Joe Biden as Max Headroom?

With social distancing, looming monthly forced vaccinations, the censorship, and the 100s of millions of tax dollars spent on psychological operations and propagandizing the mainstream media, we are inmates in an electronic gulag.
With the passage of the 2012 NDAA the US Defense Department had 100s of millions of dollars to do whatever they wanted to expand. The most evil people can green light even the most outlandish plans. That is why America was shut down and is a pre-warzone.
Is Joe Biden's campaign slogan just plagiarized from UN climate change documents and initiatives? [WMD post]
"Build Back Better" might be the mantra of UN puppet leaders worldwide.
The architects of starvation and the mass culling of the 3rd world, and dismantling the road block, the US Constitution are mostly not showing their faces. The exception are the Clintons, all 3 of them. 1995 is the year the Clintons launched all out war on their biggest enemies, small business, independent journalism, and the US Constitution.
In the future, there will probably only one way electronic contact from our beloved leader.
The Crazy Bizarre History of Max Headroom: TV Star, Icon, Pitch Man, Pirate
On Max Headroom: The Most Misunderstood Joke on TV
Image at top of this post, [found here]
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