All this BS is because Child Abductors want to cover their Butts ...

The Hollywood and Billionaire elites club have alternative secret lifestyles, with unimaginable decadence, and behaviors. There is no better way to blackmail someone with money, than to involve the target in child trafficking, sex with children pedophilia, and/or even watching the torture and murder of children.
The 2012 NDAA signed by Barack Obama allowed 100s of millions of taxpayer dollars to propagandize the mainstream media for political purposes and paved the way for taxpayer funded psy-ops such as school shooting drills going live, marathon bombing drill going live, a COVID Pandemic DRILL going live, etc. Barack Obama signed over the Internet to the UN UNESCO to censor those trying to expose the truth of the combined operation global coup that is currently going on.
Barack Obama allegedly gave the Chinese Communist Wuhan Germ Warfare lab a contagious, but mostly benign version, and an even more dangerous version, in 2015 for a total lock down of the world under a Hillary Clinton 2016 win for US President.
Hillary Clinton having an unsecured server, allowed all US secrets, operative names, their contacts in China and other countries to all be exposed, so China could be unstoppable in the spy game to have complete domination with their minions in the UN and Leftist Democrat Party reaping the most rewards at the expense to all of humanity.
Those with security clearances, in spy agencies, law enforcement, are in alphabet agencies directed by the worst mafia ever the international police and teachers union, war corporations, Big Pharma, the World Bank, UN officials, and the majority of UNESCO and other charities are involved in clandestine activities as [selling organs, kidnapping, sex slavery, pedophilia, selling adoptions, recruiting Clinton operatives as officially abducted children, money laundering, court case rigging], drug trafficking, forced vaccinations, erasing borders, and co-opting governments.
Mask hypnosis psychosis is all part of the race riots, BLM, Antifa, tearing down statues, and what has been unfolding since [the Clinton Coup 1.0 Oklahoma City Bombing] is ramping into full gear.
Did Jeffrey Epstein, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton use Meat Cleavers Killing Children after Raping them? [blog post]
Wearing a mask is your agreement to accept Chinese Style Communism, permanent lock down, the complete nullification of the US Constitution, permanent travel restrictions, and living as "Green" as possible in prison cities overseen by the UN.
With the BS pandemic children can be abducted and removed from families on any excuse. Courts of law are for all intents and purposes, closed. Judges, even if a very small percent, are involved in the profit and blackmail program of pedophilia, and most court cases are rigged anyway up to the Supreme Court. Any idea why whacked Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia who was allegedly going to let the cat out of the bag about being threatened to help fix the 2020 elections [post].
Wear a mask if you want 20 times worse treatment from November. Ask Trump to scrap the idea of Warp Speed forced police/military vaccinations where RNA vaccines have never been safe, or used, aren't effective, and can cause megadeath.
Refuse to wear a mask. Your US Constitution protects you if you demand it, and show that you are willing to fight to protect your God Given Rights. Refuse ANY vaccine. It is assault, or attempted murder if you don't want it. It is your body, it is your future.
Enough farmers with pitchforks can halt an army.
If you believe there is a Summer Flu season, you will believe anything. The actual deaths of COVID (Scary name for a FLU) is less than a normal Flu. It is about percentage of deaths, dumbass. If 98% of people have no symptoms, the tests aren't accurate, and no vaccine is needed for this ridiculousness, why are we all locked down, huh?
... oh, it is easier for elites to abduct children, and sell them in the highest numbers ever. A "COVID Sale of Children," prices the lowest ever for underage sex slaves!
Attack of the Corona Karens
Photo at top was found [here].
Melbourne has imprisoned it’s own people. Over the death of 7 elderly individuals - 4 aged 80+
I saw the embedded video in [this blog post], and noticed that blog in [this blog roll, and best source of COVID news].
My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com [My BitChute video upload channel]
Why would this blogger consider, seeking political asylum before November in Vietnam, Vladimir Putin's well run Russia, the Ukraine, Iceland, Portugal, Ecuador, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and about 10 other possible destinations? [Answer]
Alex Jones of Infowars is covering the same story from different sources, live right here, right now:
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