Billionaire Bad Boys Club is going to Walk All OVER YOU ...

Chinese Communist Social Score, Chinese Censorship technology, and Billionaires are out to allow corporations to own their customers as slaves the world over, can you see it?
Show opposition to Chinese Communism, UN UNESCO, the Chinese infiltrated health organization propaganda campaign for a world coup, or challenge any Green Mafia UN UNESCO, Marxist, Socialist, Communist Left post, posters, ideology/rhetoric, get shadow banned, banned, censored, targeted, contact traced.
In future, you will be eliminated. Mark Zuckerberg wants America assimilated.
Age 4, 1968, my North Dakota farmer grandfather broke it down for me.
Without mentioning my Monsanto globalist UN and corporate KGB operative father, out to dismantle the US Constitution, property rights, and independent journalism, a world destructor, by name.
My grandfather just mentioned that the most evil thing I could do to harm America was to work for a chemical company (also Big Pharma). Pesky freedom gets in the way, the World Bank and corporations want to rule their customers as slaves with Chinese Communism as a model. My grandfather also mentioned Russian Communists, and that what is happening now was slated to happen before, or on the year 2000. Seems the globalist's timeline is off 20 years.
My father somehow knew that my grandfather was educating me. My father told me that there is an old Chinese proverb, "A blade of grass that grows above the others is seen, then cut down." My father was meeting with Chinese operatives who were aligning with corporations to take down the US Constitution, and government incrementally from my earliest memories.
My father also traveled to China untold numbers of times.
My father didn't want me going to college, or in talking to other people.
I was working 3rd Shift in 1983 to pay for college, where I suspect my father, or his 2nd wife, calling the college to say I was a terrorist, with "radical ideas" was armed and dangerous. I wasn't, and am still not.
I was walked off campus in 1983 just before exams.
Campus security walked me to the Dean's office before walking me off campus.
I was told that I was not allowed on any college campus, that I was never allowed to re-apply to any college, and that if I spoke out in public about large corporations, or what was happening to me, that the FBI would detain me for the rest of my life. I found out that those like my father were a version of a Corporate CIA, and could permanently blacklist a citizen to be constantly harassed by the system, police, the courts, and whose life would be dismantled, or eliminated, at any opportunity.
This is what COVID is all about. This targeting of individuals who connected the dots, now applies to all of you, worldwide who aren't part of what will be the most massive genocide in the history of the world. Antifa and BLM recruits are just the most recent useful idiots, modeled after Green Peace. Act of War, and any sorts of crimes against humanity are okay if the cut-outs and minions are out for social justice or "protecting the environment", are often not even arrested, and if they are, get released without bail, or the least punishments and fines.
Fines and punishments are most severed for the self-employed and small business owners. Just ask the Korean-American shop owners, the first arrested for keeping their businesses and home from being burned and looted during the aftermath of the LA Riots, or the New York City Bodega owners who served the needs of the public in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy where Wal-Mart and corporate America want the single sales of $12/gallon milk at one Bodega to end small Mom and Pop Shops in New Jersey, New York City, and worldwide if the mainstream media could get away with it.
The movement which became Secular Humanism was first a corporation campaign to rid the world of small business and the self-employed, as we were deemed enemies of the corporate plan to become the world government, and all would live under corporate rule with no rights.
Sometime after the birth of my youngest sister, Michele, October 27, 1970, we lived in Ludlow, Massachusetts. My sister Jennifer had a best friend Briana, whose father, a carpenter was Wally Henderson. Jenn was born October 1965. I was born February 1964.
My father was embarrassed by me as he never wanted me, and is probably only reason he married my mother is that he knocked her up and had to get married in a Fargo, North Dakota, basketball gym before reluctantly taking my pregnant mother in tow to Cleveland, Ohio, where my father got a job for a Chemical Company in 1963. My mother is short, somewhat plain, and doesn't have a Playboy Centerfold Body. Because of that, I have suffered from my earliest memories at the hands, and twisted psychological abuse, and retaliation on me because he blamed me for his horrific childhood, not wanting me to have better, but worse.
My father would pick me up by my neck, shake me and choke me from my earliest memories, and at age 3 bowled me down the cellar stairs, just for being withing sight when he got home from work. I was also punished if I wasn't in sight to punish when he got home. Because of this, I wasn't comfortable in my own skin, up until July before last, giving up my lifetime anger addiction, eliminating the tape loop in my head of all the cruel, globalist insults my father drilled into my head of what a piece of crap that I am, and always will be. It is him, not me, that is one of the biggest pieces of crap in the history of the world.
My father wanted me to live in the cellar, and asked Wally Henderson to build me basement bedroom, age 6, to hide me as much as possible. My father never wanted me to go to restaurants, eat at the family dinner table, family vacations, and to visit extended family in Minnesota and North Dakota reunions as I wasn't his, my genetics only came from my "idiot townie mother," and I wasn't his. Unfortunately I look mostly like him.
Even in 1970 there were laws of egress where a window large enough to get out during a fire was law. My father didn't care. Wally wouldn't charge for the job, and gave my father a list of supplies to buy, because Wally didn't want his name on it.
Wally had a very sexy ginger haired wife could have been in Playboy Magazine. Maybe somewhat like this:

Above photo was scraped [from here].
My father got upset with Wally that he wouldn't work for free for my father every weekend because he thought of himself as "such an important man, and everyone else had to respect him and do whatever he said." My father would literally drool when he saw Wally's wife telling his friends that she must give the most amazing oral sex. My father said to his friend while drunk, that he should have her because he was so much better than Wally, and that if I hadn't ruined his life, he could have fun.
My father got more and more angry was calling police, telling his Monsanto friends that Wally should be targeted. He would say that Wally's wife was too sexy for him, and would go off daily, and could take his focus off of getting Wally back for my father's perceived Bipolar Corporate KGB insulted ego.
Wally shouldn't own a house because he was a swindler because no boss or corporation talking head was telling him what to do. Wally should not be making enough money to afford a house and such a nice wife, and shouldn't be allowed to be in his 2 daughters' lives. His family should be broken up and some excuse should be made for Wally to go to prison. My father was on yet another successful mission ruining a family, and small business owner, a Monsanto executive sport, and right of passage to be always be involved in, until all vermin can be eradicated.
What was informal, might have become official as [Infragard], the Corporate KGB, after 9/11.
The police were after Wally, so Wally couldn't work, drive around, his wife divorced him and his family was broken up. All because he did a favor for a bleephole, my father. My father did all he could to ruin anyone with a small business, or was self-employed that he could while smiling in their face pretending to be their friend. With my father and globalists like him, no good deed goes unpunished.
Mafia thugs in town were afraid of offending my father, and actually looked at him as having more Mafia seniority than even those who were bosses and Captains in the Mafia.
Wally was also bad in my father's eyes, bad, because Wally treated with me respect. My father was trying to get me nailed by authorities and to dismantle my life, just as he did Wally, before I was even out of the house. This is how a globalist probably views you, your way of life, and wants to burn you down as well in the same way.
Globalists like my father especially hate the Christian religion and my father wants it wiped out.
My father is high up in the [Secular Humanism non-religion], and wrote a book with a title that might be, "My invisible friends," that makes fun of Jesus Christ as being some sort of phantom that only the lowest IQ working class scum believe in.
These "idiots" should worship the intelligence and policies of "the most intelligence, and reasonable" superior beings, like my father. My father actually said, "I am the most reasonable, and intelligent person that I know. If you don't agree with me, you are crazy, no one should listen to you, and you should be locked up in a mental institution or prison for life."

The above picture is of me and my then wife Rasa in 1995. I met her on one of my trips to Europe.
My father would tell every girlfriend, or friend of mine, who would talk to them, asking them "what is wrong with you that you would hang out and talk to Steve?"
My father told me I wasn't allowed to continue to have contact with my only daughter, Sarah, be married, own a home, or to be allowed to be outside a prison cell if I didn't work for a company that he arranged the job for me. My father, a control freak, wanted me to be answerable to him for when I went on vacations, where I went, and what I was allowed to say, or do. From earliest age my father would tell me when I had to go the bathroom, whether I had to, or not, screaming at me at the top of his lungs, even as an adult to randomly go to the bathroom when he wanted me to go.
My daughter Sarah, picture below, is who my father helped arranged prison for me to have me permanently estranged from after I resisted being mugged in my dark driveway ending the potential stabbing of me by "overreacting" using pepper spray:

From 1995, my father, and/or his 2nd wife allegedly called police, dog wardens, health inspector, building inspector, tax departments, any friends, anyone I was associated with, or worked for to help go after me, not associate with me, or listen to me because they considered me crazy.
I got a Connecticut 1/4 (3 month) bill for a $160,000 which was my equity in my houses at that time, so I would have had to made millions of dollars in 3 months painting and wallpapering, for 3 months to owe that much sales tax. I was charged for multiple towns for the same vehicles, otherwise my driver's license would be suspended. The dog warden, health inspector, building inspectors, and every imaginable town, state, and federal agency was after me at the same time.
Peter Coukos, Stafford Springs, Connecticut boasted that he helped get 4 to 8 year olds for the CIA sex trade, so he was "untouchable", could do whatever he wanted, and worked for the Connecticut State Police, said that they determined that I must have about $30,000 cash, and I either had to give that to him (them), or I would be permanently estranged from my only daughter, and spend the rest of my life in prison. Police rewarded Coukos for also physically attacking me, and helping railroad me to prison.
After the OKC Federal Building Bombing, the perceived enemies of the Clintons, small business owners, the self-employed, and those who supported family farmers after 1995 suffered the wrath of the Clintons with tax dollars being used to fund UN UNESCO programs to eliminate small business, family farming, the US Constitution, national borders, and mouthy citizens and would be independent journalists like me. So courts and policing was out to target individuals like me.
You can all enjoy family break up and financial ruined, as these same people engineered the COVID Hoax to hijack your freedom and award your children, especially white ones for pedophilia, sex slavery, and Satanic Sacrifice, basically that is what the UN UNESCO is a front for.
My proof that policing and courts are skewed against the small business, the self-employed, or those who would be leaders of the opposition when the US Constitution is officially suspended.
After all the decades my father and his wife have been out to leave scorched earth under my feet, I thought I was going to die of Chronic Lyme Disease in 2016.
I was on crutches, couldn't walk, and was in so much pain for 3 weeks I couldn't get out of bed much, except to go to the bathroom. During those 3 weeks, losing 30 pounds, the only thing on my bucket list was to tell my father and his wife what I thought of them.
I wrote in a letter that the only C-Word person, worse than my father and his 2nd wife, is Hillary Clinton.
For that 2016 letter sent to Massachusetts from New Hampshire, I am barred from traveling in Massachusetts, unless I notify police before crossing the border, am not allowed to have any weapons for the rest of my life as they can be confiscated, and my father's 2nd wife got a Lifetime Restraining Order on me in 2020 with no court notification for me to dispute the lies, start to finish, that were written in a form. A Palmer, Massachusetts, Court Judge says that I can't dispute the order and no hearing for me to challenge order will be allowed.
What a BS Leftist Scumbag, Judge!!!???
So, with that on my record, based on a Leftist [C-word snipped] and my father's Corporate KGB lies, I can't pass a background check to get most jobs, rental opportunites, and possibly can't legally be on social media or on dating sites.
The Corporate KGB and Left run the international police union, teacher's union, all courts, all alphabet agencies, and are in cahoots with UN UNESCO and the Communist Chinese.
These same people have declared on all of you average people too all over the world with the riots, COVID Hoax, all the censorship, and PSY-OPS to end travel, self-employment, family unity, basic human rights, medial choice, your fertility, and ability to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, too ...
Hopefully Trump will wake up, pardon those like me caught up in the Left's witch hunt, and not buy Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerbergs, George Bezos, the (3) Clintons, (4) Obamas, and so many Socialist Democrats want to do to humanity with the a harmful vaccine to commit global genocide and put survivors in UN UNESCO Chinese Communist worldwide slavery.
erickson_77 at hotmail dot com
My video upload [on LiveLeak] on [BitChute].
Tucker: Democrats, fires and the climate misinformation campaign
AC/DC - Walk All Over You (Official Video)
Mark Zuckerberg photo up top was [found here].
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