Clinton Coup 2.0 Ramps Up?
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[Source of Phote and Excerpt]:
Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez — who has been in office for six months — argued that she deserves a $4,500 pay raise even though her party blocked an effort to increase congressional pay.
Keep in mind that this time last year, AOC was a bartender who lived off tips. And given her track record of tax evasion, it’s unlikely that she paid taxes on those gratuities. Today, Ocasio Cortez makes $174,000 per year as a Congresswoman, courtesy of U.S. taxpayers.
[more from source]
[This blogger's videos uploaded on BitChute, click here], please save link in case what I post here on the SRV disappears and gets UN censorship memory holed.
AOC's push to defund Trump's 'opportunity zones' is a big mistake: White House
How much have the Bidens, Obamas, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Dick Cheney, George H. W. Bush from his CIA cocaine trafficking day etc, "made"?
All the names mentioned above didn't, and don't care about you.
It is Republicans in name only, and mostly Democrats that want, and have destroyed as much of traditional America, family farms, ranches, small business, the economy, intact families, children's futures, independent media, political rivals, free speech, and the US Constitution itself.
Now they want us all to shelter in place for what has turned out to be a non-pandemic and non threat to life, actually less death than the regular flu.
The NFL, professional baseball may in future not have the national anthem sung before games to show that the US no longer exists as a country. NASCAR was nearly banned because one African American had a garage door pull in his garage area, like most other drivers, and it was not a noose.
The Left Propaganda won't stop until these conspirators and coup of the US traitors are brought to justice by a people's grand jury, and most judges, courts, and "justice in America" have all been compromised by the Clintons, Obamas, and the Communist Chinese through the UN.
This is just one big screw job, and it actually hasn't stopped, and has ramped up since [the Clintons' Coup 1.0, the OKC Fed Building Bombing].
All the alphabet agencies, WHO World Health Organization, the international police union, the World Bank, The Federal Reserve, I.H.O. Intentional Health Organization, Antifa, the paid mercenaries in BLM Black Lives Matter were part of Clinton Coup 2.0, and most were part of Clinton Coup 1.0
The UN and Leftist Democrats have colluded with the Chinese Communist Government. Do you like your small tasted of things to come?
I am extremely unhappy with Trump because of his alliance with Bill Gates and Fauci, showing me Trump has something to hide, is compromised, and/or is being threatened so badly, he fears for his life, and all of his family.
There isn't going to be much of a difference in Trump is in again, except that with Biden, you will get a hidden "real choice" of the UN Leftist Democrat Chinese Communists who are in charge, gasoline and diesel engines and personal transportation will start to end at pace like the current lock down.
[click here] for:
Communist Collaborator, Remove Maine Governor (Attorney) Janet Mills
Janet Mills photo [found here]
This shrew is harming the State of Maine and is making 100s of thousands risk financial ruin, then starvation. Janet Mills is complicit in taking down the United States of America giving into the communist plot to make world descend into chaos, mass starvation, and financial collapse, the only way that communists seize power is that they are anarchists bent on mega death.
They are coming for you soon. You have been warned.
"News" Media Paid with Tax Money to Lie?
The 2012 US NDAA legislation allegedly paved the way for the US Defense Department to propagandize news with 100s of millions of dollars AND to conduct covert psychological operations to steer the public to accept political agendas set forth by a secret "think tank".
Now do you get it?
Antifa, BLM Black Lives Matter, and other operatives that the UN/Democrat Leftists hire to riot, protest, and ruin the US economy aren't social distancing, yet there is no spike in the BS COVID "infections".
Kim Foxx's policies are 'destroying our city,' Chicago alderman claims
See a fraud in action:
Tucker: Dr. Fauci seems to forget masks are important
Trump is now starting to sound like Biden on masks, the bogus "Summer Flu", and keeping the US, and world shut down to "save lives". There are no more deaths than normal from the Flu. Although mass starvation is already settling in for most of the world. How many Americans are currently seeing dentists about the hidden problem, dental health is going back to the stone age.
KDKA Exclusinve Interview With Joe Biden
Ingraham: Joe Biden's care package
Ingraham: Joe Biden's fantasy COVID fix
Chinese Spies, inserted all over the world in preparation of the world take over, all other national borders erased, except for China. The below video is the blueprint of the chaos that is going on in the US, and the rest of the world, right now.
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Chinese spy spills secrets to expose Communist espionage | 60 Minutes Australia
Click on top banner of most blogs to go to newest posts. Wake up others, click on white envelope below to share posts. My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com
Like, or hate Trump, imagine if weren't served in a restaurant for wearing an Obama support cap, and then kicked out. I was kicked out of the Fireside Restaurant in Methuen Massachusetts for wearing a Trump shirt about 2 or 3 years ago.
Pelosi: Virus fears shouldn't stop Chinatown trips February 29, 2020
Nancy Pelosi, "Hug Chinese People in Chinatown, it's safe"? February 24, 2020.
If the virus is dangerous, was Pelosi trying to get maximum spread of this "disease"? Also, how come this witch hasn't gotten it?
Italian residents hug Chinese people to encourage them in coronavirus fight February 4, 2020
Top 10 Celebrity Trump Haters
One of the biggest threats to Trump, to the US Constitution is Richard Blumenthal, mentioned in [this post] Was former Connecticut Attorney General Dick Blumenthal, not only involved as the alleged "accountant" of 9/11, but was warned prior and could have prevented 9/11? [blog post]
I proposed Civilian Oversight of Police back in the 1990s. Ritt Goldstein and I suffered similar, life altering, and family breakup, financial ruin, and were both a target of all judges worldwide, and every alphabet agency, and branch of government puppeteered by the International Police Union:
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