Thursday, November 12, 2020

Dems want Communist Style Spoils of War: Blacklist, Starve, Torture, Put in Camps, Kill

Already millions of electronic votes that were for Trump were transferred to Biden. Trump votes were shredded, burned, and just disqualified. 100s of thousands to millions of votes just for Biden were in cargo planes landing all over after midnight to make the difference to squash Trumps landslide. Any Democrat elected in the last "election" is questionable. 

The metrics don't make sense to me. I didn't see any Biden bumper stickers or signs until the last 3 weeks and I drive up to 8 to 10 hours a day, all day, on all types of roads. There were no really Biden events, and when there were, was anyone attending. I saw 10s of thousands at Trump events. I have heard more Democrats than ever saying they want to vote to Trump to keep their job, gasoline car, their home, their family, and not be locked down in a nightmare that will never end with Biden. 

With the suppressing of the vote with the media being one sided, justice being one sided, courts being one sided, and anyone who supported Trump had to worry about being arrested, going to prison, having their family broken up, being beaten up, killed, and their families bankrupted. 

This "election" seems more like a coup, a war. The UN, China, and the Socialist Democrats seems to be bent on eliminating the Republican Party, and killing anyone who opposes Communism. 

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger on Health News claims the CIA has been involved to give the Democrats millions of votes. Why would they do this? 

Trillions of tax dollars are going out to who, and for what? 

Barack Obama allegedly gave billions of taxpayer dollars to the DoD with the 2012 NDAA where your money is used to propagandize all media, all social media, allow the Communist directives of the United Nations UNESCO and China to decide who gets installed in elected position. 

Those who are chosen to allow insiders to make the most amount of money, collect the most amount of children for pedophilia purposes, traffic the most amount of drugs, take the most amount of wealth from rightful owners, and kill all those who do not want to live as service staff in 10' x 20' prison housing.  

Many Democrats, including AOC want all Trump supporters, and all that aren't Marxist lined up, shot, and thrown in a ditch. 

Those who have lied, stole from you, have had tantrums, inspired and have you fund forest fires, looting, beatings, riots, malicious prosecutions and investigations of their perceived enemies, lock downs, face masks, foot shortages, and the shutdown of civilized society. 

Those who are batshit crazy, have committed crimes against humanity and/or treason need to be the ones who are lined up against the wall, not us. I, myself, just want to be left alone. But, it seems the UN doesn't want small business owners, farmers, or any private use of land or ownership of anything. 

If they brag they are going to kill me, you, and we should just wear a mask, lock down, and wait for a vaccine that might be fatal in days, or longer, should we just keep appeasing Leftist Psychopaths. 

Donald J. Trump, his whole family, and anyone remotely related to him will be dragged out into the streets, stripped naked, tortured and violated in the most medieval ways. Hillary Clinton seems to take special pleasure in her opponents to be repeatedly knifed in the anus with a bayonet.

That is how the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi got it. 

I don't know why the families of so many of those Hillary Clinton is responsible for killing, especially in the CIA, DoD, NSA, FBI etc are okay with her wanting to do the same to them, and yet they continue to protect her ... 

Gaddafi pissed off the World Bank by making his nation independent of the UN, World Bank, and Deep State, and was to have an African currency based on petroleum, mineral and other wealth of Africa.  

The Communist Director of the Deep State, Hillary Clinton, Communist China, and the World Bank can't have that. 

It seems that Hillary Clinton takes the most pleasure in as much mayhem, chaos, and death as is possible. 

Communist Chinese, and puppeteers of the UN, and anyone who is into anything organized crime, or take over the world in any kind of war, or conflict, Hillary Clinton didn't have an authorized, secure server to do business with the rest of the world against American interests. 

Allegedly make a very big donation to CGI, Clinton Global Initiative, and any information can be up on Hillary Clinton's private server and then easily hacked. 

Those who protect Hillary Clinton know that she got 10s of thousands of CIA, other operatives, and any families, business owners, farmers, transport, contractors, or anyone that was associated with those who were on lists of names of those working for American interests were tortured, and killed all over the world. 

Clinton on Gadhafi and Sons (Notice how much pleasure Hillary takes in death and those trying to escape with thier lives. If Trump lets Hillary have her way, and leave office, she will make the entire world her bitch. Hillary is really an 800 pound gorilla out to wipe out 95% of us)

The Health Ranger Report Daily News Update Nov. 12, 2020 [Mike Adams, the Health Ranger on Natural News]

Photo up top was [found here]. 



Hannity's message to media mob, Big Tech: Be careful what you wish for (Hannity will be one of the first targets that the Dems will drag and take care of in the street, BLM Antifa style)

FULL SHOW - TUCKER CARLSON - NOV 12 2020 [Direct link to video] (Under Biden all who wanted, conspired to get, and profited from, the lock down will be part of the Biden team as a reward. Open borders and taxpayers to fund the new residents who will come in droves.)


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