COVID is a SCAM for Chi-Coms UN Dems to Flood the Ballot Boxes with fake Mail-in- Ballots
Alex Jones is reporting as I type this, that the Kentucky elections were flooded with 100s of thousands of mail-in-ballots. Dead cats, dead relatives, and Republicans from other states "voted" with mail-in-ballots in Kentucky. Jones says that all over the country, and left in piles in Democrat strongholds, all sorts of fake mail-in-ballots to fix the 2020 US Presidential Election. It Trump doesn't immediately arrest all the perps, including the last 2 pairs of co-presidents, he has no stones, and is pandering to the swamp.
[Alex Jones videos]
I ask Alex Jones for a job [here].
Cellphone Prisoners in an Electronic Gulag, USA
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The CDC and UN can censor social media, and the news, we are occupied. The CDC is known to be a stealth Chinese operation to to destroy American small business, and the USA itself. The Coravirus was designed to infect the US with Chinese Communism.
The Chi-Coms seem to be having complete success due to the main traitors: the Obamas, the Clintons, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, etc.
An Israeli Intelligence Operative complete scumbag [Michael Chertoff] had great success forcing body scanners on us. It took one "underwear bomber", to change how we fly forever.
One patsy without proper ID with a lame bomb in his underwear put on a plane by an intelligence operative changes how the world flies forever.
Chertoff, a foreign national was head of Homeland Security and NYC prosecutor was a large investor in a body scanning device company. Chertoff's scam netted him 100s of millions. Bill Gates is pulling a bigger version of what Chertoff did.
Y2K Psychology of Citizens in Hysteria, a roadmap to the CORONAVIRUS DRILL to get global vaccine compliance. Real ID laws coincides with the deadline of a 2005 UN/CDC document with 77 plus country signatories. The gag order of 2005 would prevent Trump from letting the cat out of the bag about the DRILL.
With the 2012 NDAA legislation 100s of millions of dollars can be paid to mainstream media pundits and outlets to propagandize the media for political purposes, tell complete lies with immunity, AND to conduct psychological operations on the American public inside the USA. If there is one document suspending the US Constitution, that is it.
Saudi Arabian Intelligence allegedly have been set loose before 9/11 to go after, and even kill independent journalists who disrupt the Puppeteers of the UN from taking over the world. In the US, other country's spy agency have been used continuously since the Clinton Coup 1.0, the [1995 OKC Federal Building Bombing].
Using the same Dr. Fauci logic, the vaccine program should be completely shut down until there is no more Autism and there are no more sudden infant deaths and traumatic injury due to out of control numbers, and types of vaccines.
Why should criminal billionaire anarchists bent on communism for all be given criminal and civil immunity for crimes against humanity? What benefit has the UN or the CDC been to Americans if they are stealth occupiers?
Using the Nancy Pelosi edict that anything that had anything to do with slavery needs to be torn down or banned. That means since the Democratic Party had ties to slavery and the KKK, it should be dismantled and banned in the USA.
If federal law is complete rigged BS, maybe states should take the control they are guaranteed in the US if governors of each state belief in their oath to their office and to honor and defend the US Constitution. I would like Trump to honor his oath of office.
I would like you to contact New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu to ask his attorney general to try and talk sense into Trump, and then go after all the perps mentioned above for violating all New Hampshire residents for a class action civil suit, and criminal proceedings against the defendants, and have the remedy of absolutely no vaccines in New Hampshire until the problem for megadeath and traumatic injuries to countless victims is addressed.
I ask that the UN, CDC, and international teachers and police unions be investigated for collusion with China and with powers bent on destroying the United States of America. If Trump has any stones he would drone bomb the UN in New York City and hit George Soros wherever that lizard resides. Please throw in Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates for good measure.
I hope Governors of US States will re-adopt the US Constitution and stop this lock down for billionaires and Chinese Communist Government benefit. It is madness.
I have read, or viewed a report where Serbia had 13 COVID deaths. Serbia is a country of 7,000,000 had lock down and curfews, and obviously there should be no restrictions on anything there. It took 2 mouths of massive protests at the capital to just to start getting some of the restrictions lifted on weekends. The BS is "cases" when it should be all about the real mortality numbers based on the entire population.
There is fraud in testing and treatment, so it is a total scam. How would you like the local Mafia to hold you prisoner in your own home until you pay a ransom on yourself to go outside, work, socialize, enjoy your significant other, have access to your children and/or travel etc? Well Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci are doing just that. Those who are "selling you something for their own gain", should not be holding you hostage until you buy. That is a scam. That is a crime.
Email, write, and call New Hampshire Governor Sununu's office, follow up, and do the same without all your local, state, and federal elected officials. Only 1 in 10,000 actually contact an elected official 3 ways and then follow up for an answer. So you 1 voice can become 10,000
Silence signifies acceptance. If you don't want a permanent lock down and to have less rights than peasants living on a Land Lords land in medieval times, where you were his property, not much above livestock, act now or forever be silenced as tyrants in the future will do more than rip out your tongue with a big pair of pliers.
If there isn't Nuremberg type trials and punishments this will only continue and the world will be on permanent lock down for average people until the world is "green" and there are very
The Clintons instituted their own version of the "Hitler Youth" after the [1995 OKC Federal Building Bombing].
[my BitChute Video Channel]
Correction for below video, mortality for El Salvador COVID is .00006, not .0006, if you have a 100% chance of dying mortality # is 1. If 1 in 10, it is .1
[Back ground to all the above, posts]. my email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com
Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills (Official Video)
Picture at top of page was [found here]
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