Kamilla the Gorilla to Execute Trump and ALL Supporters?

I have seen video clips where Kamala Harris is going to go after Trump supporters after she gets in as President when Biden transfers Presidency to Harris if he lives, or semi-coherent by swear-in, January 2021.
Statues being ripped down, the chant, "No USA at ALL," is the Leftist Democrat anthem.
If the UN/Chinese Communist/Leftist Democrat Cabal have their way, Trump will be as embarrassingly, and cruelly, tortured and executed ASAP.
Kamala Harris was polling about 1% with Democrats, Election 2020. Is it another bait and switch as with Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Hillary Clinton was cheating with super delegates, an earpiece to "win" debates with a panel of experts on issues to give Hillary the right answers in her ear.
Hillary Clinton was so hated by most of her own party, that Bernie Sanders was the actual popular choice.
As sad as it is, Bernie probably would have beaten Trump.
COVID was supposed to be released in 2016 with a Hillary Clinton US Presidency. There would be excuse for bursting the economic bubble, as a Federal Reserve Ponzi Scheme can only go on so long.
There would then have been monthly forced vaccinations with door to door gun confiscation going on from 2016, and the UN would be full control of all governments, and national sovereignty, free speech, property, and any other human rights, erased.
Antifa and BLM riots and behavior is only a small taste of what will be Kamilla the Gorilla, 2021. Disclaimer: I am not being racist calling Kamala something, I am just making the reader aware of what I am hearing on the streets of what Kamala is already being called before she is installed as US President.
Bill Clinton's monopoly on contract tracing will be used to round up all small business owners, independent journalists, and anyone who ever supported Trump or the Republican Party.
It is the spoils of their Communist Revolution to execute the losers except a vaccine will be quicker than the results of the 1917 Red Revolution in Russia sending enemies to Siberia to starve, freeze, and die in in Hillary Clinton style "Fun Camps".
Hillary Clinton will probably not try to install herself as President last minute before 2021 inauguration, as she and Bill already run the UN as co-world leaders with the help of the Communist Chinese Government.
In 1995, small business owners and farmers were the biggest enemies of the Clintons because none would "vote" for the Clintons, and would be most upset with it was realized that there was a secret Clinton Coup 1.0 and the US Constitution was suspended. [post with video]
All courts and alphabet agencies have been, more and more, out to barbecue Clinton perceived enemies, and small business owners, farmers, and anyone who would be a potential leader of a resistance when it is realized that the Clintons cancelled the US Constitution back in 1995.
As much as I am upset with Trump over Operation Warp Speed where as soon as any vaccine, monthly courses that cost more than the entire military budget for a year, each, to be administered by police squad and military goons, I know for sure I will be sent to camp and then executed under Kamilla the Gorilla.
Above photo was [found here], and is she Kamala Harris if she was born in either Jamaica, or India, with either of her parents, nationals of those countries?
Since 2010, or before, the military has been conducting operations to attack the American population inside the US, and the defense industry has been working on contract tracing and autonomous killer drones and robots.
Welcome to the roll out.
Terminator 2 - Opening Scene (HD)
Top 10 Best Terminator Kills
You probably won't experience the above if the Bill Gates' boast of his vaccine being extremely effective for "population control" are true, you will have already slowly, painfully died after getting the humanitarian and "Very Green" vaccine. You won't be causing cows to fart and destroy the atmosphere, and the elites will have free reign to plunder the planet for their enjoyment without the rest of us clogging the skies and roads.
The Godfather - Settling all family business
If Trump doesn't take care of his enemies as the fictional Michael character does in the Godfather II movie.
Because the Clinton got their Terrorism Bill Passed around 1995, I was a target for family break up, loss of my owned home, my firearms, and the closing of my contracting business, and family breakup to be permanently estranged from my only daughter because I was deemed by the UN infiltrated police, and UN rigged courts, where all alphabet agencies understood that people like me are enemies of the UN Communist Police State. It was launched 1995:
Federal Grand Juror Hoppy Heidelberg Exposes Oklahoma City Bombing False Flag Operation (1995)
Biden knew 'damn well' about spying on Trump campaign: Rep Nunes
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