Sunday, September 13, 2020

China's Manifest State of War? Why are US Governors then doing what China says?

If a leader prepares his people using Chinese State Media, and is taking official actions to track, harass, and get foreign nationals out of China after demonizing them to the Chinese general public, wouldn't that signal intent?

Let's say in the case of COVID, if there is circumstancial evidence that Chinese Communists planned to get their people, and house in order to go to war with the planet. Should the UN UNESCO, health organizations, Socialist Democrats, and 6 Hollywood owned movie studios and Mainstream media be trusted when they are part of acts of war?

Shouldn’t those responsible for funding, coordinating, and getting rid of legal, public, investigative, and reporting opposition, to decimate the enemies in a war? 

What has the UN been doing to the countries in EU for decades? 

The UN shipped the 3rd World military age men into countries like Germany to attack in ways to destroy the family, community, general self-esteem, of a nation to all rape and riot gangs to operate with civil, and criminal immunity. Those who complain online, in public, or report this UN criminal activity to authorities in courts, town hall, or to political officials, elected and otherwise, the “mouthy” citizen is “taught” a lesson. 

That is a lessen I learned after connecting the Clinton Coup 1.0 Chinese Communist UN collaboration from, or before 1995. I was nearly murdered, was beaten repeatedly, officially barbecued, financially ruined, family broken up, and railroaded to prison. Connecticut State Police told me that this was their purpose BEFORE they did this to me and pretty much every business owner not Mafia or town hall affiliated in Stafford Springs, Connecticut. 

I mainly saw what an event like the OKC Federal Building Bombing could do to the UN Constitution, and benefiting drug and sex trafficking pedophile pandering CIA whore operatives like the Clintons could benefit. 

It took seem babies blown up and burned for the Clintons to get domestic terrorism bill passed. The Communist leaning Clintons made a deal with the devil, the UN run by Communists, and China. The number one thing all these tyrants hate is the general public mobility, independent journalism, citizens have property, privacy, medical, and basic human rights. 

Family farmers, the self-employed, and family farmers were caught up in the purge, now all of you are. 

In 1995, in Stafford, Springs, Connecticut, police were hiring vandals, prostitutes, drug dealers, gang members, and criminal dirtbags on probation for confidential police informant duty, to break into police enemy targets, to plant evidence, steal legal guns, cash, and and assets of those police were told by the UN, and the Clintons, those who are enemies when there is door to door gun confiscation, forced inoculations after it was announced that the US Constitution was permanently null, and void. 

One person died of COVID died in Italy to start the dominoes worldwide to take China’s invisible Pearl Harbor attack hook, line, and sinker. 

Are ALL US Governors that stupid, everyone of them across the US?

The WHO and CDC were putting out statements after decades of research the masks are only necessary during surgical procedures in a “clean room” by professionals. Farts, smoke, and body odor can easily be smelled through a “dust mask”. It is mass mask psychosis. 

There simply isn’t enough death, the real numbers, to justify all this. Shouldn’t PBS, CNN, and others be looked into for spreading enemy propaganda to destroy America. Should those who conspired with the UN, Clintons, Obamas, and Communist Coup of the US, and World ALL be rounded up and tried for their crimes. 

Why not call, email, telephone, and repeat to all US Governor, your elected officials, and anyone who will join you in a mass, worldwide protest to dismantle the UN, and quarantine, blockade, and punish China into the Stone Age.


My videos on [Live Leak], on [Bitchute]


Bill Gates Baby Head Smashing Hammers For Sale? [Direct Link to Video]

Text with video:

The truth of what is going on might be much worse:

Pedophilia, Netflix "Cuties", and the truth about the COVID Hoax, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Michelle and Barack Obama, and the treason to collude with UN UNESCO and the Chinese Communists to end small business, independent journalism, Free Speech, vacation travel for average people, combustion engines, and mass genocide to accomplish UN Agenda 21 and 2030 is best revealed in this Alex Jones, Infowars video:

The international teachers union promoting transvestite "story time" is just one reason that the international union should be kicked out of the US, and every other country.

The reasons provided in the link at top, is why I might want to seek political asylum and/or retire, work, and live out my life outside the US. I would consider Vietnam, Ukraine, Sicily, Italy, Greece, Russia, Croatia, Serbia, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, El Salvador, Ecuador, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, or any country that wants to arrest, and prosecute the Obamas, Clintons, Bill Gates, Dr. Tony Fauci, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg anyone associated with UN UNESCO, Big Pharma, Monsanto, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve and their NWO criminal minions.

Wearing a face mask, social distancing, and complying with anything that is the COVID-19 is supporting the biggest genocide in the history of the world, and volunteering, if you survive the vaccine that dumbs you down, changes your DNA, and helps prepare you to be a better slave for the UN UNESCO and Chinese Communist China.

The contact tracing czar, Bill Clinton, will see to it that if you ever supported Donald J. Trump for President in 2020, insulted Xi Ping aka Winnie the Pooh, and are anti UN and antivaxxer no masker you will be tracked down to be put in a concentration camp, starved, and/or immediately killed. 

COVID-19 is a UN Chinese Communist WHO World Health Organization CDC Center for Disease Control PSY-OP for world domination and for the biggest mass murder in the history of the world, making Uncle Joe Stalin and Adolf Hitler look like mere chumps when it comes to mass murder.

You see all sorts of BLM Black Lives Matter, and Anifa signs. I don't see Joe Biden for President political signs, but donating to the BLM or Antifa probably is a direct campaign to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.



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