Is Donald J. Trump too compromised to fight back?
Impactful videos below, scroll down in post

It isn't so much what religious institutions, it is what they aren't doing. A lot now is paralleling the 1917 Red (Communist) Revolution in 1917. Religion, small business, independent journalism, free speech, property rights, public owning firearms, deciding where a citizen resides, and even deciding what one does for an occupation was the purview of the Communist Coup of Russia, 1917 and on.
Before the USA was a nation and there was just a landing of the "White Man" on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts, it was about religious freedom.
If there was a massive amount of civil disobedience obeying unjust edicts of a too "Fat" Government. A Massachusetts State Trooper can make over a million dollars a year. There are mundane paper pushing officials making $800,000 a year.
The government critters, police etc., all get paid, whether they show up for work, or not. They have been such parasites, we the people were going to ask for an accounting. We the People pay all their salaries and they shut the tap off, we'll see how that works out for them. I am not saying all our bad, but at the day of posting this, most of them ...
Since the foundation of the United States is the FREEDOM of religion. That means ANY religion is not supposed to be suppressed, or interfered with. ALL these institutions acting together can break this illegal coup of the world.
Wherever there is the most corruption, there seems to be pedophilia, sexual abuse, kidnapping, torture, and murder. These general ingredients haven't changed in centuries. UN "charities" should be looked into 100%, and any financial transaction with anyone in the UN should looked into for crimes against humanity.
Xi Ping seems to have dodged a bullet. His rein is mismanagement and incompetence 101. Other Chinese leaders were starting to emerge to do something about his being such a f'ing idiot, the real meaning of Winnie the Pooh. Did Winnie the Pooh help cause the biggest smokescreen in the history of the world?
Xi Ping can't be called on financial abuses and incompetence with all that is now going on, and so can all lame governments in the world, the US Government being the most obvious of getting too fat, bloated, and having to most abuse its own people to cover up for the governments extravagance and theft of the gross national product.
Our new overlords are billionaires who are bent on giving us Communist rule, and a permanent lock down like we are in the biggest open air prison in the history of the world, the globe. These philanthropists now want to give us a vaccine shot because they are so kind, and generous with their stolen from us, wealth. I suspect my version of the shot will be lethal after some massive suffering.
Secular Humanism is the non-religion of both Communist, Corporate Organized Crime, and the World Bank crowd. The UN is the conduit of delivery.
What we see now is not a pandemic, it is a Clinton, Obama, and Xi Ping smokescreen to not have to pay the piper for the most massive crimes against humanity by perpetrating exponentially worse crimes against humanity.
I would like to take a sharpened stick, no grease, and jam it up the rear of a Winnie the Pooh stuffed bear, and burn it in a video and tell Xi Ping, his minions the 3 Clintons, and the 2 Obamas to go F' themselves and their little UN too.
Sit and eat popcorn, this doesn't concern you, right?
I have seen Amazing Polly, Polly St. George, on [Green Crow and the Crow Flies] blog. Google, the Alphabet Corp., owns blogger, which I am using now, YouTube etc. What you see and like on blogger and youtube, if available on another platform, you should go there now. [the SRV bitcute channel] is where I might be if I am no longer here.
Please save [Amazing Polly, BitChute link] to her channel, as anything Google is probably going to be memory holed, and those like us pursued by the Deep State in the order of our low Chinese Communist Government Social Score.
Polly St. George breaks it down.
Charities and Mind Control
I don't know how my Monsanto father got "initiated" to become an unapologetic globalist and pied piper of Secular Humanism. His initiation would explain his life long problem with hemorrhoids.
[Click here]
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Spurned Child Syndrome

The above image stolen [from here]
Either, or both, parents can pick one or more of their children that they'll spurn for a variety of reasons, or excuses.
A parent that resents a child for not having it as difficult, stressful, and for not having to do without enough food, parent attention, clothing, etc. will want to make their chosen child similarly suffer. A younger, or middle child, might resent their oldest sibling, and take it out on their oldest child. Many times the spurned child is of the same sex as the parent spurning them.
A child showing signs of joy, being relaxed, and content might be met with a parent ready to punish, and to cause as much stress and disruption in a child's sense of security, and even an adult child's life. This parental behavior can go from crib to grave, if the spurned child dies first.
No friend, spouse, significant other, job, school is good enough, or is too good. There will be constant comparisons, unsolicited advice, and the parent of their spurned children will do all they can unconsciously, or even overtly, to cause problems in relationships their spurned child has with others. They'll often automatically take the other side in any dispute. If there is divorce, the spouse that had everything wrong with him, or her, will suddenly become the most perfect, and worst loss. "You'll never get another one like that again".
In order for a spurned child to have any success in relationships, in jobs, in education, and in life, they must refuse to take any advice, and keep most information, significant others, friends, and any career interaction separate from a parent that underlying wants the worst for their spurned child.
A spurned child who doesn't self-heal, or seek professional help, might be more prone to suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, seeking another abuser, temper problems, a higher likelihood to end up in legal trouble, in prison, and/or may suffer other health, emotional, and physical problems.
Children of spurned children might be the ignored grandchildren, and the parents of the spurned child may similarly consider and treat their own grand kids as they did their own spurned child, or children.
Holidays, weddings, birthdays, special family gatherings, and formal events are the easiest venues to see this phenomenon for yourself. A parent will compliment and show positive attention to others, their other children, and the general public. The spurned child will get negative attention, be insulted, and every action they take, or word they utter, is under the abuser's microscope. The spurned child may choose to elope to avoid having the abusing parent part of any ceremony.
Having no desire to seek the parent's approval, goes the longest way to healing. Tune out, the endless tape of abuse of parent statements, remembering physical and emotional trauma, and do what you can not to suffer PTSD symptoms. Figure it is the parent's mental health problem, and condition, not yours.
Spurning a child is emotional abuse. Consider the child, try to educate the abusive parent if you think it safe to do so. If not, consider reporting the abuse to authorities, as with spurning a child, often other types of abuse are taking place.
Comparing health, dental, and other records of other children in the family can identify the spurned child. Does the child get less clothing, birthday and holiday presents than other siblings? Is there sympathy for other children when they suffer, are injured, or are rushed to the hospital, and the spurned child is accused of just "Trying to get attention"?
Parents should exorcise their own demons before even considering having children. We have had enough serial killers, suicides, and those that become common criminal parasites, and/or perpetual prison inmates.
Follow your own dreams, march to the tune of your own drummer, and consult the person most in your corner first, yourself.
If Trump has any skeletons in his closet. Maybe the best advice to fess up, and then you can go after your enemies and have the best chance of having the people support you is ... gag (reflex) ... Rachel Maddow.
I am not talking about Donald J. Trump commuting Roger Stone's sentence, or any pardons. I am talking about any dirty financial deals he has had in the past with Hillary Clinton that Trump potentially has. Pretty anyone who did business in New York City, and was in anyway big, had to grease Hillary Clinton's palms or suffer her wrath as New York US Senator back in [that time period].
What has Hillary Clinton done, and gotten away with? What did Martha Stewart allegedly do? See the disparity of justice? Hillary Clinton has done more evil in any given waking minute than Martha Stewart has done in her whole life.
President Donald Trump Sends Signal With Pardons, Could Face Rude Awakening | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC (uploaded May 31, 2018)
Don't Talk to the Police
Can (Guislaine) Maxwell be kept safe until trial? Former corrections official weighs in (Uploaded July 6, 2020)
Tucker: America is witnessing a brazen power grab (uploaded July 30, 2020) maybe the best explanation to date of what is going on ...
Are at least a small percentage of judges corrupted by the pedophilia, allegedly scourge of Clintons?
Tom Fitton: Trump ‘needs to protect the Constitution and pardon General Flynn’ (July 31, 2020, uploaded)
“Bill Chill”: Gates’ Control of Global Health & Political Institutions Masks are the "placeholders" for the vaccines ...
[Click here] for:
Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates to be arrested for FRAUD and RACKETEERING?

Did Trump know in March 2020, that the COVID Thing was a PLANNED EVENT, A DRILL, resulting from an agreement the UN and WHO World Health Organization started in motion in 2005?
If Trump did what a President is supposed to do, and keep quiet about the scam because someone else signed their agreement, years ago, shame on Trump.
It shows that Trump has become part of the UN/Leftist Democrat scam to remove him, the whole COVID DRILL that went LIVE as the TOOL.
Restraining Orders are often used to censor and punish those who speak truth to power:
This blogger's back up posts to all of the above [found here], which also goes into more depth.
Picture at top of the page [found here]
23 of 26 Bombs Planted by Police Union Operatives Fail to Explode? [post with videos]
Did Jeffrey Epstein, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton use Meat Cleavers Killing Children after Raping them?
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