Tom Fitton sharply criticizes the Durham probe
Should RICO be used against the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation?
Look at the fraud, racketeering, profiteering, obstruction of justice, assault on the American People, collusion with Communist Chinese Government, rigging elections like helping Hillary avoid prosecution, while manufacturing evident to go after Trump.
If there are those that should be in judgement of the FBI operatives, if judges, prosecutors, US Attorneys, the USDOJ, pretty much the whole state and federal judicial branches are Democrat hacks that are all part of the same coup collaborators to put the US in the hands of Chinese Communists, and the sleaziest of organizations, the UN?
We need to abolish the US Supreme Court to have a Supreme Grand Jury of (1) 4 year term jurors for all judicial branches. Current judges need their finances looked into for their treason. All judges should be fired nationwide. Gallows need to be built on the White House lawn for those found guilty in Nuremberg type trials in Washington DC.
Complete BS needs to be called on COVID due to the actual numbers of death, and the world opened back up to travel and trade.
Tom Fitton sharply criticizes the Durham probe
Satire with too much hint of truth:
[Click Here] for:
Human Meat can taste like Chicken, Lamb, or Beef with Bill Gates DNA altering Vaccine?

Sorry, a little gallows humor here ...
If elites like Bill Gates with UN UNESCO Agenda 30 to eliminate gasoline and diesel combustion engines, human driven vehicles, fossil fuel generated electricity, and so cows don't fart and and cause the planet to overheat with Global Warming, there are, and have been some pretty outrageous tinfoil hat conspiracy theory fodder proposed.
So, as many humans as possible need to be sterilized, and killed.
With DNA alteration, we are no longer considered human, have no rights, and maybe we can also be altered into smart devices with [nano biological material] to become a Smart Device for a cashless society on the WiFi 5G network.
Since there will be few farms and ranches left after the COVID Scam to get world average people to beg for vaccines for freedom and food, UN Agenda can be adopted for a cashless society run by Bill Gates, with Bill Gates block chain digital currency, and Bill Gates can alter our DNA to be programmable by WiFi, and the Bill Gates digital tattoo is your new world social security number giving you your new conditional identity as an inmate of the UN UNESCO New World Order.
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My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com
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