obama enemies and use covert means to swing elections. Donald Trump has no idea how to use the apparatus needed to effectively govern, so the apparatus is out to toast him, and take down all the Clinton and Obama enemies in one swoop.
Whether you keep a job, lose your job, never work again, keep your family intact, are able to make financial transaction, who you will vote for, and whether you are allowed to exist, or not are fast becoming the AI run by the Clintons we all have most feared. As much as I am upset with Trump over his vaccine psychosis, I believe I will not live very long, will be tortured and killed, soon after a Democrat "win".
With the 2012 NDAA 100s of millions of tax dollars was given to DoD to propagandize the mainstream media and conduct covert operations to terrorize the public into willingly give up the US Constitution and submit to door to door gun confiscation and forced vaccinations.
From 2010, or before the DoD is funding its vendors to come up with contact tracing not to identify contacts for disease, but to go after political enemies, break up their families, financially ruin, silence, negate their votes, railroad to prison, and even torture and kill enemies based on their Chinese Communist Social Score.
Obama signed over censorship and control of the Internet to the UN. That is treason. If Trump had any stones the Obamas, the Clintons, and the rest of the coup conspirators would be under arrest and Trump would take over the spy apparatus, DoD, and be an actual leader telling all alphabet agencies what to do, and not the reverse. Trump, "Lead ... Bitch!"
Millie Weaver, her husband, and others were working on a film called "Shadow Gate" exposing what the Clintons and Obamas have done to dismantle America for profit, colluding with puppeteers in the UN, CDC, NIH, WHO, and collaborated with the Chinese Communists using our own apparatus to take us all down.
The film was undergoing final edits and then Millie was barefoot with her kids in her home and the FBI raided her house and took her away today.
Learn Why Infowars Correspondent Millie Weaver was Indicted by a Grand Jury
Image of Millie Weaver above was [found here]
This blogger's LiveLeak video upload channel [click here]
Backup posts:
Why do Joe and Kamala keep dodging press questions? 'The Five' weighs in (Is COVID just worldwide BS to give Leftist Democrats and the UN complete power?)
Ex-FBI lawyer to plead guilty in first criminal case arising from Durham probe: AP
Trump holds news conference at White House | 8/14/20
Hey, Trump the majority of the population does not trust Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the CDC, NIH, WHO, Big Pharma, and UN meddling. Why are you complicit in the BS. COVID is less than a regular Flu, don't be a douchebag!
No masks are needed anywhere in the world. No social distancing is needed anywhere. We should all just go back to the way things before COVID. There is more fraud and lies in the history of the world. You called BS on this from the beginning. Look at what these pirates did to your own son!
What They Don't Want You To See (Shadow Gate and the dismantling of the US Constitution ... A coup ... see it while you can ... )
DOCTOR’S PLEA: “STOP LIVING YOUR LIFE WITH FEAR” ("Masks are useless for preventing disease" - doctor)
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