New Hampshire Opens Restaurants 100%
Is there a mask wearing connection with accepting pedophilia and the nullifying of the US Constitution? Accepting your inmate status, is wearing a mask because you were ordered to, not because you need one. Scroll down in post for video.

I am looking at and I see a story on how New Hampshire Restaurants are open 100%.
All of this could have been one big UN Leftist Democrat Chinese Communist plot to shut down the world to bring the world under their control.
Mail-in ballots are to steal the election or to contest legitimate results.
Force the compliance of UN UNESCO Agenda 2030 is the Socialist Agenda. Part of the Socialist Democrat agenda is to end personal transportation using combustion engines and electricity generated with fossil fuels. We have already gotten a taste of their envisioned Dystopia with the lock downs.
It is a good sign that restaurants are open 100% in New Hampshire.
It seems that Governor Chris Sununu is at least calling partial BS on the [COVID Scam].
The absolutely corrupt international medical cabals are holding out for $4000 a pop, vaccines, that have taken at least 7 years to develop, and most are still unsafe, where inexpensive therapeutics which allowed almost all cases to end up in recovery.
Bill Gates allegedly stole the original Window Operating System, and stiffed the real genius out of all the profits, who was then was battling cancer. There are reports where Bill Gates vaccines caused parallelization of 500,000 children in India.
If all those Bill Gates victims were in New Hampshire, it would be over 1/3 of the population harmed by being paralyzed. So, Chris Sununu, are you going to continue to force us to "communist distance", suggest the wearing of masks, and force us to take multiple harmful, ineffective, and either semi-lethal, or actually lethal injections part of yet another Bill Gates scam?
If there aren't the death percentages based on population, there is no Pandemic.
So, when was it a fraud?
So, why aren't there arrests, and prosecutions at least in New Hampshire? New York City area courts and law enforcement seem to only go after Hillary Clinton enemies, and not the perpetrators of the most disgusting harm to humanity.
It might be unconstitutional to perpetrate a fraud, and to require mask wearing. All out mask wearing might be causing lack of oxygen getting to citizen brains which led to a lot of single car crashes, possible fatalities, passing out, health problems, dental problems, and horrific breakouts of bacteria and/or fungus on faces.
How many suicides, early deaths, deaths from overdoses and alcoholism, deaths from those not catching cancer and other diseases in early stages died unnecessarily because of the SCAM? How many millions of child victims worldwide have died of starvation due to the SCAM?
Training college students that they are inmates, not citizens is criminal. It is just plain wrong.
If it is a BS Pandemic, students should not be required to only be able to frequent approved businesses, and stay within 4.5 miles of campus at some campuses, or be expelled. Are college students being trained how to live in what was a sovereign country, to exist as an inmate with a conditional identity in an open air prison co-run by the UN and Chinese Communists?
6' separation and masks for a BS Pandemic ... it is giving legitimacy to BS. Unconstitutional rules, or laws, don't need to be followed, or respected, by We the People. I don't recall electing that lying scumbag, Dr. Fauci.
Some Chinese cities are so polluted, and there is so much electronic background radiation, that there are no birds, and pets live short miserable lives if they don't end up on plates for their protein.
Citizens were dropping in the streets because of lack of Oxygen BEFORE the BS Pandemic.
Chinese city air can be just that bad BEFORE the BS Pandemic, and China doesn't follow any of the world regulations on clean air.
That's just another reason we should reject the Chinese Communist psy-op of being stripped of our humanity, having to be required to wear masks. It should be optional. If someone is afraid of dying, or getting sick, they can opt to wear a mask or self-quarantine.
If there isn't the percentage of death required to be a pandemic, or if death is less than the regular version of the Flu, there should be no mandatory testing, no mandatory vaccine, and there should be no restrictions on anything, especially travel, worldwide.
Governor Chris Sununu, good job on opening restaurants 100%, bad job on believing the lying scammers in the UN, NIH, CDC, Chinese Communist Government, and especially the bozos in the WHO World Health Organization.
All of the Medical Scammer alphabet agencies tried a BS Pandemic in 2010 with a Swine Flu with about 200 deaths worldwide. They called for a shut down and mandatory vaccines. Citizens in great numbers don't trust the annual Flu vaccine because they rarely get the right versions in the shot, it weakens immunity and makes you sick, and doesn't seem to prevent anything. Those who cry wolf should not be given a second chance to call "wolf".
So, if elected officials only represent the hand over fist profits of vaccine makers, not the citizens for the taxes, what should citizens do?
We need a new political party, the US Constitution Party.
It would be obvious what this political party would be about.
I, myself, would run in a special election to replace that shrew, [Governor Janet Mills] for her crimes against humanity, and for felony risk of injury of children, the number of counts are the number of children in the State of Maine. It is a shame what has been done to small business and life in general, in the State of Maine.
Upper State New York should saw itself off the infected part, all around New York City, and becomes a State itself, New Amsterdam. I would be more than glad to run for Governor of that new state as a US Constitution Party Candidate.
Donald J. Trump was asked by a reporter what he thought of the conspiracy theory that he was going to save the world from Satanic Pedophiles ... Well, prosecute the Obamas and Clintons (all 3 of them) for their coup, and high crimes and misdemeanors. The Clintons, all 3 of them should be executed just for what they had done to Haitian Children while looting the country.
The Obamas tried to destroy the Trump Presidency before it even started, not giving up the levers of power, especially in their Clinton style rigging of all courts and investigations, should immediately be arrested, perp walked, mugshots taken, fingerprints taken, and it should be a worldwide video expose seeing the prison door slam in front of their faces.
My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com
My video uploads on BitChute are [found here].
Reasons the UN, international teacher's and police union, and especially anything Communist Chinese, should be kicked out of the US ASAP. This is the mentality of your current captors:
Pedo Groomers From Hell
I placed the below comment in [this Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog post]:
The #1 reason I think the world is in the situation it is in, is in the US, federal employees who take in the paperwork for taxpayer funded research can file a patent to make other insiders millions, or billions.
When you add in more corruption, alphabet agencies, and all courts corrupted after the Clintons got their Terrorism Bill passed in 1995 after they paraded pictures of toddlers blown up in a Federal Building OKC, no civil or criminal case against the Clintons, or any of their friends would even land. The only persecuted parties were listed as enemies of the Clintons, mostly small business and anyone who was religious and supported the family unit.
So, someone who own nothing of the research that taxpayers fund, can make millions, to even a trillion with their friends for having the pieces of papers pass through their hands. There is a lot wrong with that if I have to wear a mask, and take a shot that I don't want, because they use our taxes to make us monkey dance until we all die.
Judges are the #1, they are the last vestiges of royalty. The will use a secret language so that the King, or Queen, will never be seen as wrong, and own everything along with a select few. I don't advocate violence, but if a member of the Black Robed Mafia is hanging from the nearest tree, I won't shed a tear, or give a second glance, as I smirk and walk on my way.
Not all judges are bad. The ones who allegedly the worst ... and if there is proof, with actual evidence, the very small percent, who witness the most horrific acts on children possible, to have a secret to share with each other, and will act with each other for a criminal purpose, need to be rooted out as they make the whole barrel rotten.
The Photo at top of page was [found here].
Critics slam de Blasio for having ‘no plan’ for return of indoor dining (Look at Democrat Run New York City, NYC. Are Democrats purposely wrecking the United States of America? New York City might not be viable ever again)
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